Sakuya Sakuma/Twins: White

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MANKAI Channel Filming

Backstage Stories
TV“There’s a lot of greenery around here, it’s really nice. Ah, is that a cafe over there?”
IzumiWah, that’s such a cute cafe.
SakuyaIt really is! It looks super cozy.
JuzaThe desserts look real good too.
IzumiWatching city walking shows like this makes me want to go there myself.
SakuyaMe too. I’d love to see the scenery and visit the shops.
TV“Today’s city walk was super fun! Tune in next week for even more fun!”
SakuyaThat was interesting. I think we should make MANKAI Channel’s next video be a city walking one.
IzumiAh, we should!
JuzaYou filmin’ the next video, Sakuya?
SakuyaMhm. Since I’m doing it alone, I got worried because I couldn’t decide what kind of video to make…
But now that I’ve decided on walking around the city, I’m a little relieved.
IzumiIt’s not very good if we don’t upload videos often, so you all have to take turns updating the channel--.
So, if you’re worried about what to do or have any problems, you can talk to me. I’ll help you think it out.
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SakuyaOkay, thank you so much!
JuzaYea, got it.
SakuyaContents for a city walk… There’s been a lot of new shops opening up recently, I could introduce the Veludo Way area again.
JuzaVeludo Way, huh? Around the second corner on the right, there’s a new fruit sandwich shop that opened.
It’s take-out only, but it’d be a good way to introduce people to good food. There’s also a place in the back left corner of the shopping district.
IzumiYou’re really well informed, Juza-kun!
SakuyaAnd super helpful too!
Ah, I’ve got it! Juza-kun, do you want to be a guest in my video this time?
SakuyaWhy not? You’re really well informed and I think you could convey more of the city’s charm than I could by myself!
IzumiIt seems like it’d be more fun to have two people introducing it, so why not do it?
JuzaGotcha. I’ll do what I can.
SakuyaThank you! Let’s do our best!
Izumi(A video with both of them walking around the city… I’m looking forward to seeing how it turns out.)
SakuyaThe selfie stick is all okay too, and… Alright, let’s start filming the video.
SakuyaHello, all of MANKAI Channel’s viewers! I’m MANKAI Company’s Sakuya Sakuma, from Spring Troupe.
I’m in charge for today but, I have a guest joining me too. Ta-da!
JuzaI’m Autumn Troupe’s Juza Hyodo.
SakuyaThanks for joining me today, Juza-kun.
JuzaHappy to be here.
SakuyaToday we’re going to be walking around the city.
JuzaWe’re gonna walk around and introduce a lotta stuff around Veludo Way, the sacred land of theater.
SakuyaWell then, let’s head out right away!
First, we’re walking down this road…
JuzaThere’s a line out the door.
SakuyaAh, this is the fruit sandwich shop!
JuzaYea, it’s a recently opened store, so people are linin’ up nearly every day.
SakuyaIt’s really popular. I’m curious about it now, let’s get in line.
We finally got it! We were waiting in line for about 15 minutes, right?
JuzaI think that’s ‘bout right.
SakuyaLet’s move out of the way and find somewhere to eat right away.
Let’s eat over here.
Ah, it’s good! Because the fruit is already so sweet, the cream doesn’t seem as sweet, making it easy to eat.
JuzaI got the one with the custard. It’s got a lotta fruit in it, mmh.
SakuyaThe bread is fluffy too.
JuzaYea. I could eat a dozen of ‘em.
SakuyaThat was so good! Well then, let’s keep walking.
???“C’mon, let’s go!”
JuzaSounds like someone’s doin’ a street act.
SakuyaYeah! And that voice, could it be…? Let’s go check it out!
Shift“Fufu! As you expected, it’s me!”
Haruto“God, you get carried away so easily… But, I guess I’ll reconsider a bit.”
Thank you for watching!
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ShiftThank you very much~.
JuzaHey, if you applaud like that, the camera’s gonna shake.
SakuyaWah, that’s right! Sorry! I just couldn’t resist applauding even with the camera in my hands.
Haruto...Huh? What are you two doing?
SakuyaAh, hello. We’re filming a video for the MANKAI Channel right now.
HarutoAh, I see.
SakuyaEveryone, this is GOD-za’s Haruto-san and Shift-kun!
HarutoHello, viewers. I’m GOD-za’s Haruto Asuka.
ShiftAnd I’m Shift Arakawa!
HarutoCome see GOD-za’s next play.
ShiftAhaha, smart promo tactic. Please also support GOD-za~!
HarutoAh, we’d better get back. Shift, let’s go.
Shift‘Kay. Sakuya-san, Juza-san, do your best!
SakuyaThank you!
JuzaDidn’t expect to run into those two from GOD-za.
SakuyaIt surprised me too.
There’s always a lot of people doing all kinds of street acts on Veludo Way, so you can still come and visit even if you have no errands to do here.
Everyone, please come and see the street acts!
SakuyaI go to the library often, and nearby the park too… We introduced a lot of different places.
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JuzaYeah, we did.
SakuyaWe’re almost done with filming but… Is there any place you want to go to, Juza-kun?
Juza…? I’ve got it, Sakuya, come this way.
