Itaru Chigasaki/Beautiful Princess

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Salaryman Magic Show

Backstage Stories
Izumi(Today's the day that the original blend of spices will be stocked.)
(They always sell out fast, so hopefully there's still some left.)
(Hm? The person who's in front of the seasoning corner is...)
ItaruYou surprised me, Director-san. GW~.
IzumiI'm the one who's surprised. What are you doing here?
ItaruAhh, yeah. The truth is...
Department Boss... And that's all for details about the project. Next, about the company's end of the year party...
Itaru(End of the year parties are so troublesome...)
(But since I'm acting at Edo Park this year-end, I've been able to avoid most of the parties. Good, good.)
Department Boss... And so, as you all know, our department is in charge of entertainment this year.
Yamashita was supposed to be the entertainment, but unfortunately, he has influenza and has been off since yesterday. [1]
So, I've been looking for someone who can take Yamashita's place, but...
... Chigasaki, could I ask you to take his place?
Itaru(And there it is... Are you serious...)
(I want to turn him down vehemently. I want to... but.)
(Since I've turned down so many year-end parties because of acting, this is really hard to turn down...)
The entertainment is, if I remember correctly...
Department BossIt's magic tricks.
ItaruAre you sure about me handling this? I'm the very definition of a beginner.
Department BossIn the end, it'll just be the level of a year-end party's entertainment. Plus, if a handsome guy like you's doing it, you can cover stuff up by directing attention to your face.
This is part of what they call misdirection.
(So cold...)
Colleague AChigasaki-san, do your best!
Colleague BI'll be looking forward to it!
Itaru(This atmosphere... It's an impossible game to turn this down...)
... Understood. I'll do my absolute best. So, what kind of magic trick should I perform?
Department BossIt's simple. That thing, you know, the one where a pigeon flies out.
Itaru... Excuse me?
IzumiI see...
ItaruSo, when you're talking about magic tricks, at home there's my cheat senpai who's good at them, right.
IzumiYeah, Chikage-san.
ItaruYep, yep.
For now, I've been putting super spicy snacks that Senpai seems like he'd like one after another into my basket, and I'm going to use them as an offering to him, but...
Just to make doubly sure, I was thinking of buying some spices.
IzumiEven if you don't go that far, I think he would teach you, though?
ItaruNaïve. Do you really think Senpai would teach me for free?
He'll say "You owe me one" or something, but he'll obviously be expecting something in return.
Anyway... I don't really want to owe him a favor. If he settles for a super spicy bribe, then it would be pretty cheap, see.
Ah, if it's okay with you, will you tell me what kind of spices you would recommend? I don't know anything about spices.
IzumiI only know about things that are used in curry, but if you're okay with that, then alright.
ItaruI'm home~.
ChikageYeah, welcome home.
ItaruMasumi, you're here. Is Senpai teaching you magic again?
Masumi... I'll become the best magician in the world and cast a magic spell on her.
ItaruHis motives are devilish.
MasumiShut up. It's something that I need, so it has nothing to do with you.
Masumi... What?
ChikagePerhaps something like "I'm going to do magic tricks as entertainment, so I'd like you to teach me as well"?
Itaru... Have the rumors spread that far already?
ChikageWell, yeah. For now, I'll hear out the details.
MasumiMisdirection with your face...
ItaruIs that what got you? Well, I get why you feel so put-off, though.
ChikageSuddenly telling a beginner magician to do a trick where a pigeon flies out of a hat... As expected of your boss.
ItaruIt's definitely a killer pass, right. With that, please accept this.
Masumi... The packages are all red and black. Just looking at it, it's spicy.
ItaruIt's a festival of super spicy snacks. Ah, I have spices, too.
ChikageThis is the spice that was stocked today. Heh, it's a pretty good choice coming from you, Chigasaki.
I thought I would make you clean the room, but. ... Well, I guess I'll take this.
Itaru... Heck yeah. Director-san, thanks.
... So, why are you still here, Masumi?
Masumi... No reason in particular.
ItaruYou're definitely here to laugh at me. Well, it's whatever, though.
ChikageOkay, then let's start right away.
First of all, you have to be friendly with the pigeon you're using. You're a beginner, and I can't exactly say you're very skillfull either, so that's impossible for you.
ItaruA sudden game over.
ChikageSo, this time, I thought we should ask him to fulfill the role of the pigeon.
KamekichiTime for Kamekichi-sama's appearance!
ItaruA parrot in place of a pigeon? It's not very magic trick-like, but... I guess there's nothing we can do about that.
KamekichiI'll settle for my performance fee being a bag of walnuts!
ItaruOkay, fine. I'll make it high-grade walnuts, so don't say any unnecessary things at the venue, okay.
Don't say any unnecessary things at the venue, okay.
