Azami Izumida/Aloof Sidelong Glance LIVE!

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The True Sender of the Dressing Room Flowers is

Backstage Stories
TV“A live concert of the insanely popular idol ☆☆ was held in ○○ Hall!”
“The many fans at the venue were—.”
Azami(A live concert, huh… It’s almost time for our live too.)
(We’ve done our revue rehearsals and we’ve memorized the choreo and songs.
But Director told us we should practise the parts we’re still iffy about on our own.)
(…I’m gonna go practise a bit more too.)
Oh, lucky. No one’s around.
Aight, I’ll start with reviewing the choreo…
(…Phew, I guess it goes like this?
I’ve gotten pretty use to the steps.)
(I’ll take a quick break…)
*door opens*
SakodaAh! You were here, Azami~!
I was lookin’ for ya.
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AzamiKen-san? What’s the matter?
SakodaAh, nah. I just happened to pass by, so I thought I’d come see ya!
Aniki’s not here, but I’m glad I came since I got to see you ‘n Director nee-san~.
…Urk, my bad. Did I interrupt your practise?
AzamiNo, I was just thinking of taking a break.
SakodaI see! Are ya practising for your upcomin’ live?
AzamiYeah. Our rehearsal’s soon too.
SakodaI’m totally stoked to watch your concert!
Ah, it’s a great chance, so maybe I’ll bring the guys from the group over too!
AzamiHa? No thanks. Just you, Ken-san, is…
SakodaOh yeah, speakin’ of the group—the concert is happenin’ the same month as the Chairman’s birthday.
AzamiAh… that slipped my mind.
SakodaWhat’re you gonna give to the Chairman, Azami?
AzamiUh, nothing really… I mean, I can’t really do much.
My old man’s not gonna be happy getting somethin’ from me anyways.
SakodaThat’s not true. Of course he’ll be thrilled!
C’mon, think about what you’ll give him, Azami!
AzamiHa? Why do I gotta give somethin’ to that crusty old man in the first place—.
SakodaAh, crap! It’s already time, huh? I gotta get goin’.
See ya, Azami! Good luck on your live!
I’ll send you some super huge flowers again!
A birthday present, eh…
(Even if he says that… I’ve got absolutely no clue what I can give that’ll make my old man happy.)
Alcohol, I guess? But I’m sure one of the other guys will choose that…
Rather, I’m a minor, so I can’t buy that anyways?
Azami…Hm? The person in the courtyard is…
TsumugiAh, Azami-kun.
Were you doing self-practise?
Azami Aloof Sidelong Glance LIVE 2-1.png
Are you tending to the courtyard?
TsumugiYes. I was just moving the soil and fertilizer.
Azami…Can I help with anythin’?
TsumugiAre you sure? Thank you.
Alright, I suppose I’ll take your offer.
Can you carry this soil to the potted plants over there?
AzamiGot it. Is one bag enough?
TsumugiYep. The rest are all over there…
AzamiThere we go…
…This is quite a bit of work.
Do you always do this stuff by yourself?
TsumugiI do this with Guy-san most of the time. Muku-kun and Sakuya-kun have occasionally lent me a hand as well.
Everyone just happened to be away today.
TsumugiThis potted plant goes to the bench. There.
TsumugiDid this flower catch your eye?
AzamiNo… it’s so much work just growing one flower like this. But there’s bouquets with lots of these put together.
I was just thinkin’ it must take a lotta effort.
TsumugiFufu, that’s true. That’s why it’s really nice receiving flowers as gifts in our dressing room, right?
AzamiAhh… yeah, guess so.
That reminds me, some mysteriously huge flowers were delivered to my dressing room back during our Mantou Fist show too…
Flowers, huh…
…Hey, Tsumugi-san. Do you have time after this?
TsumugiHm? I’m free… what’s the matter?
AzamIWould you go somewhere with me for a sec?
TsumugiI was wondering where we were going…
AzamiMy old man’s birthday is comin’ up, so Ken-san told me to think about what I’ll give him.
I thought flowers would work… but on second thought, would it be a pain to receive somethin’ like this from me…
Azami Aloof Sidelong Glance LIVE 2-2.png
TsumugiI don’t think so.
Anyways, let’s take a look around.
AzamiAll of ‘em are pretty, but I have no idea which one to choose…
TsumugiWhat about standard roses?
