Itaru Chigasaki/Journey of Blooming

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IRL Cooking, Start

Backstage Stories
ItaruHuh?! What the hell, piss off!
ChikageMasumi, nice assist.
CitronItaru, you lost bone!
TsuzuruYou lost "one." You've already made that mistake how many times already.
SakuyaItaru-san was completely unchallenged up until a little while ago... It's amazing how fast the two of them figured out the tricks to the game and beat Itaru-san!
ItaruIt's pretty cowardly for you two to target me together.
ChikageThis is one type of strategy, too.
TsuzuruBut you know, I didn't think the KniRoun series had this kind of party game, too.
CitronIt's a party game that lots of characters from different titles appear in.
There's a big compilation of mini-games, and it's exciting when everyone gets hyped playing~!
SakuyaIt's really fun!
ChikageThere are a lot of genres to the mini-games they put in here, too.
CitronWhich game should we play next?
ItaruIf I keep losing like this, I'm not gonna be able to accept it on my pride as a gamer. Let's have a showdown in this cooking game next!
SakuyaThis is... a game where you cook?
MasumiIt says here that it's a "Fried Onigiri Battle." Do fried onigiri even appear in KniRoun?
CitronThey're in KniRoun IX.
TsuzuruLet's see... Coat your onigiri in soy sauce, and at the correct timing, flip them over. Let's compete to see who can make the most within the time limit...?
ChikageHuh, that's a pretty surprising choice.
ItaruTruth is, I'm pretty good at this.
CitronThen, Itaru and Tsuzuru should battle first!
ItaruHehe, feel free to cower in fear at my superior fried onigiri making skills.
MasumiWho in their right mind would cower in fear over fried onigiri making skills.
CitronGame, start!
ItaruTake this!
SakuyaAmazing! Itaru-san's character is making onigiri after onigiri!
CitronHe's several times faster than Tsuzuru!
ChikageIt's true that he's good at this. But——
Masumi... It's super simple.
CitronIt's simple.
ChikageVery simple.
ItaruQuiet in the peanut gallery.
TsuzuruThe timing for this is surprisingly... Oh no, it's burnt!
*ding, ding, ding*
ItaruHell yeah, crushed it!
TsuzuruI couldn't make anything... This game looks pretty simple at first glance, but it's surprisingly hard.
ItaruI know, right.
CitronIt looks interesting~! I wanna play next! Let's have a battle, Sakuya!
SakuyaI-I'll do my best!
Tsuzuru... Ah, right. I just remembered since we're talking about cooking, but has everyone decided what they're making for that plan?
ChikageOh, that thing we discussed about one of the members making a meal for Director-san everyday, in coordination with the second anniversary of the theater.
ItaruI've at least bookmarked a bunch of recipes off the internet. ——Looks like this.
SakuyaCarbonara, lasagna, bouillabaise... Everything looks so good!
CitronWhat a fancy menu~!
Masumi... I don't think Itaru can make any of this.
TsuzuruYeah, I dunno...
ChikageWhy don't you switch over to cup ramen? Chigasaki, you like that, don't you?
ItaruAre you making fun of me?
It's true that I usually don't cook, but if I have a recipe, I can at least make this much.
TsuzuruAnd just where do you get that mysterious confidence from?
CitronI wanna see Itaru cooking! Make something for practice!
ChikageI agree. How about Chigasaki makes a midnight snack while we take a break from playing?
CitronSounds good!
ItaruFor real?
But, well, I'm getting kinda hungry too, and having everyone think I can only make cup noodles is kinda annoying——
'K, then let's go to the real kitchen, then.
Huh, it's Misumi. What're you doing?
MisumiI got hungry, so I'm making onigiri~.
TsuzuruJust as you'd expect from Ikaruga-san, your onigiri are perfectly triangular as usual.
ItaruOnigiri, huh. I've gotta be able to at least make something like this. Okay, then, our snack is gonna be onigiri, too.
SakuyaI'm looking forward to your onigiri, Itaru-san.
CitronItaru, fighting!
MisumiIt's not a triangle...
ChikageIt's like you just stuck a sheet of nori onto a clump of white rice.
CitronIt's slovenly.
TsuzuruYou mean sloppy. But it doesn't matter either way.
MasumiFrankly, it looks nasty.
SakuyaB-But, even if he's not good at making the shape of a onigiri, that doesn't necessarily mean he's bad at cooking!
Plus, I think what's really important isn't the appearance of the food, but the flavor.
TsuzuruWell, that might be true, but...
CitronThen, I'll try it right away! Thanks for the food!
SakuyaThank you for the food!
TsuzuruSo salty...!
ChikageNo matter how you look at it, you used way too much salt...
ItaruUrgh... you're totally right. Even though I made it, this is awful.
