Azuma Yukishiro/MANKAI Playback

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The Opportunity to Start Professional Cuddling Services

Backstage Stories
Winter TroupeHappy Birthday!
AzumaThank you, everyone.
TsumugiEveryone discussed and decided to make a fruit cake for you. Fruits are good for beauty.
HisokaWe asked Kumon about the foods that are good for your health.
HomareAzami-kun taught us recipes that'll make your skin glow.
TasukuWe also ordered Azuma-san's favorite sake.
IzumiOmi-kun helped me cook dishes that are good for your beauty.
AzumaFufu, you really put so much thought into it.
I have mixed feelings about celebrating my birthday at this age but it was nice to have everyone celebrate with me.
HomareSpeaking of, I may have asked this before but how old Azuma-san is now?
TasukuI tried asking him about it during a drive one time but he dodged my question too well.
HisokaI want to know Guy and Azuma's age.
TsumugiCertainly, they're roommates too.
GuyAge, huh... I do not wish to pry too much about it but whenever I am talking to him, I feel like our ages might be close.
AzumaMy age? Shall I tell you?
...It comes with a hefty price though. Is it still alright with you?
HisokaAzuma is scary.
AzumaFufu, I'm kidding.
Look, the food is getting cold. Let's eat.
TasukuAzuma-san, you don't sound like you're joking at all...
IzumiHuh? Where did the marshmallow tower go?
HisokaI ate it.
Didn't we prepare it especially for Azuma-san!?
AzumaIt's alright. He shared a little.
It was delicious, wasn’t it?
HisokaUn. It's sweet and delicious.
HomareI knew this thing was going to happen hence, I also ordered mizu manju!
AzumaMizu manju it is. I am happy with it.
HomareI am a genius who can take precautions in a situation like this...
HisokaMunch munch... It's delicious.
Do not eat before Azuma-san!
AzumaFufu, it's fine.
Shall we eat, everyone?
AzumaThe flowers on the table are beautiful. Did Tsumugi prepare them?
TsumugiYes. I picked it with Azuma-san's image in mind. How is it?
AzumaYes. They are very lovely and beautiful.
So this is how Tsumugi sees me...
TsumugiFufu, I am glad you liked it.
TsumugiLet's give our presents to Azuma-san.
GuyCan I have a minute?
TasukuWhat's the matter?
GuyThe truth is, the present I prepared for Yukishiro is inside the warehouse. May I excuse myself to get it?
HisokaWhy in the warehouse?
GuyBecause I am sharing the same room as Yukishiro, I thought he would find out about the gift no matter where I put it in our room.
I asked the manager to hide the present inside the warehouse.
TsumugiI see.
HomareFumu...Well then, we shall wait for you to come back before we start giving our presents.
GuyI'm sorry. I will go back in as soon as I can.
Guy......Where did the manager keep it?
The warehouse appears to be in a worse state than when I last visited it....
He kept it in such a place...!
I was worried it was lost. I am glad it is safe.
Hm? This....
IzumiAh, he's back.
GuyI'm sorry for making you wait.
TsumugiAlright. Since Guy-san is already here, let's---
GuyBefore that, can I have a minute?
HomareWhat is it this time?
GuyI found this in the warehouse.
IzumiA magazine?
TasukuIt looks like an old issue.
HisokaAh, the person on the cover looks like Azuma.
AzumaAh, how nostalgic.
Actually, the model on the cover is me.
Winter TroupeEHH?!
TsumugiThis is.....Azuma-san...!?
HomareIt is indeed Azuma-san when he was young!
AzumaI did a little bit of modeling before I became a professional cuddler.
I am mostly doing parts modeling so this is the only time I modeled for a cover.
IzumiSo that was it!
CHOICE 1: "Why are you on the cover of the magazine" [+]
CHOICE 2: "Azuma-san as a model is cool" [+]
TasukuCome to think of it, what inspired Azuma-san to start professional cuddling services?
TsumugiCertainly, it's intriguing!
AzumaAh, looking back, I haven't talked about it before, have I?
Let's see. Actually, I---
"Azuma-san, good work."
"Good work"
"Your next shoot will be..."
After graduating from high school and returning to Tokyo, I was introduced to modeling work. I was extremely busy every single day.
I was finally getting used to shooting little by little.
One day, I was hired by a certain accessory company to be the model of their new product.
The shooting for the new product reached a good stopping point and we went on a break. I had a little more time left before the next shoot. ..
"It's not a good idea to go home around this time"
So I decided to spend my precious break time in the dressing room.
I heard a door opening from behind on my way to the dressing. When I looked back, I saw a little boy walking alone.
"What's the matter?"
"I'm waiting for mama's work to finish."
"Where is your mother working?"
"She's in the room with number 3 written on it"
Come to think of it, studio 3 is shooting for the new product of a female designer who is popular overseas.
"Perhaps, this boy is the designer's child?"
"How about we wait together? I'm also waiting for my next shoot"
I gently held the little boy's hand and headed to the dressing room with him.
While waiting on the dressing room's sofa, the little boy began to drowsily rub his eyes...
" Are you sleepy? I'll get a blanket for you."
"No, I'm fine."
".....You know, mama is always working and I'm always alone"
"I don't tell mama about it but when I'm alone I feel lonely and I can't sleep much..."
That time, I saw my past self in the eyes of the little boy who was looking somewhere far away.
"I understand how you feel. I, too, have always been alone."
That child knows the coldness of the night spent alone. He feels lonely but there is no one he can rely on.
Thinking about it, I couldn't help but reach out to him.
" Then, let's sleep together. I want to take a nap too,"
"I am here with you. You are not alone."
The little boy curl his lips into a smile and eventually closed his eyelids. His body temperature gave me a strange comfort. It's something that I have experienced for the first time. That moment, I too, fell into drowsiness---
AzumaWhen I took off my uniform at home after my high school graduation ceremony, I thought I had to learn how to stand alone as soon as possible.
With that determination, I moved to Tokyo and started my work as a parts model.
However, working as a parts model was also hard.
I started to think that the job is not for me---
I eventually changed my job to a professional cuddler because of that event.
I thought it would be nice if I could share my loneliness with other people who share the same loneliness as me...
IzumiSo that was the case...
AzumaI stopped offering professional cuddling services but from now on, I'm going to make the customer smile through acting.
TasukuThat's right,
HisokaDid Azuma become a theater nerd too?
HomareIsn't it great~!?
TsumugiI think it's a good thing.
Everyone, please continue to take care of me.