AzamiI see. Roses… Err, there’s so many colours.
TsumugiIf you’re giving them to your father…
Then how about this colour?
AzamiPurple roses?
That colour’s pretty impressive. Roses like this also exist, huh?
Well, they do look good. Plus, I doubt the guys will make a fuss if they’re purple.
…I’ll go with these.
Tsumugi(In flower language, purple roses mean pride, dignity…
And also respect.)
(They’re perfect for giving to his father. But I’m sure Azami-kun would feel embarrassed if I told him.)
Yeah, I think these are great.
I hope your father loves them.
The yakuzaChairman! Happy—.
ChairmanYeah, thanks.
Yakuza AI’mma follow you from here on out, Chairman!
Yakuza BIt ain’t much, but please accept this!
Yakuza CIt’s a happy occasion! Drink up, e’rybody!
AzamiThey’re as festive as ever…
SakyoBon. You have somethin’ to hand to the Chairman, don’t you?
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AzamiHa? How the hell do you know that?
SakyoSakoda told me.
SakodaMy bad, Azami! It slipped…!
SakyoWhy don’t you go up?
AzamiShut up.
I’m gonna go even if you don’t tell me to.
ChairmanHm? What’s wrong, Azami?
A bouquet, huh?
Hmph. This is quite tasteful from you, isn’t it?
Azami…Shut it.
SakodaUuUuh… the Chairman’s huge smile…!
Ain’t that great, Azamiii~…!
SakyoThey’re not honest… both Bon and the Chairman.
Izumi(It’s finally the day of the live!
First, I’ll head to the dressing room…)
Azami Aloof Sidelong Glance LIVE 3-1.png
Izumi(Oh, Azami-kun.
He’s staring at the dressing room flowers.)
IzumiThe flowers look amazing.
All of these lined up here are you for, right, Azami-kun?
…It feels pretty nice gettin’ flowers.
IzumiI agree. They’re all beautiful.
…Ah! Are these from the guys at Ginsenkai?
AzamiWoah… you can tell they’re from them with just a glance, huh?
IzumiIsn’t this one from Sakoda-san?
AzamiOh, it is. …I’ll send a thank you LIME to Ken-san.
Izumi(Fufu. Azami-kun looks happy.)
CHOICE 1: You have tons of fans, Azami-kun [+]
IzumiYou have tons of fans, Azami-kun!
IzumiEven in our play questionnaires, there’s always lots of people who write that your acting was cool, or that your hair and makeup were spot-on.
Azami…I feel kinda embarrassed hearin’ that again…
But it does feel nice to get that kinda recognition.
I’ll keep doin’ my best so I can improve both my actin’, and my hair and makeup even more.
IzumiYeah! Keep at it.
CHOICE 2: Ah, these flowers are cute! [+]
IzumiAh, these flowers are cute!
AzamiHeh, I’ve never seen this shape before.
These over here look more orthodox.
Ahh, maybe I should test out different hairstyles usin’ hair accessories with flowers like these.
IzumiWell, there are lots of hair accessories that use flowers as a motif.
AzamiHey, Director. Help me out with my hair and makeup practise next time.
IzumiOf course! I’d be happy to, anytime.
…I’ll look for a hair accessory that looks like these flowers.
IzumiWoah, these backstage flowers are especially extravagant…!
Huh? These are for you, but the sender’s name doesn’t seem to be written anywhere.
AzamiOh, you’re right.
IzumiI wonder, are these also from the Ginsenkai?
AzamiAh, well, it’s possible.
I’ll take a pic and ask Ken-san about it along with my thank you LIME…
…And sent.
SakyoOi. You were over here, Bon?
It’s almost time for our meeting.
AzamiYeah, yeah.
*notification sound*
Mm, I got a reply from Ken-san.
IzumiWhat’s wrong?
AzamiIt’s just—the sender of these flowers…
SakyoAh. Those fancy backstage flowers are for you from the Chairman.
Wait, you knew, shitty Sakyo?
SakyoThe Chairman ordered me to keep quiet.
Azami…What the hell?
That’s so outta character for that crappy old man…
IzumiFufu. Neither Azami-kun nor the Chairman are very honest, are they?
SakyoGeez, you two.
…He sent me somethin’ tasteful, huh?
Izumi? Did you say something, Azami-kun?
AzamiIt’s nothin’.