SakuyaThis is the Chinese bun shop that Juza-kun and I introduced as our favorite shop in the Veludo Town magazine.
I was hoping we could come back here together, Juza-kun.
JuzaSame here.
SakuyaWell then, let me go ask the shop owner’s grandmother if we have permission to film here.
This is the Chinese bun shop that was previously introduced in the Veludo Town magazine, “VELUDO”.
Juza-kun and I are big fans of the panda buns at this shop.
JuzaThis is the panda bun. It’s sweet and has plenty of rice sugar. I recommend it.
SakuyaThen, I’ll take half of this panda bun… And, let’s eat!
JuzaYeah, let’s eat.
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SakuyaIt’s delicious as always!
JuzaMmmh, super delicious.
SakuyaBack when we did the “VELUDO” special feature, we were supposed to introduce our favorite shops and…
Both Juza-kun and I chose to introduce this shop by coincidence.
JuzaI didn’t think we’d choose the same shop… I was pretty surprised at the time.
SakuyaI was really surprised too! But I was pretty happy too.
This shop not only has the panda buns, but it also has other Chinese buns too. They’re all delicious and I highly recommend them!
JuzaThose were good.
SakuyaYep, they were.
Well then, I think this is about the end of the video. Juza-kun, thank you for coming as a guest!
JuzaYeah, I had fun.
SakuyaMhm, me too!
Everyone, did you enjoy today’s city walk? If you’re in the area, please stop by.
JuzaAnd look forward to the next video too.
SakuyaThank you for watching!
ChikageWell then, it’s time to edit the video Sakuya filmed.
SakuyaLet’s do our best! Thank you, Director and everyone, for helping review the contents of the video.
TsuzuruIt’s no problem, I really wanted to see what kind of video you filmed, Sakuya.
ItaruSame here.
ChikageI’ll go ahead and play it then.
Sakuya“Hello, all of MANKAI Channel’s viewers!”
MasumiAre you going to the fruit sandwich shop first?
IzumiThat’s the shop Juza-kun was talking about the other day, right?
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CitronOh!? A GOD-za appearance!?
ItaruHuh, looks like it.
SakuyaWe ran into them by coincidence.
CitronThe picture is shaking very much! Sakuya, were you being a cabbage!?[1]
ChikageSavage, you mean.
MasumiSeems like he applauded and it shook.
SakuyaI’m sorry, I did applaud while holding the camera…
CitronChikage, please don’t cut this part, just put a caption here saying Sakuya was being savage!
TsuzuruI mean, don’t we need to get permission from GOD-za first?
IzumiYou’re right, that might be needed.
MasumiIt’s a pain to deal with permissions and stuff, so just cut that part out.
ItaruMaybe just blur out their faces?
TsuzuruIt’d be weird to blur it…
IzumiI’ll quickly call Kamikizaka-san to check with him.
Kamikizaka-san gave us the okay!
SakuyaGreat! Thank you so much, Director.
ChikageRoger that. I’ll use this scene as is then.
That’s it, reviewing and editing are complete.
SakuyaThank you so much, Chikage-san!
And everyone else too, thank you for spending so much time helping me!
CHOICE 1: You're good at filming. [+]
IzumiYou’re good at filming.
ItaruYeah. Even though you clapped while holding the camera, it’s still something to love and respect. You got good shots of the scenery, the shops, and the food too.
TsuzuruAgreed. It was also interesting to discover new things even in places I’m familiar with because I was viewing it through Sakuya’s camera.
MasumiYou filmed a lot of things. It wasn’t half bad.
SakuyaWah, really? Thank you so much! Next time, I’ll do my best to show off the charm of a bunch of different places again!
CHOICE 2: Reviewing it together was fun. [+]
IzumiIt was fun to review the video contents together.
CitronI think so too! It was very exciting to watch the video together!
ChikageThanks to everyone’s comments while watching, I was able to decide what to do with the editing and captions.
SakuyaI had just as much fun watching the video with everyone as I did filming it!
IzumiOverall, it was good to see Sakuya-kun and Juza-kun enjoying themselves and getting along so well, so the video turned out great.
I really wanted to go to the places you introduced.
SakuyaThank you so much. Those words mean everything to me! All those places were nice.
Ah, how about next time we go together? I’ll guide you!
IzumiReally? Then I’ll have to accept.
ItaruEh, with just the Director?
MasumiI won’t allow you two to go on a city walking date together. I’ll go too.
SakuyaOf course, everyone can go!
CitronYes! A city walk with everyone!
TsuzuruSounds like it’s gonna be quite the lively walk.
ChikageYou’re right about that.
SakuyaGoing on a city walk with the Director and everyone seems like a lot of fun. Let’s go to a lot of places and shops together!


  1. Originally, Citron says “あぶらってる” which means oily/greasy, Chikage corrects him with “荒ぶってる” which means savage/wild. I had Citron say cabbage to try and kinda make it match in English rather than just leaving the literal translation.