Tsuzuru Minagi/Engawa in the Sunlight

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Tsuzuru Minagi the Thinker

Backstage Stories
TsuzuruI’m home.
TakeruWelcome home!
TsuzuruI brought you guys something.
SuberuWhat is it? Is it cake!?
YuzuruThe circle one!?
TsuzuruThe circle one.
TakeruSweet! We get one even if no one’s having their birthday!
YuzuruLet’s celebrate!
TsuzuruLet’s do it during snack time.
NoboruOh yeah, that play from back then was interesting.
KaoruYou looked great in that kimono.
AtaruTsuzuru-nii, you were so cool.
TsuzuruAh, thank you.
Tsuzuru's FatherTsuzuru, why don’t we put that cake in the fridge for now?
TsuzuruYeah sure, thanks.
Tsuzuru's MotherThis is from that shop with plenty of fruits on the tarts, right? Wasn’t it expensive?
Tsuzuru's FatherIs your wallet doing okay?
TsuzuruI’m also writing scripts for other theater companies, so I’ve gotten plenty of bonuses to keep me afloat.
Tsuzuru's MotherThat’s nice to hear and all but…
Tsuzuru's FatherJ-Just be careful not to lose it all at once…
TsuzuruI’ll be careful, so don’t worry.
On that note, didn’t you say the washing machine’s in a bad condition? I can buy a replacement, oh and maybe even get the one with a dryer—
Tsuzuru's MotherWhat are you saying? Just the little gifts you bring us is enough.
Tsuzuru's FatherYou worked your ass off on those scripts for all that money, you deserve to spend it for yourself.
Tsuzuru's MotherExactly. I think it’s better to save that for whatever you want to invest in the future.
TsuzuruFor my own future, huh… Even if you say that, I can’t really think of any now.
Tsuzuru's FatherWell, it isn’t something that you have to use right away, so think about it at your own leisure.
KumonThat was a heavy sigh, what’s going on?
YukiThe Spring Troupe’s 9th play was a hit, so what's with the long face?
TsuzuruI’m just kinda lost on how to use this payment I got from Otomiya-san.
KumonYou’re lost on getting a lotta money? I would do so much with that though!
YukiYou still got that frugal mentality in that brain of yours?
TsuzuruGuh… I can’t deny that. Saving it is something I can do, but spending it is a little—
ItaruI wouldn’t even think twice about spending it on in-game purchases.
CitronItaru is real deep in his addiction!
TsuzuruHaha… I just really can’t think of anything. Maybe I should just put it in my savings, yeah?
KumonEhh, it really would be fine if you just use it for fun!
ItaruHow about that latest game console? You also need inputs, don't you?
YukiOr how about completely changing your appearance? I’ll give you some tips to un-villagerfy your outfits.
TsuzuruHmm… What do you think, Director?
IzumiSince you earned that money yourself, you should use it however you want. I even think putting everything in your savings is fine.
Though since it is your hard earned money, you might be able to leave some nice memories when you buy something special for yourself.
Of course, anything left can always be saved.
Tsuzuru(...That’s true, if I spend the money freely for myself, I can even use it for script ideas.)
(Maybe things I don’t normally get to do would be good…)
ItaruOh, I just got reminded of how I spent my first salary.
TsuzuruWhat did you spend it on?
ItaruFirst, presents for my family and…
CitronOh, how admirable!
ItaruThe rest went to my in-game funds.
Yuki…Of course it did.
IzumiSo straightforward with it, too.
TsuzuruWell, I’ll just think about lots of different stuff for now.
CitronI think that is good.
Tsuzuru…Alright. And with that, all my assignments are done.
Hmm… How should I spend my money?
(I’ll look it up using “initial salary” and “how to spend”... There’s a feature on rewarding yourself… This just doesn’t feel right…)
(How about I just squander a tremendous amount away so I can use it as material for a script… Nope, I will definitely regret doing it after. I’ll regret it for like 10 years. Let’s end that there.)
Shiro“Sardines, meow! Just buy all the sardines from every shelf on every store around, meow!”
TsuzuruNo, no one can eat that much sardines.
Kondo“I think the best way to get satisfaction is through some good meals.”
TsuzuruWell, you have a point there.
Liam“If you’re a real man, you’d go all or nothing on gambling. You’d be surprised at how it’ll all go back to you once you do it plenty of times.”
TsuzuruUm nope, I’m so sure it’ll all be over if I go all out. And I’m also sure that I will regret it for 20 years.
George“How about inviting a star!? I’m certain the people would be delighted when we hold a grand show.”
TsuzuruThat sure is a way to spend it all at once.
Sky“If ye 'ave money, I want ye to lend some to me. I've once again landed meself penniless after gettin' me ship repaired.”
TsuzuruEasy for you to decide even with that kind of reasoning.
Ginji“There is no right way to spend your money. Best way you can is just spending it on what suits you.”
TsuzuruYeah. Damn, you’re persuasive.
Argh, I still can’t settle on anything…
Marney“I think that those who know the most on how to spend money would be those who spend money often, in which case, rich people.”
Oh, hello Mizuno—
(Just what is he doing for him to always make that noise whenever I call…?)
