Tasuku Takato/Ebony Mankai Black

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Youth Extra Appearance

Backstage Stories
IzumiYeah, it’s delicious!
KumonThis sandwich is so delicious!
OmiThat’s great.
Juza too, would you like to add some cream?
IzumiGood morning. Were you running again?
TasukuNo, I was riding the bike today.
I didn’t let it run recently.
But I was thinking that I want to go touring soon.
OmiAh, that sounds great.
The weather’s nice recently too.
KumonI also want to ride behind my brother again~!
JuzaYeah, I’ll let you ride behind me next time.
KumonAlright~! It’s a promise!
TV“Wolf Ranger, assembled!”
IzumiAh, that’s the show I saw last time.
KumonIt seems to be the current Sentai series!
JuzaHe… It’s that kind of feels.
Izumi(Tasuku-san’s staring intently at the television.
He might have been influenced by Shouta-kun.)
Delivery ManYou have a delivery.
IzumiThank you so much.
Mid-year gift…
I wonder who it’s from.
(The sender is… Hero Show management company?
They went all the way to send this to us.)
(I wonder what’s inside.)
TasukuWhat’s with the stuffs.
IzumiTasuku-san, what a great timing!
It’s a mid-year gift we received from the Hero Show management company from that time.
TasukuHee, I see.
What’s inside?
IzumiI’m going to open it now—
TasukuThis is…
IzumiPrevious generation Sentai Heroes’ retort-pouch curry…![1]
TasukuIf you look at it closely, it seems to be made for children.
IzumiThe tension’s getting pretty high with this much packed inside.
In addition, it’s curry too…!
TasukuIt’s not only curry, it seems that there’s a postcard inside too.
IzumiAh, you’re right.
Eh umm—
“Thank you for the previous time.
If you would like, please enjoy it with everyone.”
They even write the postcard politely… I have to send my gratitude to them later.
The photos at the back looks very beautiful too.
TasukuIt seems to be a port somewhere.
IzumiPerhaps, it’s a sacred place from the Hero Series or something.
Tasuku…I see.
It doesn’t seem to be a mistake.
TasukuLike what Director said, it looks like a famous garden from a location in the Sentai series.
Look, this one.
IzumiAh, you’re right…!
I don’t expect it to really be a sacred place…
After saying that, now I feel like going there~
It’s such a beautiful place after all.
TasukuThen, why don’t we go together?
IzumiEh, really, is it fine?
TasukuIt was just right that I was thinking of letting my bike run a bit more.
The distance seems just nice too if it’s this place.
IzumiI want to go!
(Touring with Tasuku-san, I’m looking forward to it.)
IzumiI’m glad it’s sunny today.
I’m looking forward to spend the day with you!
TasukuYeah. It’s the ideal weather for touring.
IzumiIt’s been a while since I wear this helmet that I’ve received from Tasuku-san.
TasukuHave you forgotten how to fasten the helmet?
IzumiI’m fine, I remember it properly!
…There, I’m done!
TasukuThe front belt, it’s twisted you know.
IzumiReally? ….Ah, here is it.
Eh umm… Eh?
TasukuGeez… Come, turn this way.
IzumiSorry, thank you for fixing it.
TasukuThen, let’s go.
Fuh… The wind feels great!
TasukuIt’s been a while since I let it run, as expected it feels nice.
IzumiThe scenery’s beautiful too, since we’re here why don’t we take a short walk.
Izumi…Hmm? It seems that people are gathering over there.
I wonder what’s happening?
TasukuThey have equipment around, is it a shooting?
StaffEh, are you perhaps, Tasuku?
Izumi(It’s Tasuku-san’s acquaintance I guess?)
YoshidaAre you still doing theatre?
TasukuStill continuing.
Yoshida…I see.
That woman over there… Perhaps, your girlfriend?
IzumiEh! No no, you’re mistaken!
TasukuShe’s the director of my theatre troupe.
YoshidaTheatre troupe…? If that’s the case then just nice!
YoshidaActually, we’re in the middle of shooting a special program for a Sentai series now, there’s a vacancy for extras and I need to make the arrangement for it.
If you’re fine with it, can I get the two of you to make the appearance.
