Tasuku Takato/Brilliance of Blooming

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MANKAI Livestream! ~LIVE: Tasuku~

Backstage Stories
IzumiKazunari-kun is also joining in on today’s leader’s meeting.
KazunariLet’s do this piko~!
BanriHave you come up with somethin’ again?
KazunariThat’s right, Setzer!
There’s a lil something I wanted to try.
So you see… we held a project survey for the fans to find out what they’d like us to do!
SakuyaA project survey?
IzumiYep. We did it for our fans as per Kazunari-kun’s suggestion.
KazunariThankfully, MANKAI Company’s popularity is soaring through the roof right now!
TenmaThat’s true. We got a lot of new fans too.
Kazunari‘Cept some of the folks who have been supporting us for a while also voiced that they’re a bit lonely since it feels like there’s been more distance between us.
But, like, we wanna be a Theatre troupe that’s close to our fans no matter how much our popularity rises, right?
BanriI see.
So that explains the project survey, eh?
TsumugiHow were the results?
KazunariThe most common answer was, “I wanna see more InsteLives and selfies from all the troupe members!”
TenmaWell, the frequency of InsteLive streams varies from person to person.
TsumugiIt’s the same for our selfies.
We basically leave it to the members who are good at SNS.
KazunariYep, and so! As a special project this time, I propose we hold a solo InsteLive and selfie festival for 24 consecutive days!
BanriA selfie festival?
KazunariIt’d be even more hype if we took selfies during the live and upped the pics to Inste later, wouldn’t it!
IzumiWe’ve also discussed it with Sakyo-san, and he said we can do it as long as I keep watch to make sure no trouble occurs during the streams.
KazunariAnd so, the rest depends on you guys…
How about it?
SakuyaI’d love to do it! Of course I want to make everyone happy…
But I’m happy for the chance to talk with all the fans through the screen too!
TsumugiI’d like to give it a try too. I feel like I’m getting more used to InsteLives, little by little.
TenmaHey, but, we can’t just idly chat, right?
KazunariOn that topic, I thought it might be great to send out another survey to hear what they’d like each troupe member to do.
BanriSeems like it’ll be a lot easier to handle in that case.
IzumiEvery InsteLive will turn out differently. That sounds interesting.
Kazunari‘Kay then, it’s settled!
Leave the form creation and tallying up to me!
SakuyaThank you very much, Kazunari-san!
IzumiAlright then, leaders. Please share the InsteLive and selfie plan with all your members.
LeadersGot it!
TsumugiHere, Tasuku.
Kazu-kun gave these to me to hand to you.
TasukuAhh. The InsteLive requests, huh?
That being said… there’s a huge amount.
TsumugiIt’s amazing, right? It makes me happy to think our fans are watching us this much.
TasukuThat’s true.
There’s also people who have been supporting me ever since my GODza days within these. I’m really grateful.
TsumugiOn the other hand, there are also people who have written they want to know what you were like back then.
How do those requests sound?
TasukuI don’t particularly mind talking about it, myself…
But there’s a possibility it could cause trouble for GODza.
I’m not affiliated with them now, after all.
The fans read our blogs this much too, huh… I'm surprised there are comments about the things I wrote a long time ago and their reactions to all the fine details.
TsumugiYou don’t normally show much of your daily life or pastimes, so maybe they’re checking every little thing in your blogs.
TasukuIs it fun to see my daily life and hobbies?
TsumugiRequests about it have come in since they think it’s fun, right?
Look. Like this one or this one here too.
I got it. Since I’m also getting questions like this, I’ll talk about that hobby of mine in my upcoming stream.
TsumugiThat one…?
TasukuIt’s probably the one you’re thinking of.
TsumugiI see. …Say, Tasuku. If you’re going to talk about that, then why don’t you invite that person to help you out?
TasukuThat person… are they the type of person who would come if they’re invited?
TsumugiIf you’re the one asking, then I’m sure they won’t refuse.
TasukuI didn’t think you’d actually come…
I called out to you assuming that it wouldn’t work out.
ChikageOn the contrary, I have no reason to refuse your request, Tasuku.
I have nothing to do today either.
Besides, if there’s two of us, then there’d be more production stories to tell, right?
TasukuWell, yeah… good point.
It helps to have more stories to talk about.
IzumiThe stream is about to start.
Are the two of you ready?
ChikageI’m ready to go any time.
IzumiThen 3, 2, 1… start!
TasukuSo the stream has started.
Hey, everyone. It’s Takato Tasuku from MANKAI Company’s Winter troupe.
Tasuku Brilliance of Blooming 2-1.jpg
Comment“Hello, Tasuku-san!”
Comment“We were waiting!”
TasukuI appreciate all the comments right away.
Alright, this is sudden, but a guest came for today’s stream.
Comment“Who, who?”
Comment“Is it a Winter troupe member?”
It's Spring troupe’s Utsuki Chikage.
Comment“It’s Chikage-san!”
Comment“That’s a surprising guest”
Comment“What’s the connection?”
ChikageIt looks like there are folks who are wondering why it’s me.
The reason actually has to do with today’s plan. Isn’t that right, Tasuku?
