Tsuzuru | It's the supermarket. |
| Should we drop by to buy ingredients for dinner? |
Omi | Let's do that. How about you, Juza? |
| Are you heading back first? |
Juza | No, I'm goin’ with you. |
| I'll help out carryin’ stuff. |
Omi | Thanks, Juza. |
??? | Ah, Tsuzuru-niichan! |
Tsuzuru | Suberu? |
| What are you doing in a place like this? |
Juza | ....Who? |
Omi | Ah, you've never met him before. |
| He's Tsuzuru's little brother. |
Suberu | Good afternoon. I'm Minagi Suberu. |
Omi | Hello. |
Juza | Yo. |
| ...You look just like Tsuzuru-san. |
Tsuzuru | Really? |
| Well, we're brothers after all. |
Subaru | Uh, umm, Tsuzuru nii-chan. |
| There's something I'd like to ask you. |
Tsuzuru | Is it about the teddy bear you're holding? |
Suberu | I had a fight with Noboru. |
| This poor guy got its arm torn off. Noboru is really angry about it. |
Tsuzuru | Noboru likes this guy after all. |
Suberu | Tsuzuru nii-chan, can you repair it? |
| I want to repair it and apologize properly to Noboru. |
Tsuzuru | Got it. Let me see. |
Suberu | Yes... |
Tsuzuru | Hmm... It's badly torn off. |
Omi | Tsuzuru, can I take a look? |
Tsuzuru | Ah, sure. |
Omi | ....Hm, I can repair this. |
| I also have a sewing kit. I'll repair it right away. |
Tsuzuru | As expected of Fushimi-san. |
Juza | Sorry for buttin' in....But people 'round have been givin' us looks for a while now. |
Tsuzuru | So that's why I've been feeling someone's gaze... Well, three grown-up men holding a teddy bear is certainly an unusual sight. |
Omi | Haha, should we move? |
| |
Tsuzuru | We're home. |
Omi | We're home. |
Juza | We're home. |
Suberu | Sorry for intruding. |
Izumi | Welcome home, everyone. Eh? |
| Uhh.... Suberu-kun! |
Suberu | Good afternoon. Thank you for taking care of my brother. |
Izumi | (As expected of Tsuzuru-kun's younger brother.... They're all polite.) |
| Tsuzuru-kun, what happened? |
Tsuzuru | It looks like our twins had a fight. |
| He came running to me holding this teddy bear. |
| This poor guy's arm got torn off so he asked me to repair it. |
| I thought it'd be better to repair it in the dorm so I bought Suberu with me. |
Izumi | I see. So that's what happened. |
Tsuzuru | Though, I'd feel bad having Fushimi-san to repair it. |
| Can I be the one to repair it? |
| It's my brother's doing. Plus, I want to repair it myself. |
Suberu | Tsuzuru nii-chan. |
Tsuzuru | But I'm not that confident with my sewing skills. |
| I would appreciate it if you could guide me. |
Omi | Of course. |
| Then should we start now? |
Tsuzuru | Yes, I'm counting on you. |
Suberu | Thank you! |
Omi | Stitch the arms together using the thread extending from the body as a mark. |
Tsuzuru | Got it. |
Juza | 'Sounds complicated. |
Tsuzuru | Right? It's amazing how Fushimi-san is also good at this kind of thing. Moreover, I was reminded once again how great Yuki is for making a huge amount of costumes. |
Juza | Lemme support his arms and torso. |
Tsuzuru | Thanks for helping. |
| Still, how did it turn out like this? |
| You're past the age of fighting over dolls, Suberu. |
Suberu | It's not us. |
| It's just that... Noboru came in at bad timing. |
| Takeru and Yuzuru are the ones playing with it. |
| They're getting along at first but they started fighting after a while.... |
Tsuzuru | So the teddy bear's arm got torn off as a result? |
Subaru | Yeah, I told them to stop and took the teddy bear from them but Noboru suddenly arrived. |
Omi | Ah, It's indeed bad timing. |
Izumi | He must've misunderstood the situation after seeing Suberu-kun holding the teddy bear. |
Suberu | Yes.... |
Tsuzuru | Shouldn't you just tell him right away? |
Suberu | I'd like to but he wouldn't hear me out. |
| He told me, "Suberu, you meanie." and ran back to the room. |
Tsuzuru | ...I see. |
Suberu | Even today, he absolutely refused to listen. |
| Tsuzuru nii-chan, what should I do if he still refuses to make up after this? |
Tsuzuru | Nii-chan is going to repair this guy so stop making that face. |
| You'll make up with Noboru after we finish repairing this. |
Suberu | ....Un. |
Izumi | I hope you'll be able to make up. |
Suberu | Yes! Thank you very much. |