Kumon Hyodo/Banquet of Blooming

From A3! Wiki

Starring "Kumon"

Backstage Stories
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TenmaWay to go, Kumon.
KumonHehe! High fiiive!
*high fives*
Going to a batting cage with everyone is just the best!
Thanks for coming along, you two!
TenmaWell, we have our screening party for “First Crush Baseball” coming up. We also came here back during the original show, so it’s a perfect chance to reminisce.
YukiI mean, that’s true.
KumonYep, for sure!
But are you sure you don’t wanna bat, Yuki?
YukiI’m the manager, so there’s no need for me to.
KumonAww, but we came all the way here.
YukiBut I guess there’s something else I can do while watching.
For every pitch you hit, name one topic that would be good to discuss during our First Crush Baseball screening party.
I’ll reminisce and think about them with you too.
KumonAh, that might be nice! Sounds fun!
Alright, I’ll do my best…!
TenmaWait, the ones batting are ultimately the ones coming up with the topics, aren’t we? You’ll do something too, right, Yuki?
YukiI’m arranging the conversation for the lead and co-lead who have the most fond memories.
Tenma*Sigh*, what the heck? Aren’t you just conveniently dodging?
Yuki‘Kay, I put the coins in so hit ‘em out of the park.
KumonWoah, hold on, hold on!
Hm, hm~ ♪
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IzumiDid something nice happen, Kumon-kun?
KumonHehe, I’m just super psyched for our screening party today!
At first, I was so nervous I wasn’t sure what to do~—.
But I started looking forward to it since I went to a batting cage with Tenma-san and Yuki and we came up with some conversation topics! I was counting down the days~.
Izumi(I wonder if those two backed Kumon-kun up so he wouldn’t feel nervous.)
Oh yeah. You’ll also be taking a polaroid as a present for the audience at the end of the day. I’ll be counting on you.
KumonAh, right! For the project that Sakyo-san mentioned!
I’ll try my best!
TenmaIt’s almost showtime, Kumon.
YukiWhat’s with the glove? It’ll get in the way if you bring it.
KumonI need it since it’s my other partner!
YukiAlright then.
IzumiGet out there, you three! Have fun!
KumonWe played so much baseball together during this show, didn’t we!
TenmaThere was one person who didn’t join in at all though.
YukiThere were others who didn’t participate apart from me.
Besides, I made sure to cheer as a manager.
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TenmaKumon played baseball originally, so his pitches were fast.
Hehe, I feel shy if you compliment me~.
Ah! I know. All of us should hold a baseball tournament next time!
YukiAnd who do you mean by “all of us”?
KumonEveryone here! Including the audience!
TenmaDude, that’s impossible…
KumonEh~. It’s possible if we rent a baseball stadium or something, isn’t it?
YukiThat’s even more unreasonable.
Ah, speaking of baseball stadiums, I remembered something!
There’s something I wanted to ask the audience members!
Audience member AWhat is it?
Audience member BAsk us anything~!
KumonI’m a Tiger’s fan, you know! I wanna ask how many Tiger’s fans are in the audience right now!
I’m gonna take a survey!
Raise your hand if you’re a Tiger’s fan on the count of three!
And three!
Audience member AMe!
Audience member BHereee.
KumonOhh~! Thanks, everyone!
It was sorta less than I thought though…
Are there more fans of different teams around here~?
YukiThey might not have a favourite team to begin with.
KumonAh, I see!
TenmaThanks for answering Kumon’s hopeless question.
IzumiWe successfully wrapped up the talk show.
Great job.
YukiI never thought he would actually ask how many Tiger’s fans there were.
KumonThat was the first topic I came up with when the three of us went to the batting cage!
IzumiAhaha, I see.
TenmaDidn’t you let it go since you said it had nothing to do with First Crush Baseball?
