Kazunari Miyoshi/MANKAI Party

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Backstage Stories
KazunariHa~, it was totes adorbs and the sweets were tasty to boot~!
I’ve been dying to go to that café for a while.
Thanks for coming along with me today, you guys.
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KumonNot at all! I had a blast too!
MisumiThe inside of that café looked like a picture book~.
YukiThe drinks were cute and elaborate too.
TenmaYou don’t come across a café like that very often, huh?
MukuThat’s Kazu-kun for you. It was seriously lots of fun.
KazunariI’m stoked it sounds like y’all loved it too ♪
…Ah! The new summer products have hit the shelves at the candy shop!
Hey, can we stop by here to end the day off?
MukuSure. I’d like to buy some too.
YukiSounds good to me. I want to have a look.
KazunariThanks, fam~! ‘Kay, let’s go ✩
The candy here’s mega cute as usual~.
Hah, lookie here, Yukki!
The package pattern’s a kitty cat!
YukiAh, it’s cute.
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KazunariWanna split this between the two of us?
YukiOh, by the way, you’re having fun without a care in the world. Have you shot the VLOG for your birthday event yet?
KazunariAhh… so like, I have too many things I wanna do for my VLOG, so I’m kinda stuck~.
YukiWell, you’re that sort of type.
KazunariI’ve chosen who I want to film me though.
*knock, knock*
KazunariTsuuuzurun! You in~?
*door opens*
TsuzuruYes, what is it?
KazunariI wanna discuss our future flyers, so I’d like you to have a look at my portfolio.
TsuzuruAhh, sounds good.
Come in. Masumi’s not here either.
KazunariDon’t mind if I do!
…So that’s what I’m thinking.
Ah, by the way, as for this design over here…
I came up with this when I went to a café and candy shop with the Summer troupe guys earlier~.
TsuzuruI see.
You always come up with so many ideas.
Just where do you get your ideas from, Miyoshi-san?
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KazunariMm~. Like I just said, I always have my antenna up even during my regular, every day life…
But apart from that, I go to museums a lot. So I guess I get lots of inspiration from there.
TsuzuruAh, I suppose you would gets lots of stimulus.
…Alright! I’ve decided!
TsuzuruHuh? Decided what?
KazunariWhat I wanna show in my VLOG!
TsuzuruBy VLOG, do you mean the one you’re gonna screen at your birthday event…?
What’s more, won’t you film the VLOG for me, Tsuzurun?
KazunariI’m counting on you today, Tsuzurun ♪
TsuzuruI’ve said this many times already. But I’m not confident I will be able to film it as well as you, Miyoshi-san…?
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KazunariAnd I said don’t worry, it’ll be fine!
TsuzuruSo, is this the filming site today?
KazunariYep! I made an appointment right after I decided on it.
TsuzuruYou’re quick to take action as usual…
Why’d you choose this place?
KazunariHm, hm, hm. I plan to explain that in the VLOG, so stay tuned~.
Tsuzuru…Alright, I’ve got the camera ready.
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KazunariOkay! Let’s get this started then.
TsuzuruGot it.
Ready, set, start!
KazunariHey, y’all~! Kazunari Miyoshi’s VLOG segment has started ♪ Enjoy it~!
I asked Tsuzurun to be my cameraman.
Thanks for your help today!
TsuzuruIt’s Spring troupe’s Minagi Tsuzuru.
I’ll try my best to record so all of you can watch comfortably.
KazunariAnd so, today, this creative duo’s gonna tour around this art museum here.
I’m super into the art pieces in this museum, so I wanted to introduce them to all of you!
Don’t your spirits just lift when you look at the art here?
TsuzuruThat’s true. There’s lots of colourful or bright paintings.
KazunariThat’s Tsuzurun for you. You’ve got a nice eye!
Take this painting for example. A puppy’s actually hiding in it.
TsuzuruAh, you’re right. Heh, it’s cute.
KazunariSearching for stuff like this is real fun too.
Ah! In the center of this work…
C’mere, have a close look.
KazunariThere’s someone who looks like Tsuzurun standing there!
TsuzuruUh, no there isn’t!
KazunariEhh! You should’ve played along a little longer~.
TsuzuruThat might mislead the audience though!
KazunariHah, that was so much fun!
Good work, Tsuzurun!
TsuzuruYou too. This art museum was interesting and worth the trip.
KazunariWasn’t it! Young kids can enjoy it too, so why don’t you come here with your little bros?
TsuzuruGood point. I guess I could bring them to a place like this once in a while.
Anyways… I never thought you’d say something like that.
KazunariHm? Ahh… did I say something nice just now?
TsuzuruIt would’ve been better if you hadn’t said that.
KazunariYou’re harsh, Tsuzurun~!
KazunariThanks for coming today, guys!
Let’s make it a good one~!
MisumiYeah! Hehe, I’m happy we get to celebrate together at Kazu’s event!
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TsuzuruI feel at ease since Fushimi-san’s here.
OmiHaha, really?
