Izumi | Great job you three! All things considered, I didn’t really think you were going to do a surprise performance. |
Manager | Citron is the one who asked me to help. |
Masumi | Hey, how was my performance? Have I improved since the last time you heard me? Did it exceed your expectations? |
Izumi | Y-yea, I thought it was really good, but Masumi umm you’re getting a little close. |
Chikage | A three part violin performance, how refreshing. |
Citron | The screening and talk show all turned out great! |
Izumi | It did. Now Citron, we’re gonna have you take some polaroid photos to give out to the audience, please come. |
Chikage | Oh that’s the thing Sakyo mentioned. About giving some sort of gift to the people who came. |
Citron | Oh! Yes I see! I am always OK with things like that! |
Izumi | So come and stand up on the stage. Alright, let’s go, say cheese. |
| Nice, this is the feeling. |
Chikage | Hmm, looks like a great photo. |
Citron | As expected of me, I look super pretty! |
Izumi | Hehe, you have a nice smile! |
Masumi | Then I will take some photos for you as well. Like... 300... |
Izumi | Yea, how about no. |
| hmm… |
| (A rooftop…? Where is this place.. |
| What’s this? My clothes suddenly changed… Could this be… the Harugaoka high school uniform? |
| Why am I suddenly dressed in…?) |
| !? |
Citron? | Ohh, it’s you again. As always you haven’t learned a thing. |
Izumi | (His appearance… and speaking… This person isn’t Citron..) |
| A-Are… Are you by any chance Ennis? |
Ennis | .... Do I look like anyone else? |
Izumi | N-No! It’s not that you look like anyone else or anything…. |
| (Just as I thought. But now the question is how did I end up in a place like this…) |
| You need to practice right now, right? Excuse me then, I will take my leave. |
Ennis | …. No. |
| If you promise not to distract me then I give you permission to stay here. |
| .... What you wanted was to listen to me play, right? |
Izumi | (...what a beautiful sound....) |
Ennis | ..... |
Izumi | ! |
| (I got him to smile…) |
| (I feel as if I am being engulfed by his playing.. the atmosphere is nice....) |
| hmm... |
| Wha... I suddenly fell asleep. |
| (This sound…) |
Citron | —. |
| Oh! Director, you heard me! |
CHOICE 1: Your playing is so pretty. [+]
Citron | My music caught the director’s attention? So then that makes director a fan of my violin playing! |
Izumi | Hehe. Yea, I’m a big fan! |
Citron | Thanks so much! Hearing director say that makes me really happy! |
| If I can make the director happy then I will play any time, any type of song! |
| I will think of you and pour my heart and soul into my violin performance. |
| Director, I wish that you will always be able to hear the music of my heart. |
Izumi | Of course. I always want to listen to you play. |
CHOICE 2: I could hear your music even in my dreams. [+]
Citron | Ohh!? You gotta tip me with your dreams! |
Izumi | Huh!? |
Citron | Kidding! Knowing that you could hear me play in your dreams makes me happy! |
| Director, did you have a good sleep? |
Izumi | Yea, I felt like I was being cradled in the soft and warm sound of your violin…. It was a great feeling. |
Citron | That’s great! |
| I want to play a lullaby for director again. So please call me whenever! |
Izumi | Hehe, thanks. |
| While we’re here, I would like to hear more of Citron’s playing. |
Citron | Of course! |
| ♪~ |
Izumi | Ahaha, it’s the lullaby zuizuizukkorobashi! |
Sakuya | Ahh, just as I thought, Citron is playing the violin! |
Masumi | He’s really at it again. |
Itaru | He’s sounds pretty stable. |
Chikage | Haha, isn’t that just Citron’s style? |
Tsuzuru | Yea he is, it’s always a good time whenever Citron is playing the violin. |
Citron | Of course! |
| Violin, acting, being with everyone, I love it all! |