Tsumugi Tsukioka/Spotlight

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SPOTLIGHT Web ver: Tsumugi Tsukioka

Backstage Stories
TsumugiWhich part of town should we go around to today?
TasukuLet’s see…
AzumaOh, are the two of you heading out?
TsumugiYes. Are you also going out, Azuma-san?
AzumaI am. Where are you two going then?
TsumugiWe’ll be going out for a street act.
AzumaMind if I tag along your way?
TasukuSure thing.
TsumugiGoing out for errands today?
AzumaI’ll be going to a cafe to meet up with Asajo-san.
TsumugiThat so? Please say hi to Asajo-san for us, then.
AzumaI’ll be sure to let her know.
Tsumugi“I’ve been searching everywhere for you. You know exactly the reason why, right?”
Tasuku“Could it be… Does it have something to do with that incident from 10 years ago? Even now…?”
Tsumugi“I’ve been waiting for this moment all these years. I’ll definitely make you pay for what you’ve done…!”
*audience applause*
TsumugiThank you for watching!
Audience AThat was so intense!
Audience BI know it’s just a street act, but it still made my heart race.
TsumugiPhew… I’m glad a lot of people turned up to watch us.
TasukuYeah. But besides that… The role you did just now, do you think it’d be better to show a little bit more insanity for it?
TsumugiHmm. Well, in my thoughts, the role had this kind of image:
He’s hasn’t completely committed to hurting the other, and thus, rather than keeping those thoughts to himself, it’s more of him trying not to let that lack of conviction show on his face.
TasukuNow I get it.
Azuma…Oh, Tsumugi and Tasuku? Are you both still doing street acts?
TsumugiHuh, were you not able to meet up with Asajo-san at the cafe?
AzumaI already did. Look at the sky, Tsumugi.
TsumugiHuh? Ah… The sun’s already beginning to set.
AzumaFufu, you two don’t even notice the time when you’re in the middle of your street acts. How in character for you both.
Any plans on going back yet?
TsumugiWell… It is getting pretty dark. How about we call it a day, Tasuku?
TasukuSuppose so.
TaichiThat drama was so good!
TsumugiThe casting was just perfect, too.
HomareI’m home.
TsumugiOh, Homare-san. Welcome back.
TaichiWelcome home!
HomareOh, good timing, Tsumugi-kun. I was just talking with my publisher earlier but it seems that there will be another art exhibition with the “devil” theme once again.
TsumugiIs that right? Huh, it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long since we went to the previous one, but somehow it’s still nostalgic.
TaichiYou two went to one before?
TsumugiBack during the Stray Devil Blues performance run, there happened to be one ongoing. I figured I’d be able to get inspired for my role-studying, so I went there with Homare-san.
HomareIt seems that the art exhibition was quite well-received, so they are considering opening another run again next year.
TsumugiI’d love to go there again.
TaichiI wanna come with you guys, too!
HomareIt is decided! All three of us shall go next time.
TaichiAll right!!
IzumiOh, Tsumugi-san, so you were here.
TsumugiDo you need me for something, Director?
IzumiSince you’re next up for the “Spotlight” Web version’s interview, I got you the questionnaire that you’ll be answering.
TsumugiThank you very much.
HomareHisoka-kun had his interview just a while ago too. So it’s already Tsumugi-kun’s turn, I see.
IzumiWith everyone from the Summer and Autumn troupes already done, from this month on it’ll be the Winter Troupe members next. Time flies, huh?
HomareIt looks like I’ll be getting my turn quite soon, too.
CHOICE 1: Does the questionnaire look alright for you? [+]
IzumiDoes the questionnaire look alright for you?
TsumugiIt does. They seem pretty easy to answer, so I appreciate it.
IzumiThat’s great to hear then!
TsumugiBut besides that, there’s this question…
TsumugiNo, never mind. I think I’ll prepare and think over my answers for these, first.
IzumiYes, please go ahead!
CHOICE 2: Is there any question that piques your interest? [+]
IzumiAny question that piques your interest in particular?
Tsumugi…I suppose I could say I do. Perhaps.
IzumiReally, which one?
TsumugiThat… would have to wait until the interview is published, so please look forward to it.
IzumiWell, I guess I have no choice but to be patient for it then!
TsumugiFufu, please do.