KumonWe rarely get this kinda chance, so I wanted to ask it after all.
IzumiAlright, shall we take the polaroid now?
KumonSure! Go ahead!
IzumiThanks. I got a great shot.
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TenmaYeah. It came out great, didn’t it?
IzumiYep, what a huge smile!
YukiIt’s not bad.
KumonHehe. Thanks, guys!
*dream starts*
???—chan… Izumi-chan!?
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(Huh, Kumon-kun?
He’s wearing the Sakura High uniform…)
(I’ve been having a lot of dreams of everyone’s lead roles these days…
So that means this isn’t Kumon-kun, but Akiyama, right?)
AkiyamaAre you okay?
IzumiAh, yes! I’m fine!
AkiyamaThat’s a relief…
You were sleeping on the bench, so I wondered if something was wrong.
IzumiIt looks like I dozed off for a second.
Thanks for worrying about me.
AkiyamaNot at all. Washimiya-san nagged our ears off telling us to take care of the only great 2 managers we have.
Izumi2 managers?
AkiyamaUm, yes.
…Did I say something weird?
Izumi…Oh, no! That’s not—.
I just realized I’m wearing a Sakura High school uniform too!?)
(In other words, I’m one of the managers for the Sakura High baseball club right now…?)
AkiyamaYou’ve been acting kind of strange, Izumi-chan…
You’re really not feeling well, are you?
IzumiSorry, that’s not it.
(Ah, but Kumon-kun calls me by my name, so we might be classmates.)
(It might be better to call him Souta-kun…)
AkiyamaYou know what, I’m worried, so let’s go to the infirmary!
Izumi(I guess it would be better to follow him quietly here.)
Sure, I’ll go.
Izumi? What’s wrong?
Akiyama…I-if you don’t mind, why don’t you take my arm?
If you’re having trouble walking!
Fufu. Okay, thank you.
*dream ends*
(I fell asleep while working.)
(…It kind of felt like I was enjoying my youth.)
*door opens*
KumonAh, Director!
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IzumiWoah, Kumon-kun.
Kumon? What’s the matter?
CHOICE 1: I remembered First Crush Baseball [+]
IzumiI was just remembering First Crush Baseball.
KumonOh, really!
IzumiYeah. The screening party and the talk show were a huge hit, huh?
KumonI had tons of fun too!
A lot of memories and thoughts surfaced, not just at the batting centre when we came up with conversation topics, but while we were chatting during the talk show too.
Like about our rehearsals, role study, and street acts… and now, I’m thinking about how I can act this part out, or how I’d like to add an adlib here and there.
Hehe, theatre is just so deep and interesting!
I’d love to try acting even more roles from here on out!
I want you to teach me everything you know, Director! I’ll be counting on you!
IzumiOf course. I’m happy to work with you too.
I’m looking forward to your acting, Kumon-kun.
KumonGreat! I’m all fired up~!
CHOICE 2: I had a dream where Akiyama appeared [+]
IzumiActually, I was sleeping just now…
And I had a dream where Akiyama from First Crush Baseball appeared.
KumonWait, for real!?
What was the Akiyama in your dream like?
IzumiHe was kind and really easy to talk to, just like you, Kumon-kun.
KumonI see~. Hehe…!
That’s so nice~. I wanna have a dream where Director appears too~.
Tonight, I’ll go to sleep while thinking about you so I can dream of you.
Izumi(For some reason, I feel a bit shy when he says that…)
KumonOh yeah. By the way, do you know where Tenma-san is?
IzumiIf you need Tenma-kun, he said he was going to be out today.
KumonAh~, really? I was thinking of asking him to play catch with me for the first time in a while…
Izumi…If you’re alright with me, then I can be your partner?
KumonEh, really!?
Hooray! Please do!
Alright, then… I’ll lend my favourite Tiger’s colour glove specially to you!
KumonHehe! Okay, let’s head to the courtyard!
C’mon, Director. Hurry, hurry~!
IzumiWah! I got it, so give me a second…!