YoshidaIt’s a role with one or two lines, but of course, I believe that Tasuku-san and troupe director-san are used to it right.
Can I request for your help, please?
IzumiI’m sorry, but I myself have stayed away from performance for a while…
Anyway, I’m not confident in acting.
YoshidaIt’s fine. You just need to appear for a little bit!
It’s the role of teenage student couple, so I want you to wear school uniform though…
IzumiSchool uniform!?
(In addition, the role of student couple…)
YoshidaThere’s only one line for the dialogue.
Think of it as helping others!
IzumiEven if you say that…
TasukuYoshida-san, I’m sure you know my age.
I don’t think I can wear that kind of thing.
YoshidaIf you decide to appear, I’ll put your names on the ending credit as well.
I can put the troupe name in too if you want to.
IzumiEnding credit…? Are you for real?
YoshidaOf course., since I’m asking for a favour from you guys.
TasukuOi… You don’t say.
IzumiTasuku-san, should we do it?
Tasuku…Are you serious?
IzumiIf it’s this way, it might become a good publicity for the theatre troupe.
YoshidaYes yes, you don’t know when another chance like this might come up again.
IzumiLet’s do it!
I’ll do my best with all I have too…!
YoshidaI’ll depend on you too, Tasuku.
Tasuku…Hah, I have no choice right.
Izumi(I tried taking it for myself and change, but…
As expected, I’m not comfortable wearing a school uniform.
I wonder if Tasuku-san’s done changing?)
TasukuI can’t believe I’m wearing a school uniform at this age.
IzumiEh… Tasuku-san, don’t look so uncomfortable with it!
TasukuHow can I not.
I can’t help but to think of what age I would be this year.
CHOICE 1: “You look really cool." [+]
CHOICE 2: “It sure looks fresh." [+]
TasukuTo appear in this kind of role, definitely don’t tell anyone on the troupe.
IzumiYou’re right… Even if it’s for the sake of publicizing, I’m still against wearing school uniform.
YoshidaOh, it seems that you guys are ready.
It fits the two of you very well!
Well then, can I give you a brief explanation.
IzumiPl, pleased to work with you!
KumonToday’s breakfast is delicious as always!
AzumaThanks for the meal.
IzumiAzuma-san, would you like to drink some coffee?
AzumaThank you.
IzumiAh, Tasuku-san.
Breakfast is ready.
TV“Following this, a large gathering of Sentai heroes from previous generation! Look forward to it!”
KumonEh, it seems that there will be another new Sentai series starting!
AzumaHee, it seems that they’re doing a special program.
Izumi(Eh, is this maybe…)
Narration“This is a Port Town somewhere in the world…
People lived in peace.”
Izumi“Today’s date was fun. Thank you.”
Tasuku“Me too.
…Let’s go out like this again together someday.”
KumonHmm? Hmm?
Wait, I can’t tell from afar but…
These two, isn’t it Director and Tasuku-san!?
AzumaYou’re right.
Fufu, I never thought I’ll be able to see the two of you in school uniform.
KumonA couple role some more! Amazing!
Izumi(We got found out so fast…!)
No, there’s a reason for this…
MasumiWhat’s this, what’s the meaning of this.
TasukuSince when…
AzumaYou got found out by the person you don’t want to find out the most.
IzumiEh, this is more or less, a job that we took for publicity purposes…
MasumiI also want a uniform date with you.
IzumiEh? That!?
MasumiIt’s not fair if it’s only Tasuku who can have a uniform date with you.
IzumiFor the uniform to have such force…
But anyway, Masumi-kun have also graduated from high school, right?
MasumiEven Tasuku wore it, so I thought it’s fine for me to wear it too.
Tasuku…This, I guess you won’t listen to whatever we say.
IzumiWait, Tasuku-san!?
Aren’t you going to help me!
KumonMasumi-san, you’re the same as ever~!
AzumaFufu, it seems this battle will continue for a while.


  1. Retort pouch curry is packaged curry(?). Just google it if you want to see how it looks like I guess.
  2. Gakuran is a type of Japanese school uniform.