Kazunari | Thanks for coming today, guys! |
| Let’s make it a good one~! |
Misumi | Yeah! Hehe, I’m happy we get to celebrate together at Kazu’s event! |
Tsuzuru | I feel at ease since Fushimi-san’s here. |
Omi | Haha, really? |
| I’m happy I was invited too. Thanks, Kazunari. |
Kazunari | Omimi’s my birthday bromide project pal. |
| And I’m sure it’ll be lit if Sumi comes on stage with us! |
| As for Tsuzurun, he filmed the perfect VLOG for me~. |
Tsuzuru | Please don’t raise the bar so high. |
| *door opens* |
Izumi | Are all of you ready? |
Kazunari | Yep, we’re raring to go. |
Izumi | Remember, you’re going to have your picture taken at the end of your event as well, Kazunari-kun. |
Kazunari | Gotcha! Take a super cute one of me, alright? |
| |
| Thanks for coming, everybody~! |
| It’s Kazunari Miyoshi in the house ♪ |
Guest A | Kyaaah! Kazunari-kuuun! |
Guest B | Kazunari-kun, happy birthday! |
Guest C | Kazunari Miyoshi~! Happy birthday! |
Kazunari | Thankies~! I’m super happy to receive your congrats! |
| Alrighty, I’mma introduce my 3 guests who came to get this event hyped up together today. |
| Tsuzurun, Sumi, Omimi! |
Tsuzuru | I’m Spring troupe’s Minagi Tsuzuru. |
| Happy birthday, Miyoshi-san. |
Misumi | I’m Ikaruga Misumi! |
| Kazu, happy birthday! |
Omi | Autumn troupe’s Fushimi Omi. |
| Happy birthday, Kazunari. |
Kazunari | We’ll be delivering today’s birthday event with these members! |
| That being said, let’s start this gig off with the VLOG screening party corner! |
| I shot a VLOG to the theme of “a sight I want to show my fans”. |
| Tsuzurun did a totes amazing job at filming it for me! |
Tsuzuru | Uh… I tried to do the best I could. |
Kazunari | Don’t be so nervous, dude~. |
Misumi | It’ll be fine, Tsuzuru. |
Omi | That’s right. No need to worry. |
Tsuzuru | O-okay. |
Guest A | Tsuzuru-kun’s a cutie~. |
Guest B | Don’t worry~! |
Kazunari | Ahaha, it doesn’t look like Tsuzurun’s nerves are gonna dissipate at this rate. Let’s start the VLOG screening right away! |
Omi | Is this… an art museum? |
| Heh, there’s lots of paintings that would be fun to look at. |
Misumi | Wahh~, I wanna go there too! |
Guest C | It’s so pretty…! |
Guest D | Searching for the hidden puppy sounds like so much fun! |
| |
Kazunari | “Ah! In the center of this work… |
| C’mere, have a close look.” |
Tsuzuru | “Hm…?” |
Kazunari | “There’s someone who looks like Tsuzurun standing there!” |
Tsuzuru | “Uh, no there isn’t!” |
Kazunari | “Ehh! You should’ve played along a little longer~.” |
| |
Guest A | Ahahaha! |
Guest B | I was fooled for a second too! |
Tsuzuru | I thought there actually was something there, so I took a shot of it! |
Kazunari | Ahaha. Relax bro, it was just a prank. |
| |
| “Well, we went around. That felt quick~. |
| Did y’all have fun?” |
| |
Guest C | It was lots of fun! |
Guest D | It felt like we were going around the museum together. I’m really happy! |
Kazunari | Good to hear! |
| |
| “You see, this is the museum that sparked my interest in art.” |
| “I wanted to show all of you the place that became my starting point!” |
| “The reason I’m so obsessed with art right now is because I encountered it by chance here.” |
Tsuzuru | “So that’s what happened…” |
Kazunari | “Speaking of chance, there’s one more thing…” |
| “The reason I’m able to be a part of the Company now is all because Tsuzurun reached out to me.” |
| “If I never met Tsuzurun, then I might never have joined MANKAI.” |
| “My meeting with art, and my meeting with Tsuzrun both came about by chance. But it’s those coincidences that overlapped that lead me here today.” |
| “With those feelings I decided to ask Tsuzurun to film for me this time.” |
Tsuzuru | “I see… it’s a bit embarrassing, but I’m glad that’s how you felt.” |
| |
| It feels embarrassing being swept along that far… |
Omi | Not at all. That was a wonderful conversation. |
Misumi | It was a coincidence, but it was a wonderful encounter~. |
Kazunari | What Sumi said! |
| It was lovely meeting all of you who came here today too~! |
Guest A | Kazunari-kun…! |
Guest B | Yeah, this is a wonderful encounter as well…! |
Guest C | I’m so happy. Thanks, Kazunari-kun! |
| |
Kazunari | Everyone~. It’s a bummer, but it looks like it’s about time for the event to wrap up… |
Guest A | Ehh! |
Guest B | That was way too fast! |
Kazunari | I feel you~. Should we keep this going for 3 more hours? |
Guest C | Kyaaah! Let’s do it! |
Guest D | I’m down~! |
Misumi | I wanna do that too! |
Tsuzuru | Sorry to burst your bubble, but there’s no way we can do that…! |
Omi | Haha, let’s look forward to the day we can see each other again. |
Misumi | Right~, it’s too bad… |
Kazunari | But hey, that makes you look even more forward to the day we meet again, right! |
Misumi | Ah! You gotta take your photo, Kazu! |
Kazunari | Oh snap! |
| Alright… do your thing, Tsuzurun! |
Tsuzuru | Me? I mean, are you ok with someone who’s not a pro? |
Kazunari | I just feel like it’s gotta be you this time! |
Omi | I think so too. |
Tsuzuru | Okay… I understand. |
| I’ll try my best to get a nice shot. |
Kazunari | Thanks! I’m sure it’ll turn out cool. |
Tsuzuru | Alright, I’m taking it~. |
| Say cheese! |
Kazunari | Bang! |