Tsuzuru Minagi/Huggy Bear

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Minagi Twins and The Teddy Bear

Backstage Stories
TsuzuruIt's the supermarket.
Should we drop by to buy ingredients for dinner?
OmiLet's do that. How about you, Juza?
Are you heading back first?
JuzaNo, I'm goin’ with you.
I'll help out carryin’ stuff.
OmiThanks, Juza.
???Ah, Tsuzuru-niichan!
What are you doing in a place like this?
OmiAh, you've never met him before.
He's Tsuzuru's little brother.
SuberuGood afternoon. I'm Minagi Suberu.
...You look just like Tsuzuru-san.
Well, we're brothers after all.
SubaruUh, umm, Tsuzuru nii-chan.
There's something I'd like to ask you.
TsuzuruIs it about the teddy bear you're holding?
SuberuI had a fight with Noboru.
This poor guy got its arm torn off. Noboru is really angry about it.
TsuzuruNoboru likes this guy after all.
SuberuTsuzuru nii-chan, can you repair it?
I want to repair it and apologize properly to Noboru.
TsuzuruGot it. Let me see.
TsuzuruHmm... It's badly torn off.
OmiTsuzuru, can I take a look?
TsuzuruAh, sure.
Omi....Hm, I can repair this.
I also have a sewing kit. I'll repair it right away.
TsuzuruAs expected of Fushimi-san.
JuzaSorry for buttin' in....But people 'round have been givin' us looks for a while now.
TsuzuruSo that's why I've been feeling someone's gaze... Well, three grown-up men holding a teddy bear is certainly an unusual sight.
OmiHaha, should we move?
TsuzuruWe're home.
OmiWe're home.
JuzaWe're home.
SuberuSorry for intruding.
IzumiWelcome home, everyone. Eh?
Uhh.... Suberu-kun!
SuberuGood afternoon. Thank you for taking care of my brother.
Izumi(As expected of Tsuzuru-kun's younger brother.... They're all polite.)
Tsuzuru-kun, what happened?
TsuzuruIt looks like our twins had a fight.
He came running to me holding this teddy bear.
This poor guy's arm got torn off so he asked me to repair it.
I thought it'd be better to repair it in the dorm so I bought Suberu with me.
IzumiI see. So that's what happened.
TsuzuruThough, I'd feel bad having Fushimi-san to repair it.
Can I be the one to repair it?
It's my brother's doing. Plus, I want to repair it myself.
SuberuTsuzuru nii-chan.
TsuzuruBut I'm not that confident with my sewing skills.
I would appreciate it if you could guide me.
OmiOf course.
Then should we start now?
TsuzuruYes, I'm counting on you.
SuberuThank you!
OmiStitch the arms together using the thread extending from the body as a mark.
TsuzuruGot it.
Juza'Sounds complicated.
TsuzuruRight? It's amazing how Fushimi-san is also good at this kind of thing. Moreover, I was reminded once again how great Yuki is for making a huge amount of costumes.
JuzaLemme support his arms and torso.
TsuzuruThanks for helping.
Still, how did it turn out like this?
You're past the age of fighting over dolls, Suberu.
SuberuIt's not us.
It's just that... Noboru came in at bad timing.
Takeru and Yuzuru are the ones playing with it.
They're getting along at first but they started fighting after a while....
TsuzuruSo the teddy bear's arm got torn off as a result?
SubaruYeah, I told them to stop and took the teddy bear from them but Noboru suddenly arrived.
OmiAh, It's indeed bad timing.
IzumiHe must've misunderstood the situation after seeing Suberu-kun holding the teddy bear.
TsuzuruShouldn't you just tell him right away?
SuberuI'd like to but he wouldn't hear me out.
He told me, "Suberu, you meanie." and ran back to the room.
Tsuzuru...I see.
SuberuEven today, he absolutely refused to listen.
Tsuzuru nii-chan, what should I do if he still refuses to make up after this?
TsuzuruNii-chan is going to repair this guy so stop making that face.
