Kumon Hyodo/Sparkling Snow Globe

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Unmeltable Snowman

Backstage Stories
KumonIt's cold today too...
JuzaKumon, look outside.
UWAH! It’s snowing!
Nii-chan, I wanna build a snowman!
JuzaSure. Then let’s go out for a bit?
JuzaMake sure you’re bundled up before you go out so you don’t catch a cold.
And done! Look, look!
I tried making the face look kinda like nii-chan!
JuzaDo we look alike…?
KumonEhh, I think you guys look super similar though!
JuzaI dunno if we look alike, but it came out pretty strong-lookin’, huh?
Juza…It’s gettin’ really cold out.
Let’s head back in.
We’ll see each other again tomorrow, Mr. snowman!
Mornin’, Mr. snowman!
I’ll make a friend for you today—.
The snowman melted…
Even though I said I’d see him tomorrow…
Juza…We can make another one.
Kumon*Sniffle*… he came out so cool though…
(I fell asleep before I knew it… and I had a really nostalgic dream.)
…Ah, it’s snowing!
Hey, hey, Sumi-san, it’s snow—.
Ah, huh? He’s not here…
*door opens*
MisumiKumon~! It’s snowing.
Everyone’s outside, so let’s head there together?
KumonI’ll go!
Uwahh, it’s pure white…!
SakuyaWhat is that, Citron-san?
CitronIt’s a snow Kamekichi!
TaichiThat was Kamekichi!?
I thought it was Akapoyo-kun…!
IzumiYour snow bunny is adorable too, Muku-kun.
MukuEhehe, there just happened to be red berries around, so I tried making one.
Attach them as the eyes and… done!
MisumiEveryone, I brought Kumon over too~.
IzumiAh, Kumon-kun! We’re making snowmen together right now.
MisumiWahh! Amazing, everyone, amaaazing!
I’m going to make a triangle snowman~!
TaichiBut the snow hasn’t piled up at all yet~.
The only snowmen we can make are tiny!
CitronWe can’t hold a snowfall fright[1] either!
IzumiYou mean a snowball fight?
CitronThat’s it!
SakuyaWhen it piles up even more, I’d love to make a snow hut too!
MisumiLet's make a snowman together, Kumon~!
TaichiAmazin’, Kyu-chan!
It looks just like Juza-san!
KumonHehe, it’s cause I’ve always been making my snowmen while imagining nii-chan’s face, see~.
MukuThat’s Kyu-chan for you.
It really looks just like him!
MisumiIts eyes are triangles~!
The norse twin[2] is getting intense...
SakuyaNorse twin?
Ah, the north wind, right!
IzumiIt’s gotten cold now, so how about we head back inside?
KumonI wonder if it’ll melt when tomorrow comes…
IzumiIt’s a bit small, so there’s a chance it might melt, huh…
KumonYeah, I thought so…
Actually, I had a dream a moment ago.
IzumiA dream?
KumonYep. It was about a time I built a snowman together with nii-chan when I was little.
IzumiFufu, that sounds fun.
KumonWe made it pretty huge when we built it together, so I didn’t think it would melt right away…
But it was a goner when I went to check on it the next day…
So that’s why I feel a little lonely when I have to leave my snowman.
IzumiYeah, it does feel a bit painful when the snowman you made yourself melts away…
KumonYou're right about that…
IzumiAh, good morning, Juza-kun.
It snowed, huh?
I made snowmen with Kumon-kun and the other guys last night.
JuzaI heard from Kumon.
Sounds like you had fun.
IzumiI also heard about the time you two made a snowman together when you were younger.
But Kumon-kun seemed a little sad when he said the snowman you made melted right away.
JuzaAhh, that reminds me that happened too…
It rained that night, so the huge snowman we made didn’t last long.
IzumiI see…
JuzaBack then, Kumon was cryin’ while sayin’ he wished unmeltable snow existed.
Izumi(Unmeltable snow, huh…)
Ah, I know!
IzumiHe’s here. Kumon-kun.
KumonWhat’s up, Director?
IzumiI’m giving this to you.
Is it ok if I open it?
IzumiOf course.
KumonThis is.. a snow globe?
It’s sooo pretty! Ah, there’s a snowman inside!
IzumiFufu, this is a snowman that’s unmeltable.
Kumon…! Director… You remembered my story that time!
I’m suuuper happy!!
IzumiI’m glad if it cheers you up.
CHOICE 1: The snow has piled up quite a bit now. [+]
IzumiThe snow has piled up quite a bit now.
KumonYeah, it piled up a lot, so everyone in Summer troupe agreed to have a snowball fight together later!
IzumiOh, really—that sounds fun!
KumonYep! Ah, join us too, Director!
IzumiCan I? If you say so, then I guess I’ll join you guys.
CHOICE 2: Aren’t you cold over here? [+]
IzumiAren’t you cold over here?
KumonThis much is fine!
Plus, I try to eat food that warms up my body every day.
Ah, there’s also stretches that warm you up easily, so I’ll teach them to Director too, next time!
IzumiSure, I might ask you about that…
KumonAnyways, this snow globe sure is beautiful.
I think I could watch it forever and never get tired of it!
And now I can meet this snowman 365 days of the year!
Thanks, Director!



  1. Citron originally says "雪ガッテン" (yuki gatten), which Izumi corrects as "雪合戦" (yuki gassen: snowball fight)
  2. Citron originally says "北影" (kita kage: north shadow), which Sakuya corrects as "北風" (kita kaze: north wind)