I’m happy I was invited too. Thanks, Kazunari.
KazunariOmimi’s my birthday bromide project pal.
And I’m sure it’ll be lit if Sumi comes on stage with us!
As for Tsuzurun, he filmed the perfect VLOG for me~.
TsuzuruPlease don’t raise the bar so high.
*door opens*
IzumiAre all of you ready?
KazunariYep, we’re raring to go.
IzumiRemember, you’re going to have your picture taken at the end of your event as well, Kazunari-kun.
KazunariGotcha! Take a super cute one of me, alright?
Thanks for coming, everybody~!
It’s Kazunari Miyoshi in the house ♪
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Guest AKyaaah! Kazunari-kuuun!
Guest BKazunari-kun, happy birthday!
Guest CKazunari Miyoshi~! Happy birthday!
KazunariThankies~! I’m super happy to receive your congrats!
Alrighty, I’mma introduce my 3 guests who came to get this event hyped up together today.
Tsuzurun, Sumi, Omimi!
TsuzuruI’m Spring troupe’s Minagi Tsuzuru.
Happy birthday, Miyoshi-san.
MisumiI’m Ikaruga Misumi!
Kazu, happy birthday!
OmiAutumn troupe’s Fushimi Omi.
Happy birthday, Kazunari.
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KazunariWe’ll be delivering today’s birthday event with these members!
That being said, let’s start this gig off with the VLOG screening party corner!
I shot a VLOG to the theme of “a sight I want to show my fans”.
Tsuzurun did a totes amazing job at filming it for me!
TsuzuruUh… I tried to do the best I could.
KazunariDon’t be so nervous, dude~.
MisumiIt’ll be fine, Tsuzuru.
OmiThat’s right. No need to worry.
Guest ATsuzuru-kun’s a cutie~.
Guest BDon’t worry~!
KazunariAhaha, it doesn’t look like Tsuzurun’s nerves are gonna dissipate at this rate. Let’s start the VLOG screening right away!
OmiIs this… an art museum?
Heh, there’s lots of paintings that would be fun to look at.
MisumiWahh~, I wanna go there too!
Guest CIt’s so pretty…!
Guest DSearching for the hidden puppy sounds like so much fun!
Kazunari“Ah! In the center of this work…
C’mere, have a close look.”
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Kazunari“There’s someone who looks like Tsuzurun standing there!”
Tsuzuru“Uh, no there isn’t!”
Kazunari“Ehh! You should’ve played along a little longer~.”
Guest AAhahaha!
Guest BI was fooled for a second too!
TsuzuruI thought there actually was something there, so I took a shot of it!
KazunariAhaha. Relax bro, it was just a prank.
“Well, we went around. That felt quick~.
Did y’all have fun?”
Guest CIt was lots of fun!
Guest DIt felt like we were going around the museum together. I’m really happy!
KazunariGood to hear!
“You see, this is the museum that sparked my interest in art.”
“I wanted to show all of you the place that became my starting point!”
“The reason I’m so obsessed with art right now is because I encountered it by chance here.”
Tsuzuru“So that’s what happened…”
Kazunari“Speaking of chance, there’s one more thing…”
“The reason I’m able to be a part of the Company now is all because Tsuzurun reached out to me.”
“If I never met Tsuzurun, then I might never have joined MANKAI.”
“My meeting with art, and my meeting with Tsuzrun both came about by chance. But it’s those coincidences that overlapped that lead me here today.”
“With those feelings I decided to ask Tsuzurun to film for me this time.”
Tsuzuru“I see… it’s a bit embarrassing, but I’m glad that’s how you felt.”
It feels embarrassing being swept along that far…
OmiNot at all. That was a wonderful conversation.
MisumiIt was a coincidence, but it was a wonderful encounter~.
KazunariWhat Sumi said!
It was lovely meeting all of you who came here today too~!
Guest AKazunari-kun…!
Guest BYeah, this is a wonderful encounter as well…!
Guest CI’m so happy. Thanks, Kazunari-kun!
KazunariEveryone~. It’s a bummer, but it looks like it’s about time for the event to wrap up…
Guest AEhh!
Guest BThat was way too fast!
KazunariI feel you~. Should we keep this going for 3 more hours?
Guest CKyaaah! Let’s do it!
Guest DI’m down~!
MisumiI wanna do that too!
TsuzuruSorry to burst your bubble, but there’s no way we can do that…!
OmiHaha, let’s look forward to the day we can see each other again.
MisumiRight~, it’s too bad…
KazunariBut hey, that makes you look even more forward to the day we meet again, right!
MisumiAh! You gotta take your photo, Kazu!
KazunariOh snap!
Alright… do your thing, Tsuzurun!
TsuzuruMe? I mean, are you ok with someone who’s not a pro?
KazunariI just feel like it’s gotta be you this time!
OmiI think so too.
TsuzuruOkay… I understand.
I’ll try my best to get a nice shot.
KazunariThanks! I’m sure it’ll turn out cool.
TsuzuruAlright, I’m taking it~.
Say cheese!
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