You'll make up with Noboru after we finish repairing this.
IzumiI hope you'll be able to make up.
SuberuYes! Thank you very much.
TsuzuruIt's done!
...It's all repaired--, right?
SuberuYou're amazing nii-chan!
CHOICE 1: It's completely repaired. [+]
IzumiGlad it's completely repaired.
TsuzuruI finally finished repairing it but my shoulder is a little stiff.
IzumiYou were extremely focused on repairing it.
Good job.
CHOICE 2: You said you're not confident with your sewing skills. [+]
IzumiYou said you're not confident with your sewing skills but the way you've repaired it is telling me otherwise...
TsuzuruIt's all because Fushimi-san is a good teacher.
IzumiWell that's one thing but I think it's also because Tsuzuru-kun did his best.
TsuzuruIt's quite embarrassing to hear that but thanks for the compliment.
TsuzuruLook, Suberu.
There are few rough edges but this is the best nii-chan can do.
SuberuYup, it's wonderful! Thank you!
TsuzuruThanks for helping me too, Fushimi-san, Juza.
OmiNo, I only taught you a few things.
You did your best.
JuzaSame here. Juz' held the torso 'n arms for you.
Glad 's all repaired now.
TsuzuruI'll take Suberu back to my parent's house, then.
IzumiGot it.
JuzaHere, take this sweet potato. It's popular these days...
Share it with everyone when you get home.
SuberuAre you sure? Thank you!
TsuzuruJuza, is it really okay with you....?
TsuzuruI see. Thanks.
Let's go home, Suberu.
SuberuUn. Thank you for letting me stay.
IzumiJuza-kun, you're looking forward to eating that dessert, right? Is it really alright with you?
JuzaYeah. 's a good way to patch things up.
IzumiI see.
(Juza-kun is an older brother too.
Guess, I have nothing to worry about)
TsuzuruI'm home.
SuberuI'm home.
NoboruI knew you'd be coming home around this hour.
SuberuI somehow knew you'd be here waiting for me too.
TsuzuruYou guys really know each other's whereabouts regardless. It's kinda awesome...
NoboruSuberu....I'm sorry.
NoboruTakeru and Yuzuru told me what really happened. I knew Suberu would never rip something important to me....
Suberu....Yeah, here.
SuberuI'm sorry I couldn't protect it.
I asked Tsuzuru nii-chan to fix it.
TsuzuruThe guys from the theater company taught me how. There are few rough edges, though.
NoboruIt's okay...! Thanks to both of you.
IzumiIs it really okay for us to join you?
TsuzuruYes. I also wanted to thank you.
After those two reconciled, they told me they wanted to eat parfait with everyone.
OmiHaha, I'm relieved you were able to make up.
SuberuYup. Thanks to everyone, we made up now.
NoboruWe made up.
Izumi...I see.
Noboru-kun's teddy bear is repaired and you were able to make up as well.
NoboruHn? It's not mine though.
IzumiEh, is that so?
TsuzuruAh, liking it doesn't necessarily mean it's yours, isn't it?
JuzaWhat do you mean?
TsuzuruThe teddy bear itself has been at home since before I was born.
There was a time when Noboru did fortune-telling using the tarot cards. He read that the teddy bear is possibly a lucky item for the Minagi household.
Since then, he's always cherished and loved it.
IzumiI get it now.
So it's a lucky teddy bear.
TsuzuruWell, it might be.
OmiI see. Even so, it's still amazing, he knows how to do fortune-telling using tarot cards.
TsuzuruHe's always been obsessed with tarot cards.
NoboruI can give fortune-telling to everyone.
OmiOh, is it alright?
TsuzuruNo. It's surprisingly accurate but I wouldn't recommend it.
IzumiNow that you mentioned it, I'm really curious...
SuberuLet's all order something for now.
Today's Tsuzuru nii-chan's treat so please eat as much as you like!
TsuzuruAlthough I'm the one who did the most work repairing the teddy bear... Well, I guess it's okay.