Tasuku Takato/Guardian of the Path

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Devil's Tamagoyaki

Backstage Stories
Tasuku--a soul without divine protection, it is the best nourishment for devils. Fyuh……
TsumugiTasuku, dinner is ready.
TasukuYeah, I’ll come over soon.
TsumugiAs usual, you are very motivated.
TasukuI have to be able to show it with a different expression from you. That line still has a lot of room for improvement.
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TsumugiHaha, soon you will have a lot of scribbles in your script again.
*shifts to dining room*
AzumaHere, jajaan!
Guy…. *Munch munch*
HomareGuy-san, that’s the way. Look, even Hisoka-kun is waking up. Come and look at Guy-san’s performance and eat marshmallow.
Guy, do your best.
TasukuWhy are you guys doing wankosoba?
AzumaIt’s a part of role study for Guy.
HomareThat’s because this time, Guy’s role is a devil who likes to eat. When we’re talking about eating a lot, it can only be wankosoba.
TsumugiAh, so that’s it.
AzumaHow is it, Guy? Can you still go on?
GuyYeah, no problem.
HomareHonestly, you did a good job in eating those.
Ah, an inspiration for another poet has struck me! You who has been slurping noodles, looks more like a poodle than an idol. Listen to the sound of the soba, let’s slurp it all~!
HisokaAlice….. You’re noisy.
AzumaGuy, good work. Is your stomach alright?
GuyYes, that was a good role study. I’m grateful, Yukishiro.
IzumiEh, what’s Winter Troupe doing gathering around here?
AzumaWelcome back, director. We were helping Guy to study his role.
IzumiRole study?
GuyYeah, Yukishiro offered to help me and I just did wankosoba.
HomareGuy-san’s eating is truly splendid. It was enough to struck me with a lot of inspiration for my poem!
IzumiSounds interesting. I wished I had seen it earlier.
HomareThen why not we challenged it with everyone this time and kantoku-kun can help to serve the food!
Of course, Hisoka-kun will also join.
Hisoka……No way. I’ll participate if it’s wanko-marshmallow.
TasukuIsn’t that just the usual thing.
AzumaFufu, then Hisoka will start first.
GuyBy the way, what are you doing for your role study, Takato?
IzumiTasuku-san has a role as a passionate devil right.
TasukuYeah. I have thought of some things, but I haven’t done any serious role study.
HomareHmm. A being driven by passion……
Then, how about making a switch with passion?
TasukuSwitch with passion?
AzumaMaybe it’s the kind when you switch your personality when you do something special?
TsumugiI see, that sounds nice.
For example, this leftover tamagoyaki from dinner……
If you eat this, you might be able to feel the passionate emotion and awaken the devil inside you.
TasukuWhat kind of setting is that.
AzumaIt might actually be a good role study it seems.
TsumugiSince we’re here already, why don’t we try it?
TasukuAh…. I guess I have no choice. --*Munch munch*
IzumiTa, Tasuku san……?
Tasuku…… Hoo, interesting.
It looks like there are a lot of delicious looking humans over here.
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GuyI took him an instant to get into his role.
Hisoka…… as expected from the theatre-idiot.
TasukuThen, who will be the first among you?
….. You over there.
Your soul looks delightful.
IzumiEh, me!?
CHOICE 1: I’m not delightful in any way even if you eat me! [+]
IzumiI, I’m not delightful in any way even if you eat me!
TasukuI can tell that you have the scent of a high-quality goods.
IzumiScent of a high-quality goods…?
TasukuYour heart that believed in your comrades, the strength to stick to your will...
What you have is, such a pure and noble soul…
Izumi(What is this, the way he said it is pretty scary, but I’m somehow happy…)
TasukuYou’re so scared that you can’t say anything huh?
Then, just stay right there and give your soul to me.
CHOICE 2: Please wake up and open your eyes, Tasuku san! [+]
IzumiPlease wake up and open your eyes, Tasuku san!
TasukuWho is this Tasuku guy?
— My name is Satan and there is no one that can stop the overflowing passion inside of me.
Izumi(Ah, it’s pointless, there’s no way I can reach him when he’s in this state.)
TasukuI can’t get enough of that fearful look.
Human, let’s see you beg for your life.
Well, no matter how much you cry, I won’t let you run away.
Please remember the sister’s power that’s sleeping inside of you!
IzumiEh, si, sister…?
AzumaThis is the time to release your power.
Izumi(I think I just gets roped into this etude……!
If, if it’s like that then I have not other choice……!)
Dear Satan, calm down!
GuyDid we get him?
Tasuku--- That won’t work.
Do you think you can beat me with that measly power of yours?
Izumi(It’s no use……! Then at this point, maybe Tsumugi san who was acting as exorcist can……!)
Tsu, Tsumugi san--!
TsumugiYou finally showed yourself, you devil.
By calling the power of the exorcist, I will eliminate you.
Disappear! HA!
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TasukuUgh, uwaaaghh!
Damn you, exorcist……
But this body is nothing but a vessel. I just need to find another suitable vessel for my soul to enter.
---You over there, that’s just nice.
TasukuI cannot die. I will be resurrected from the new vessel.
AzumaYareyare. I have no choice but to join this now.
Kuh, haa, haa….
So this is the new vessel, not bad at all.
I have received new power.
My comrades, let’s gather together and die for me--!
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Th, this is……!
HisokaWho is it who summons and calls my name……
You exorcist who has brought my anger, I’ll let you pay with your death.
HomareHahahahahaha, you weak exorcists, can you stop this magnificent self?
GuyPlaytime is over. I’m hungry.
I wonder who will fill this hunger of mine.
TsumugiUgh…… If it continues like this--!
Lend me your power, my fellow exorcist.
TasukuGeez…… You only called me out during a pinch.
Do you really need me to lend my power once more?
Izumi(Why is Tasuku san suddenly resurrected as an exorcist……!
Somehow this situation has become very amazing…….)
MukuWe’re home!
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TenmaWhat are you guys doing?
TasukuRun away! Humans like you guys will just become the devil’s food!
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What do you mean by that, Tasuku-san?
YukiWhat’s this situation.
MukuEhh!? I don’t know what’s happening but, everyone’s atmosphere here are scary……!
IzumiWhen you eat a tamagoyaki, you awaken the demon inside you.
Well, this is that kind of etude……
Sounds cool-, I’ll do it as well!
Can thou hear me?
Your soul is already mine.
TsumugiUgh, against this many devils, if only I can take one down……!
TasukuDon’t just give in to numbers, I will just do what I can.
Prepare yourself, devils.
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YukiHah…… What are you guys doing, please behave like a good adult.
IzumiBut, this etude, how are we going to end this!?



  1. Wankosoba refers to soba eating competition