TasukuYeah. We’re going to talk about DIY today as per the InsteLive requests I got.
Every once in a while, I write about DIY stories on in my blog posts and introduce what I've made—.
So I got requests saying people would like to know if there’s anything else I’ve made.
Comment“I’m curious!”
Comment“I bet he’s made some impressive things”
TasukuI’ve made some DIYs by myself, but Utsuki and I have worked together a couple of times too.
ChikageRight. So that’s why I was called over as a guest.
Comment“I see~!”
TasukuAlright, I’ll go ahead and introduce some.
Speaking of items that we have made up until now, what comes to mind are—.
The radio-controlled car[1] and baseball game board… and we’ve also made drums[2] before.
Comment“You can make that via DIY?”
ChikageThose were originally made of cardboard or something and we rearranged it, right?
It might be closer to say it was a remake than a DIY.
There are also many times we have added alternative functions while also repairing the original item.
ChikageOh, right. That was the case with the glowing shaved ice machine[3].
TasukuAhh, that glowing one…
Tasuku Brilliance of Blooming 2-2.jpg
Comment“Tasuku looks deflated lmao”
Comment“A glowing shaved ice machine…?”
ChikageDon’t make that face. I like the glowing shaved ice machine quite a bit.
TasukuYou’re the only one who thought it was amusing.
ChikageThat’s not true. It was a surprising hit with some of the guys.
TasukuSome happy-looking members do come to mind, I guess…
Comment“Have you made anything huge?”
TasukuSomething huge, huh…
The drums we mentioned before were pretty big.
ChikageWe have that which is larger, don’t we?
If possible, let’s bring that item over.
Oi, right now?
Come on. Lend me a hand, Tasuku.
Comment“They left.”
Comment“The stream is deserted lol”
Comment“What could it be?”
*comes back*
Tasuku…Oof. Sorry for the wait.
ChikageWe’re back.
Comment“Eh, what’s that!”
Comment“It’s seriously huge!”
Comment“A table??”
TasukuThis is a special billiards table we made from scratch.
By the way, it’s designed to light up when a ball sinks into the pockets[4].
Comment“It glows again lmao”
Comment“You guys like stuff that lights up haha”
ChikageThis was pretty tough to build.
TasukuYeah. We had to make sure it was safe too.
CHOICE 1: You put that much thought into it [+]
Comment“You put that much thought into it!”
TasukuOf course.
I can’t let my friends use something even if there’s the slightest risk.
Comment“You’re like a craftsman!”
TasukuA craftsman…
My main job is an actor, so this is just a hobby.
Comment“We know that lmao”
Comment“I like this part of Tasuku-san haha”
CHOICE 2: You can play with it properly [+]
Comment“Then you can play with it properly!”
TasukuIt’s a billiards table, so it’d be pointless if you couldn’t play with it.
There are times you put your weight on the table when you play…
So I really paid attention to its strength.
After all, a lot of our members are huge guys.
Comment“Eh, the troupe members play billiards together!?”
Comment“Whaaat, I totally wanna see.”
Comment“I’m sure Tasuku-san playing billiards would look so cool!”
Comment“What would you like to make after this?”
TasukuSomething I’d like to make?
Let me think…
It’s my dream to be able to make an original muscle training machine.
ChikageIf it’s the muscle training machine you came up with, then you’ll definitely be able to make it, right?
Tasuku…You think so? I need to start thinking about the design then.
ChikageI’ll help you.
Comment“A Takato Tasuku produced muscle training machine!”
Comment“The person himself thinks it up, makes it, and uses it lol”
Izumi“It’s almost time!”
TasukuAhh, it looks like it’s about time to end this.
Comment“I wanted to hear more~”
ChikageOh, Tasuku.
You have to take the selfie for the project at the end.
TasukuOh yeah.
ChikageIs one picture alright?
TasukuYeah, that’s enough.
Alright then. Today’s stream will go up to here.
Thank you very much for watching.
Comment“It was fun”
TasukuI’ve never really gotten the chance to talk about the things around me like this before, so I had fun too.
I hope we can hold another project like this.
Comment“Please do!”
Comment“We’ll be waiting~”
TasukuThen, until next time.
It's been Takato Tasuku.
IzumiGreat job, you two!
TasukuGood job.
Thanks too, Utsuki.
ChikageNot at all.
I’m glad it ended without a hitch.
IzumiThe stream progressed smoothly with you two.
Though, I wondered what would happen when you left for a moment…
ChikageAhaha. We suddenly remembered the billiards table.
It's Tasuku, so I figured we would be able to lift it together.
TasukuI was also surprised by that.
Well, that much was fine.
ChikageNow then, is it alright if we head back to our rooms?
IzumiYep! Ah, Tasuku-san. Please upload the selfie you took earlier to Inste if that’s okay.
TasukuNo problem.
Tasuku-san’s picture from his InsteLive has been uploaded.
Tasuku Brilliance of Blooming 2-3.png
The way he’s polite and sincere towards his fans is just like Tasuku-san… fufu.
(But somehow, he also feels relaxed in his selfie.)
(I hope the fans will continue getting to know Tasuku-san’s natural side from now on as well.)



  1. References Sakyo’s SR Keen Mechanic card
  2. References Masumi’s SR Cool×Rocker card
  3. References the 2021 End of Summer home page lines
  4. References Kazunari’s R Cue in Hand card