Juza Hyodo/Relaxing Slow Life

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Beware The Coming and Going of the Sloth

Backstage Stories
SakuyaJuza-kun is making such a difficult face reading his script…
TaichiWhat script is that?
JuzaAh… it’s the script for my guest performance.
I was able to get a role in this theatre company run by Yuzo-san’s acquaintance.
SakuyaA guest performance? That’s great!
TaichiWhat will you be playing as?
Juza…. A sloth.
TaichiA sloth!?
SakuyaNow I’m curious about the story…!
JuzaIt’s a story about animals fighting to protect their homeland.
TaichiEh… that sounds interesting!
SakuyaTo have to study how a sloth behaves sounds a little challenging however…
JuzaI’ve read the script over and over but I still can’t really get into my role.
TaichiIf that’s the case, shall we go see the real thing at the zoo?
JuzaThe real thing?
SakuyaI think you’ll certainly be able to learn how it moves if you see it in action!
JuzaThat’s true… let’s go.
[At the zoo]
TaichiI found where the sloth is!
SakuyaYou’re right, it’s up in the tree over there!
SakuyaWhat’s wrong, Juza-kun?
JuzaNo it’s just… Is it really alright coming all the way here?
TaichiOf course! And it’s fun being at the zoo!
SakuyaWho knows, this may be helpful for future performances.
JuzaIs that so… thanks.
TaichiHuh… the sloth hasn’t moved a single bit!
SakuyaIt hasn’t moved at all beyond leisurely snacking on its grass…
Why don’t the both of you explore the place, I’ll be here for a while longer.
SakuyaEh!? But-
JuzaI came here for the sloth after all. I’ll be observing it a bit more for my role.
TaichiAlright, I’ll take you up on that! Sakuya and I will head over there!
SakuyaSee you later!
[In room 104]
BanriWhen the hell are you going to sleep till? Don’t we have morning practice.
BanriDon’t pretend to be asleep! I know you’d be grinding your teeth really noisily if you’re out for real!
BanriI knew it, you’re awake.
Juza…. shut up…. I’ll…. get going….
BanriWhat’s with moving like you’re injured all over? Are you fucking around?
BanriTch. I don’t know what you’re doing but don’t be late for practice.
I’ll be off first.
JuzaNot enough…. more….
[Practice Room]
IzumiWe’ll end the practice here. Good work, everyone.
TaichiGood work! Ah, I’m hungry!
OmiToday’s breakfast is poached eggs and open sandwich. I’ve prepared dessert as well.
TaichiAwesome! Juza-san, let’s go now… eh!?
SakyoWhat’s with that tortoise-like movement.
AzamiJuza-san, is something wrong?
OmiHe was normal during practice though?
IzumiJuza-kun, are you feeling unwell? You didn’t injure yourself or something…?
Juza-san, could it be you are getting into your sloth role?
OmiOh he nodded slowly.
AzamiWhat’s with this role study.
Taichi-and that’s what happened.
SakyoSo that’s how it is.
BanriAh that’s why Hyodo was being freaking weird early in the morning.
OmiI see. Good luck on preparing for your role, Juza.
BanriI guess this means I can easily beat the shit out of Hyodo now, huh.
Juza…..I will definitely…. not lose… to you….
BanriYou’re still at it?? Just talk normally!
KazunariThanks for the food~!
KumonIt was as delicious as ever!
OmiThat’s great to hear. I’ve prepared dessert as well. It’s lemon pie today.
KazunariThat’s sick! Looks good~! I’m digging in!
CitronThis really melts the spot![1]
OmiYou mean, hits the spot?
MukuHm? Ju-chan, you’re not eating?
JuzaYea, I am-
KumonEh, Niichan what’s wrong?
CitronIt’s a butterfly phenomenon! The flow of time has slowed for Juza![2]
BanriDid you mean a supernatural phenomenon.
OmiHaha, Juza is now preparing for his role. Seems like he’ll be playing a sloth as a guest performer.
KazunariWhat, that sounds interesting!
CitronI’m doing it too!
BanriThe lemon pie’s going to be finished at this rate if you’re going to keep up that sluggish pace.
KumonHey! Banri! Stop picking on my brother!
OmiIt’s all good. I’ve saved a portion for Juza.
[At the baths]
I’ll… be getting out… now….
AzumaOkay. It’s rare for Juza to take it slow in the baths. I had a good time chatting with you about many things.
BanriTch, just the person I didn’t want to see.
JuzaShut up…..
BanriWould you close the door already! It’s cold out there!
JuzaI am…… closing it now……..
BanriToo slow! Are you trying to annoy me!
AzumaHaha. Juza is perfectly in character even as he leaves.
[Mankai dorm living room]
CitronJuza, I’ve looked up on sloths as well! Do you know how they move on the ground?
Juza? …no idea.
CitronLike this!
drag… drag…
Juza… crawling like this…
CitronIf you are to…. play a sloth…. do this as well… Juza…!
Juza…got it.
TsuzuruI’m back.
CitronWelcome back…. Tsuzuru….
Juza… yeah.
TsuzuruWah! What’s happened to the both of you!?
CitronWe are… moving like a sloth…
TsuzuruNot sure if that’s a sloth or a zombie! People can easily mix that up!
[In the kitchen]
IzumiIs the fire alright like this?
OmiHmm, let’s set it to a lower flame. It should be done in time for dinner.
Juza… Omi-san… Director…I’ll help…
OmiIt would be difficult if you’re moving like that, Juza. It’s alright, you can just sit over there.
Juza… Alright… I’m sorry…
IzumiOmi-kun, shall i cut up the cabbages?
OmiThat’ll help. Do put them into that pot when you’re done.
I guess I’ll help out after all.
IzumiEh? But…
JuzaI can’t just sit still like this.
CHOICE 1: That’s just like you [+]
IzumiFufu, that’s just like you, Juza-kun.
IzumiYup. It’s typical of Juza-kun to get really serious in preparing for your role.
Juza…I’m not that skilful, so i have to try every means in practice to grasp my role.
IzumiEveryone has a different way of preparing for their roles, so it’s alright to try things out to see what fits you.
CHOICE 2: Thank you [+]
IzumiThank you. You’d be of great help.
JuzaIt’s nothing much. There’s also no point if i’m causing trouble for everyone when i’m getting into my role.
IzumiFufu, you’re a kind person, Juza-kun.
JuzaIt’s nothing… this is normal.
TsuzuruAh, Juza has gone back to normal.
JuzaYeah. I can’t help Omi-san and director otherwise.
CitronI had fun imitating the sloth with Juza! i want to crawl around like that again!
TsuzuruPlease reconsider doing that easily-misunderstood action…



  1. Citron meant to say 頬が落ちる (hou ga ochiru) but ended up with 頬が溶ける (hou ga tokeru) The literal meaning of the correct term is falling cheeks (?!) which is probably to describe how delicious the food is. Citron’s version is cheeks are melting. I’m not sure how to translate that properly, hence this note.
  2. He mentions Juza moving really slowly being a ちょうちょう現象 (chouchou genshou) Banri thinks he means 超常現象 (choujou genshou). You’re almost there Citron! Chouchou could mean many other things but i’m going with butterfly…