Cards/Tsuzuru Minagi/Close-Call Illusion

From A3! Wiki
Serious.png Spring troupe.png SR
Close-Call Illusion
(Close-Call Illusion) Tsuzuru Serious SR.png
(Close-Call Illusion) Tsuzuru Serious SR+.png
Leader Skill 種も仕掛けもなかったら困る
In a Pinch Without Smoke or Mirrors
Adlib Skill ウィッチクラフト・サークル
Witchcraft Circle
Cardset The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz (First Half)



I practiced some magic tricks you can do with handkerchiefs and stuff for a performance for my little brother’s birthday party. You want to see? Sorry, but uh…


Card Stats[edit]

Lv. Comedy.png Co Action.png Ac Serious.png Sr
1 1642 1047 1791
60 3117 1991 3384
+ 3367 2151 3654
++ 3617 2311 3924
🔥🔥🔥 4517 3211 4824

Adlib Skill Stats[edit]

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 30 17.5
2 40 17.5
3 50 25
4 60 29



Tsuzuru 001 Chibi.png Tsuzuru 036 Chibi.png