Kazunari Miyoshi/Off to Meet Grandma

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Little Red Riding Hood's Detour

Backstage Stories
KazunariAh! Yukki, is that the magazine that came out today?
KazunariI’m interested too. Can I borrow it once you’ve finished reading it?
YukiI’m pretty much done, so yeah. Here.
Huh, this shop is…
KumonWhat are you two doing?
MukuOh, that’s the magazine that Yuki-kun bought today, right?
KazunariYeah, he’s letting me look at it right now! And I was looking at this page here…
KumonCake shop feature?
KazunariYeah, it’s a feature on a popular shop that recently opened!
This shop always has a super long line, so it caught my eye.
YukiOh, it’s that popular?
MukuWow, everything looks delicious! The cream on this white cake looks so fluffy.
YukiWhich one? Oh, you’re right.
KazunariThis cake here looks colourful and so nice, just looking at it gets me super hyped~!
KumonAh, it says here that this one is mildly sweet!
YukiIt says that they don’t use fresh cream, so couldn’t you eat it?
KumonYeah, I can probably eat it too!
MisumiWhat are you all doing~?
MukuAh, Misumi-san! We’re looking at a special feature about a cake shop that recently opened.
MisumiWow, lots of triangles!
KazunariRight! I’m going to head over to that cake shop on my way home tomorrow, so why don’t we Summer troupe members have a cake party?
MukuOh, sounds fun!
MisumiI want to do a triangle cake party!
YukiWhy not? I’m interested in these cakes too.
KazunariIt’s decided then! Alright, a Summer troupe cake party tomorrow!
I’ll message Tenten on LIME too.
KumonIf you’re going to buy the cakes, I’ll take care of the drinks!
MisumiI’ll prepare too!
MukuI will help too! Let’s do it together, Yuki-kun.
YukiI don’t mind.
KazunariI’ll leave the preparations to you!
Right, gotta think about how to prepare for my role for the fairytale contest soon.
MukuYou’re Little Red Riding Hood, right?
KazunariYep! I was really surprised when I found out about my role, but I’m going to give it my all.
MukuI look forward to your Red Riding Hood.
KazunariThat’s right, did the book about Little Red Riding Hood that was passed around among everyone get returned to you? I want to read it properly one more time.
MukuYeah, I have it with me! Here you go.
KazunariThanks! I wanted to memorise the details of the story a bit more.
MukuI see. Maybe I should reread some shoujo manga centered on fairytales too, in preparation for the contest.
KazunariThat’s a good idea! Then, let’s do some joint reading time now!
KazunariWonder if there’s a line at that cake shop today too~.
Oh, a LIME message from Azu.
Kazu, I heard you were shopping right now. Could you buy some wine while you’re at it?
OK! What about colour and brand?
One bottle of red and white wine each. Seems like the red wine will be used as cooking wine.
Any brand is fine. One whose price you can afford will work.
Got it!
KazunariHm, the supermarket is closer, so let’s get that wine first!
I’m glad I was able to get one that looks really good.
With this, my mission is done, so let’s go to the cake shop!
Kazunari(I’m glad the line in front of the cake shop wasn’t long today.)
(I was able to buy the cakes the others said they wanted to eat and bought the wine as I was asked. I should probably head back soon.)
…Thinking of, wine to cake - doesn’t this totally make me like Red Riding Hood right now?
IzumiOh, Kazunari-kun?
KazunariAh, Director!
IzumiWere you shopping?
KazunariYep, cake and the wine Azu asked for! But I’m already on my way home.
What were you doing, Director?
IzumiI just came from helping out at another theatre troupe. I’m also on my way back, so should I take something off your hands?
KazunariLet me think…would you mind just taking the cakes then?
IzumiYeah, sure.
KazunariThanks! There’s some for all of Summer Troupe, so it might be a little heavy.
IzumiThis much is fine. More importantly, what happened for you to get cake for all of Summer troupe?
KazunariThere was a feature on cakes in a magazine, and we all got into the mood to eat them after looking at the special feature together.
So we decided to have a cake party together!
IzumiSo that’s what happened.
KazunariBy the way, I was just thinking this, but going on an errand for cake and wine - doesn’t this kind of feel like Little Red Riding Hood?
IzumiOh, that’s true! They are the same things she takes to her grandmother.
KazunariRight!? I just wanted to go shopping, but it turned into role study!
That’s right, Director! While I’m at it, won’t you make a little detour with me?
IzumiEh, shouldn’t we head back?
KazunariI just bought it, so the refrigerant will keep it cool, and Tenten hasn’t returned home from work yet anyway, so it should be be fine!
IzumiI see. Well then, should we look for flowers, just as Little Red Riding Hood did?
KazunariSounds good! Let’s look for enough to make a bouquet!
Director, let’s sit down on this bench!
IzumiYeah, thanks! We couldn’t find any flowers.
KazunariThere was no helping it, considering the season. More importantly, thanks for accompanying me on this side trip!
IzumiYou’re welcome.
KazunariAs thanks, won’t you eat half of my cake?
IzumiEh, but didn’t you buy it because you wanted to eat it?
KazunariThat’s true, but I believe it’ll definitely taste better if I share it with you.
I’ve got some tissues and forks too, so let’s eat!
IzumiI’ll have some, then. I’m digging in.
CHOICE 1: It’s really delicious. [+]
Izumi…This is really delicious! It’s a taste I’ve never experienced before.
KazunariYou’re right, this cake is lit!
Hey, Director. There are a lot of other varieties, so why don’t we visit the shop together next time?
IzumiYeah, sure!
KazunariGreat, it’s a date!
CHOICE 2: Eating cake at the park - how new. [+]
IzumiEating cake at the park feels kind of new, doesn’t it?
KazunariTrue! But isn’t it sort of great to be eating somewhere different than usual?
IzumiYeah, it’s fun because it feels like the taste changes depending on the place.
KazunariParticularly eating outside makes it taste even better, right?
IzumiThat’s right, this cake is really delicious too!
KazunariReally? That’s good~!
Izumi…Thanks for the food.
KazunariThat was super delicious. Must be because I shared it with you!
Oh, a LIME message from Tenten!
Tenma Sumeragi
Where are you? When are you getting back?
Kazu, are you still in line?
You’re late. Everyone else is already present.
The drinks have been prepared too!
Don’t tell me something happened to Kazu-kun…!?
KazunariYikes, Tenten is already home!
IzumiHuh? We should hurry back then!
KazunariYeah, I’m texting the others right now!
Sorry, I’m heading back now!
IzumiEveryone’s waiting, so let’s get back quickly!
KazunariYeah! Sorry, guys!