MasumiAre you trying to make the Director sick? I won't forgive you.
ItaruTo think I couldn't even make onigiri properly...
TsuzuruYou don't have to be that shocked.
ItaruBut I mean, even in the game, onigiri are the worst recovery item...
ChikageYou're breaking the fourth wall.
ItaruIt looks like there's no way I'm going to be able to make any of those recipes I bookmarked, either...
MisumiItaru, cheer up. If you practice, you'll get better at making triangular onigiri!
ItaruYou're right. ... Alright, I'll start with mastering the art of making regular onigiri.
TsuzuruToday's the day Itaru-san's in charge of cooking.
CitronItaru, have you made your onigiri?
ItaruYeah, I'm done.
Before I can give them to Director-san, I was told I had to pass the Masumi Check——
So I was thinking I'd have everyone else see the results of my training, too.
Right, here you go. What do you think?
TsuzuruOoh! The shape's kinda round, but it's a real triangle!
SakuyaIt looks delicious!
CitronHe's definitely leveled up!
ChikageI've had to eat his practice onigiri every day, too... If he hasn't improved at all, that'd be a problem for me, too.
TsuzuruIf it's like this, it's probably a passing mark, right?
MasumiWait. I'll check its taste. There's no way I'm letting the Director eat something nasty.
ItaruAlright, then please check the flavor.
ItaruHow is it?
Masumi... It's bland.
SakuyaReally? But, I thought Chikage-san has been testing the taste every...
ChikageI was checking the shape, but for the onigiri itself, I put my own spices on it and ate it.
TsuzuruBeing a taste tester lost its meaning...
ItaruSince the first time I made them, everyone said they was too salty, I was trying to be careful, but this time there wasn't enough, huh.
CitronOh~, it Brad-pyred on him.
TsuzuruWho the heck is Brad?! You mean backfired.
ChikageSo, what are you going to do now? You already made the onigiri, so all that's left is to take it to her, right?
——Wait! I've got it.
Izumi(For some reason, ever since a little while ago, this good smell has been coming from somewhere...)
(I'm kind of hungry. After I finish this up, I think I'll go get something to snack on.)
*knock, knock*
*door opens*
ItaruDirector-san, GW~. Here, this is for you.
IzumiHuh, for me?
——Wow, fried onigiri! They look delicious!
(So that nice smell from earlier was this!)
Is it alright to take these?
ItaruI made them for you, actually.
Izumi(Ah, right. Now that I think about it, everyone has been making food for me. So today was Itaru-san's turn.)
Thank you very much. I was just feeling a bit hungry.
I'll eat them right away.
ItaruFeel free.
Itaru... How is it?
Izumi... Umm, Itaru-san, you're kind of close.
ItaruAh, sorry, couldn't help myself.
IzumiIt's really savory and delicious!
ItaruHell yeah!
ItaruL Phew, that's a relief~.
I had no idea what I was going to do if you said, "It's not that good..." It was worth it to practice that much.
CHOICE 1: "You practiced?" [+]
IzumiYou practiced?
ItaruYeah. It's really lame, but I couldn't even make onigiri all that well.
That's why, every day I trained diligently to be able to shape them into a proper triangular shape, but... Practicing was actually pretty fun.
IzumiIs that so?
ItaruI thought about a lot of things while making them, like, "I wonder if she'll be happy?" or, "I'd like her to say that it was delicious."
That's why, Director-san smiling after eating my onigiri... It makes me really happy.
Maybe I'll practice making other types of foods, too?
CHOICE 2: "The degree to which it was cooked is perfect" [+]
IzumiThe degree to which it was cooked is also perfect!
ItaruThat's because it's something I've trained for in the Fried Onigiri Battle.
IzumiFried Onigiri Battle?
ItaruThere's a game like that. Director-san, wanna play too next time?
I'll teach you the tricks to playing that game, so I'd like you to teach me how to make delicious onigiri.
IzumiAhaha, that sounds fun. You've got it!
ItaruAlso, will you tell me what kind of flavor and filling you like in your onigiri?
If you do, then I'll make onigiri for a midnight snack again. It'd be fun to eat and play together, right?
Izumi(Hearing him say it like that is kind of embarrassing, but it makes me happy...)
ItaruThat being said, in a game it's simple, but cooking for real is super hard.
It's for performances as well, but... Director-san, thank you for always making food for us, too.
I seriously realized how amazing you are through this.
IzumiI should be the one thanking you for everything.
I'll make some delicious curry tomorrow, too!
Itaru——Director-san's cooking that isn't curry is delicious, too. So, what about making something that isn't curry tomorrow?
... But, well, if it's something you made, I'll eat it all gratefully, and I really do like it, so.
