Juza Hyodo/MANKAI Memory

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Childhood Memory: JUZA

Backstage Stories
Izumi?! That voice just now...
SakodaAh, boss lady! 'Scuse me for intruding!
IzumiI knew it was Sakoda-san. And I see Juza-kun's also here.
Izumi(Were they writing something together since there are calligraphy papers and brushes?)
Ah, could that be...
SakodaYep! "Simplicity·Frugality·Temperance Lifestyle"! The dorm's slogan!
It's been a while since I made the last one, and people have been forgetting the slogan lately...
So Aniki told me to remake it.
And I heard that Juza-san can write calligraphy too, so I asked him to write with me!
IzumiI see.
Izumi(Juza-kun's writing the slogan with a really serious look...)
But what are you going to do with so much writing?
SakodaWhaddya mean? We're goin' to write a bunch of 'em and use the best one as the slogan of course!
'Sides, I thought I'd put this slogan here and there in the dorm so people wouldn't forget.
That's why Juza-san really saved my butt by helping out!
IzumiI see.
(Sakoda-san's writing is just as beautiful, but Juza-kun's writing is so much more beautiful when he writes with a brush...)
Juza...It's done.
SakodaOoh! Just as you'd expect!
IzumiYeah, your writing is really beautiful.
SakodaI bet Aniki will be happy, too!
Izumi...Oh, right. By the way, Juza-kun.
I wanted to talk about the dates for your birthday bromide shoot.
IzumiIt's a commemorative bromide we make for each member's birthday month.
We're shooting with props from the storage room, but you also have to choose one accessory by yourself for the shoot.
JuzaOh yeah, that's right. We're supposed to bring something from the time before we joined the troupe, right?
IzumiYeah. Everyone brought something from their home, so maybe you can look for one when you go back to your parents' house.
JuzaGot it. I was already planning to go home with Kumon soon, so I'll look for one then.
SakodaOoh, you're printing new bromides, huh!
IzumiDo you want one, Sakoda-san?
Sakoda'S that okay?! Yaay!
Of course I'm looking forward to Aniki's, but I'm also looking forward to Juza-san's bromide!
JuzaSomething memorable... Do I have anything...
KumonI'll help you find one! I wonder what would be good~
Ah, this is?! It was when we played catch on the riverbank...
Hm, wait? That's my memorable item!
Umm, then the other ones...
Juza(I'm grateful that Kumon's helping me search.)
KumonHmm, it's hard to think about it like this...
This kakizome...[1]
Ah! That's the one where you won an award for it at school, right? Mom told me about it!
(It's neatly decorated. This kakizome was--)
JuzaWinter break homework, huh...
Juza's MomThere's also calligraphy.
JuzaYeah. There're some samples, and I was allowed to choose any word I wanted to write from them.
I'm...gonna choose this word.
I failed again...
(I can't seem to write as well as I'd like.)
(...Right, the calligraphy teacher told me to "face myself and write.")
...Face yourself
Su, ha...
(This was written well.)
Juza's MomGood job, Juza.
JuzaMom. Since when were you there?
Juza's MomYou were concentrating on writing, so I tried not to get in the way. I made you a snack, so why don't you take a break?
Juza! ...Yeah.
Juza's MomThat kakizome is really good. I feel like I can see who you really are just from your writing.
(Who I really am?)
(I don't really get it, but... I guess that was a compliment.)
Juza(Everyone's kakizome homework is on display in the corridor.)
(Where is mine...)
(Ah, found it.)
(! ...It has a sticker that says "winner" on it.)
Juza's Classmate AWow, Juza-kun is so good at writing.
Juza's Classmate BHeh, way to go!
Juza's Classmate CWow! That's so cool!
(It's hard to believe that people are praising me without being afraid of me...)
(Somehow, I feel like they're accepting me. To think that it's making me this happy...)
KumonEver since I was little, I've always thought that your handwriting was super good.
It's really neat, but I could also feel how serious you were through it.
(Mom also said that she could see who I really was from my writing...)
...That so.
Kumon...Ah! But of course I like your regular handwriting as much as your calligraphy! Since it's Onii-chan's handwriting--
JuzaThanks, Kumon. I'll bring this kakizome for the bromide photoshoot.
IzumiHappy birthday, Juza-kun!
TaichiHappy birthday!!
JuzaYeah, thanks.
BanriAside from the other food, this amount of sweets... I don't care if it's your birthday, are you insane?
JuzaYou don't hafta eat it if you don't like it. I'll eat 'em for you.
BanriI never said I didn't like 'em! Don't you dare try to eat someone else's food!
SakyoOi! Don't get rowdy on the dining table! Shut up and eat when you're supposed to eat.
TaichiNo way, that's just lonely...!
Besides, it wouldn't be complete without Juza-san and Banri-san arguing, right!
IzumiAhaha, I think so too.
OmiI'll add some more sweets if it's not enough.
JuzaThanks. ...Nom nom.
IzumiThis is heaven for Juza-kun!
AzamiNo, all that sweets will be bad for your skin and body, you know.
I'll let it slide today, but tomorrow you're gonna have to start taking thorough care of your skin...
TaichiAchan is as strict as ever!
JuzaSakyo-san, aren't you gonna eat?
SakyoNo, you go ahead.
You like that cake, don't you? I'll just have a bit.
Juza'Kay, thanks.
Izumi(Really, these sweets are just the perfect gift for Juza-kun...)
CHOICE 1: I also baked madelaine. [+]
CHOICE 2: Actually, those cookies are... [+]
SakyoSpeaking of, the slogan that you wrote turned out well.
Sakoda's is also good, but yours is just impressive.
TaichiJuza-san, your handwriting is so beautiful when you hold a brush!
BanriReally? Anyone can do that much.
JuzaHaah? Why the hell are you actin' all conceited?
BanriHah? I definitely ain't.
IzumiU-umm! Right! Even for the bromide, Juza-kun brought a kakizome, didn't you?
JuzaYeah. It was a kakizome homework that I got when I was in elementary.
AzamiI saw it when I went to help with the shoot, and it's amazing that you were able to write that well in elementary.
IzumiYeah, I also thought it was really good.
BanriI mean, just like the slogan, you can tell how much of a stick in the mud he is just from his writing.
OmiHaha, Juza's earnest and nice side definitely shows.
SakyoA person's writing tends to embody the writer.
TaichiHow nice~ It's like saying that I am who I am! I wish I could write like that, too~
BanriYou're the only one with a messy handwriting.
Juza-san, do you have any tips for writing neatly?
...Face yourself, and pick up the brush.
(The words that I didn't understand very well back then, I think I understand them now.)
(I'm sure I'll continue to face myself in the future, so that I can proudly say that this is who I am.)



  1. Kakizome is a Japanese term for the first calligraphy written at the beginning of a year, traditionally on January 2.