Mizuno“Uh, yes, hello, this is Mizuno.”
TsuzuruUm, are you alright?
Mizuno“I-I’m perfectly fine.”
TsuzuruOh yeah, thanks for back then. I'm glad that once I recalled that nostalgic story, I managed to finish the script with it.
Mizuno“Oh no, please, I was happy to be of any service. The Spring Troupe’s 9th play was just outstanding.”
TsuzuruThis time’s about something different though…
TsuzuruI thought that you’d know all kinds of ways to spend money.
Mizuno“No no no, I don’t really…”
“Anyway, if you want something valuable that you can even use in the future… How does a tailor suit sound?”
Tsuzuru(It sounds expensive to me…)
Mizuno“Or you can get a semi-bespoke suit instead so it’s not that expensive, I’m sure owning a suit like that would be useful in the future.”
TsuzuruYou’re right, I’m already in my twenties too, so it’d be good to have a better suit than the one I currently have.
Mizuno“Indeed. Take an award ceremony for example, just imagine how absolutely good the photos will look—!”
TsuzuruA-An award ceremony? If it’s for that kind of opportunity, then I don’t have any plans for that at the moment, so maybe I’ll do that some other time.
Mizuno“Oh, is that so…?”
TsuzuruSorry, you were kind enough to give me suggestions and all, too.
Mizuno“No, it’s alright. Wait, then in that case—!”
Tsuzuru(This is where the shooting for the “Yin Yang Midnight” PV took place.)
(It really is different than on screen when I actually get to see this place for myself. The ambience is nice, too…)
(Mizuno’s idea of going around places related to a literary master after our show on it was perfect.)
Mizuno“Famous literary masters would often move away from the hustle and bustle of the city so they can write, and I just thought that would be perfect for you!”
Tsuzuru(I-I think comparing me to a literary master is a bit much…)
Although you’re right, even leaving aside the literary master part, I haven’t traveled by myself all that much, so I might even find some inspiration.
Tsuzuru(Even during “Yin Yang Midnight”, I’m glad I was able to come to Kyoto for its coverage.)
(What you write would change once you actually step on the land and get a feel of its air.)
(At that time, the Onmyouji motif was determined by the visual effects used in the Japanese-style promo vid.)
(A plot was already in the works, but I instantly went full force and managed to complete it.)
(It’s so peaceful… Yet it is kinda refreshing considering I know that it’d be chaotic if I traveled with my family or the company.)
(Oh, speaking of Japanese-style, this idea might be good…)
(Maybe I’ll just chill around here a bit more since I am getting all sorts of ideas.)
Tsuzuru(Man, the Kamogawa riverside felt nice.)
(There were great cafes here and there to take breaks. Banri and Tsukioka-san would’ve liked them.)
(I also managed to stock up on script materials.)
(This shopping district’s gotten crowded again. I wonder if there are plenty of restaurants around.)
Dashimaki[1] skewer…?
(Huh, I guess putting them in a skewer would make it easier to eat them instantly. How interesting.)
Can I get one please?
ShopkeeperHere you go. Thank you very much.
TsuzuruThis is good… Kaoru would love this one.
(Ah, that tempura over there looks good as well. Takeru would want to eat that.)
(And I could get those matcha desserts as a gift for Director, Juza, and Mikage-san…)
(Those snacks there too, Yukishiro-san and Furuichi-san would…)
(Wait, even if I’m traveling all by myself, I still ended up thinking about everyone.)
(Oh right, what should I get for Mizuno…)
TsuzuruI’m back.
SakuyaWelcome home!
TsuzuruI bought you guys some gifts.
KumonOoh, what is it?
JuzaMatcha desserts… thanks.
ItaruHow was your solo trip?
TsuzuruHmm, at first I was a bit restless when I stayed in my room at the ryokan[2] by myself.
But, I had a bunch of script ideas come to mind even from merely walking around. The ideas were just coming from left and right.
ChikageThat’s Tsuzuru for you.
TsuzuruI was able to enjoy various sceneries and had a relaxing time, so overall it was a good experience.
There was even a nice, ambient retro cafe, that was also great.
BanriReally now, you got me interested.
TsuzuruIt had a soothing atmosphere, and the cream soda was tasty.
BanriYou got pics?
TsumugiI’m interested in it as well.
KumonI also wanna see pics of the scenery!
TsuzuruOh… the ideas just kept coming that I couldn’t let go of my notebook, so I forgot to actually take pics.
KazunariThat sure is Tsuzurun for ya.
KumonIt’s actually impressive that you took absolutely 0 photos during a solo trip.
TenmaThat act’s impossible for Kazunari.
(They’re right, I went out of my way to go on a solo trip without taking any pictures and only came up with ideas… I guess you can really call me a fool for scripts.)
(Though maybe someday it would be good for me to go on another solo trip just so I can idly think about script materials…)
(I feel like I was able to spend my money really well with this trip and even have savings left over for my future use.)



  1. Dashimaki Tamago is a traditional Japanese rolled omelette.
  2. Ryokan is a traditional Japanese inn.