Shift | Alright! We’ve achieved the first objective of our mission~ Arriving at the supermarket! |
Haruto | What do you mean "our mission”? |
Madoka | Umm… what are we doing? |
Shift | Hehe, let me explain. One of the older guys in the troupe gave me some takoyaki plates that he didn’t need anymore! |
| Oruto loves takoyaki, so we were gonna make some together. |
| The catch is… I’ve only made takoyaki a few times before. That’s why, I thought about asking Haruto since he seems like the kinda guy who knows his way around a kitchen. |
Haruto | This has nothing to do with Madoka’s observation though… |
Shift | Well wait until you hear about this—Our little takoyaki party is officially sponsored! |
Madoka | O- officially sponsored? |
Shift | After practice, I told Reni about our friendship bonding mission, and he gave me some money for it. |
| Mann, I didn’t expect him to do that, but I’m really glad I said something. |
Haruto | What!? How shameless are you!? |
Shift | But it’s for our sake! Reni thought it was a good idea for us to get to know each other better too and gave it his stamp of approval. |
Haruto | …! Well, I mean, if Reni said so… |
Shift | Alright! “Mission: Make Takoyaki” is a go! Let’s get those ingredients! |
Madoka | Yes, we probably should. |
Haruto | Jeez, how do I keep getting roped into these things? |
Oruto | Whoa, that’s amazing! You’re really making takoyaki! |
Haruto | The dough’s all ready… Now we just need to heat up the takoyaki plates and add a little oil… |
Madoka | Wow Haruto, you’re really good at this. |
Oruto | And you’re doin’ it super quick too!! |
Haruto | Hey, pass the chopped ingredients over here. |
Shift | No problemo! Here they are! |
Haruto | What the—When did you have time to buy more ingredients!? |
Madoka | Other than the octopus and crunchy tenkasu bits… there’s also cheese, kimchi, pollack roe… corn, bacon and tomatoes, konjac jelly… |
Oruto | Ooh, pickled plums and natto too! |
Haruto | The octopus and sausages are traditional fillings… but whaddaheck is the rest a’ this junk! |
Shift | We’re having a takoyaki party! Trust me, it’ll be more fun this way! |
Haruto | You’ve got a lot of nerve putting this shit in front of someone from Kansai… |
Shift | It’ll be fine, trust me! Let’s start making the takoyaki! |
Haruto | Wh- Stop that! Jeez, you really do whatever you want… |
Shift | Oruto, Madoka, feel free to fill them with whatever you like too. |
Oruto | Gotcha! I’m gonna add this and that~ Then mix it real good! |
Madoka | It’s like this, right? |
Haruto | You guys too…!? Fine… |
| Have it your way, but you’re responsible for eating your own garbage. |
| |
| I’ve just gotta carefully flip the dough and… There we go. |
Shift | Whoa! You’re crazy good at this! |
Oruto | Wow!! So cool! |
Madoka | They’re so nice and round… Your handiwork is amazing… |
Haruto | It’s no big deal. |
| Alright, I’ve just about finished, so now all we have to do is add some sauce, a bit of dried seaweed… |
Shift | And shake things up a bit! |
Haruto | Now what the hell are ya doin’!? |
Shift | We’re playing Russian Roulette! |
Madoka | The takoyaki’s all mixed up… We can’t tell what’s inside what anymore… |
Shift | It’s more exciting this way, trust me! |
Haruto | Count your days. |
Oruto | This smells so good! And it looks super tasty too! |
Shift | Alright everyone, hurry up and pick one so we can dig in! |
Oruto | Right behind ya! |
Madoka | It looks good. |
Haruto | Fine… Whatever. |
Shift | Hot! Hot! Mmm…Delicious! |
| It’s still hot, but the outside is nice and crispy while the inside is all soft and tender. Nice job, Haruto! |
Oruto | This tastes amazing! Mine had sausage inside! |
Madoka | Hot, hot… But mmm, it really is delicious. Mine was octopus. |
Shift | Mine was cheese and pollack roe! They went super well together! |
Haruto | …! …Sour! What is this!? Pickled plums!? |
| It’s not… Inedible at least… |
Shift | Ahaha! Haruto, you got it! That one’s my fave! |
Haruto | The heck are ya puttin’ in these!! |
Madoka | They really are delicious though. It is kind of exciting to try them. |
Oruto | Yea! |
Shift | Alright, next time I’ll be the one to make takoyaki for you! It’ll be my special recipe filled with all kinds of ingredients! |
Haruto | Keep it to ya self! |
Madoka | Ahaha! |
| (It’s kinda nice seeing Haruto and Shift go at each other like this.) |
| (For the next script, it might be fun to write a comedy scene with Shift throwing curveball after curveball at Haruto.) |