It feels like all these questions will get me to show the leverage of experiences I’ve had until now, so I’ll make sure to think about them carefully to make for a good interview.
IzumiYes, please do your best!
TasukuThat’s the questionnaire for “Spotlight”, right?
TsumugiIt is. I was nervous about the kind of questions I was going to get for this, but I’m relieved to see they’re easier than expected.
TasukuAre they really that easy to answer?
TsumugiI feel a lot of it will have me talking about my experience in “Stray Devil Blues.”
(Speaking of which, the mentions of Asajou-san and the art exhibition from today got me reminiscing about “Stray Devil Blues” as well…)
(Moreover, this one question… Talk about perfect timing.)
TsumugiThanks for the opportunity.
KasumiPleasure to work with you as well.
Well then, shall we get started with the interview?
KasumiSo, Tsumugi-san, we know that you’ve had lots of experience with theatre ever since your school days, but…
}Do you feel as if there are roles or performances that made you feel any changes in yourself, or feel as if you’ve made great strides in?
TsumugiLet’s see, now… I could name a lot of them to answer the question, but in my heart, I feel that the most significant one would be “Stray Devil Blues.”
Kasumi“Stray Devil Blues” is the performance you took part in against your second showdown with GODza Theatre, and even gained outstanding popularity afterward, isn’t it?
TsumugiIndeed. It’s because of its attention that there was a lot of pressure.
But, I really wanted to perform a role that I’ve never done before— one that I couldn’t do with the experience I had up until that point.
I consulted with our in-house scriptwriter, Minagi Tsuzuru-kun, about the script and asked for a role that couldn’t be done with just experience alone. Thus, I received the role of a devil which I would have the most challenge to ever perform as.
KasumiReally!? That is nothing but conviction, right there.
TsumugiAhaha, I had thought the same thing. But I did not regret it one bit.
It’s because of that role, I was able to become someone who could overcome “the actor who is named Tsumugi Tsukioka”...
Most of all, performing as Lucifer was incredibly fun for me.
KasumiAnd as expected, you feel as if acting is an eternal one-sided love[1], yes?
TsumugiThat’s from the previous interview…! To think you still remember that.
It’s embarrassing to admit it, but it’s just as you say. In relation to that, this performance was one that made me realize that once again.
KasumiI suppose for even someone like yourself, you had a difficult time doing role studies for Lucifer?
TsumugiIt was difficult, of course. I wanted to get closer to my own ideals, after all…
That’s why I went and talked with my members who have had their own lives full of color and experiences, and came to use those stories as references for my role study.
KasumiMANKAI Company must be full of its own unique individuals, huh?
TsumugiIt really is. I’m always thankful for it.
KasumiSo even despite the trouble you’ve had with it, it’s thanks to playing the role of Lucifer— a kind of role that you’ve never done before, that you were able to change yourself.
TsumugiThat is correct. And also… Having done that performance as a challenge, I was finally approved by a person who couldn’t even recognize me before.
It was a performance that could really change someone’s feelings.
To be frank, that person’s words have always stayed unforgettable in my heart… But if it wasn’t for them, I probably wouldn’t be here, facing my challenges as I do now.
That is why I have nothing but gratefulness for that person.
KasumiThank you for your time today.
TsumugiThank you again for having me.
KasumiYou know, when I also saw “Stray Devil Blues” footage myself, I thought it was absolutely amazing.
TsumugiSo you saw it as well? Thank you so much!
KasumiIt’s just as you pointed out in the interview. Lucifer really wasn’t the kind of devil anyone could imagine from the usual Tsumugi-kun.
Now I feel like rewatching the whole thing after talking with you. I hope I get to catch it live someday.
TsumugiFufu, thank you very much. If we ever get a chance to do a rerun, we’ll be sure to let you know.


  1. You can read about the original SPOTLIGHT magazine interview (cir Jan 2020) from here