Masumi... Insistent.
ItaruIt's something important, so saying it twice——.
ChikageThe rest is omitted. Let's start.
KamekichiThat hurts! Be more careful!
Masumi... The trick is so obvious. You suck.
ChikageYour facial misdirection won't work here.
ChikageIt's important to do precise movements with your body when handling magic tricks. If you're clumsy, with just that, they'll see that you're bad at magic tricks.
MasumiIf it was me, I would be able to do it better, though.
ItaruThen you take my place and be the entertainment at the year-end party.
MasumiNo way. My magic tricks are for her only.
ChikageOkay, once more from the top.
KamekichiDo it right next time!
Itaru... Okay.
IzumiGood work. Your magic trick practice seems pretty tough.
ItaruThe grueling training of the demon coach is intense...
IzumiPlease drink something warm and take a short break.
ItaruIt smells good...
IzumiIt's a cafe au lait. I made it a little sweet. ... Would cola have perhaps been better?
Itaru... No, I wanted to drink something warm. Thank you.
Ahh... The warmth is soaking in...
IzumiHehe, that's good.
Itaru... Director-san, touch the back of my hand three times.
IzumiUmm... Like this?
Itaru1, 2, 3... Here you go.
IzumiWow, it's a flower!
ItaruThis is the first simple magic trick that I learned. ... Thank you for helping me pick out the spices.
CHOICE 1: "If it's about spices, ask me anytime!" [+]
IzumiIf it's about spices, ask me anytime! I could talk all night.
The world of spices is so profound that I could talk until morning and still not have talked enough.
ItaruHmm... I wonder if it'll be useful for when I mix herbs in games?
CHOICE 2: "I'm glad that I was able to help you" [+]
IzumiI'm glad that I was able to help you.
ItaruI'd like to thank you somehow. Oh, I know. Want to go somewhere together sometime?
IzumiIs there somewhere in particular you want to go?
ItaruOne of my online games is holding an IRL event right now. Wanna dress up in cosplay with me and go?
IzumiUhh... That would be a little...
ItaruKidding. But I was telling the truth about wanting to go somewhere together. I'll look for a place that you seem like you'd enjoy.
Okay, an invincibility buff has been casted on me, so I guess I'll go back to the demon coach.
IzumiDo your best.
ItaruThank you. Thanks for the cafe au lait, too.
Chairman... Then, next is the corner you've all been waiting for! It seems like this year there will be some magic tricks on display.
Now then, please go ahead!
ItaruHello, good work, everyone. I'm Yamashita-san's substitute that was decided out of the blue, Chigasaki.
I'm just a beginner at magic, so please go easy on me. By the way, if I make a mistake, my boss told me to cover it up by using my face.
Female Company WorkersChigasaki-sa~n, do your best!!
Male Company WorkersHandsome guy, fail!!
ItaruAhaha. Thank you for cheering me on, everyone.
Well, then——.
This is an empty silk hat. There are no tricks to it, either.
I would like to use this silk hat and a walnut to call on my friend. 3, 2, 1... Alright.
Female Company Worker AWhoa, a parrot!?
Male Company Worker AA parrot flew out of the silk hat!
ItaruWhere's your greeting to everyone?
KamekichiI'm Kamekichi-sama! As expected of a trading company, everyone's a beauty!
Female Company Worker ASo cute!!
Female Comapny Worker BChigasaki-san, you're amazing!
Itaru... And that wraps it up for magic tricks. Thank you very much.
Female Company Worker AChigasaki-san was so amazing~.
Female Company Worker BHe was like a real magician!
ItaruThank you.
Male Company Worker BWho's that parrot? Is he your pet, Chigasaki-san?
ItaruYeah, he lives at my theater's dorms.
KamekichiHope you'll come see MANKAI Company!
Female Company Worker BHey, Kamekichi-kun. What's the usual Chigasaki-san like?
Female Company Worker CAhh, I'm curious!
KamekichiLet's see. He's always pla-...
ItaruOkaay, that's enough. Talking unnecesarily isn't allowed.
Female Company Worker BEhh, I wanna hear~.
Female Company Worker CKamekichi-kun, tell us! I'll give you these peanuts.
KamekichiHe wears a jersey, has a topknot head, and he pla-...
ItaruHey, Kamekichi——.
ItaruWhat's wrong?
Kamekichi... Chikage!
ChikageHey, Kamekichi. Good work out there.
Female Company Worker DIt's Utsuki-san!
Female Company Worker ANow that I think of it, Utsuki-san is in the same theater troupe as Chigasaki-san, right?
ItaruChikage-san is always taking care of me back at the dorms, too.
ChikageHaha, Chigasaki's actually the one who's the senpai when it comes to the theater troupe. I'm the one who's in your care.
ItaruThat's not true at all. You're always helping me out, right.
... You're always helping me out, right.
KamekichiIs Itaru broken?
ChikageWho knows? Maybe it's something important.
Right, Kamekichi. There seems to be some delicious fruits over there, but do you want to try them?
KamekichiI do!
ChikageAlright, Chigasaki, see you later.
Itaru... I'm in your debt.
ChikageWell, you owe me a favor... I suppose?
Itaru*sigh*... So it still ends up like this in the end...



  1. I translated this as Yamashita, but there are a few different readings as well