Tsuzuru Minagi/Captive Fairy

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Inspired Fairy of Tribulations

Backstage Stories
IzumiOh… Tsuzuru-kun! There’s something I wanted to ask your advice about, is now a good time?
TsuzuruSure, what’s up?
IzumiYou see, the troupe got an offer to do a play for an event.
The commissioner is a fan of MANKAI Company’s scripts, so they wanted me to ask you if you’d like to write for it, too.
TsuzuruI’d be happy to! What are the details of the event?
IzumiIt’ll be a museum targeted for kids. The theme itself will be about fairies, but…
After making your script into a picture book, they requested that the story would be read to the kids along with a play-act.
They also decided on the kind of fairies they want to make their appearance: one wildlife fairy and one botanical fairy.
Oh, and they also want someone to act out as a floral fairy as well.
What do you think, Tsuzuru-kun?
TsuzuruSounds pretty doable to me. The theme sounds interesting too, so I’d like to give it a shot!
IzumiThat’s a relief to hear, thanks!
TsuzuruHow’s about we talk about who’ll be acting for the parts during dinner time when everyone’s around?
IzumiSure, let’s do that!
MukuUwaah, that sounds fun!
KumonDoing the storytelling while acting it out seems interesting!
TsumugiHaving a museum as the stage is a lovely idea, too.
YukiI’ve got the motivation to draw out fairy-themed outfits now.
KazunariIt sounds like a picture-perfect event to show off on Inste♪
TsuzuruWriting for it will be worth the experience too, I can’t wait to do it!
So now the problem lies in who would be part of the casting…
TsumugiIf the event involves interacting with children, then someone who’s got experience with dealing with little brothers would be fitting, don’t you think? Someone like Tsuzuru-kun, I mean.
Oh, but then again writing the script might be a lot of work already…
TsuzuruI’m not really that busy these days, so I think it should be fine!
YukiBetween animals, flowers, and plants, Tsuzuru would fit with the animal image the most.
KazunariOoh, he does have those vibes!
IzumiThen, shall I leave the scriptwriting and the wildlife fairy role to you, Tsuzuru-kun?
TsuzuruGot it.
KumonME ME ME!! I wanna join in!
MukuThe roles we have left are the botanical and the floral fairy, right?
YukiKumon doesn’t seem to exactly fit the floral fairy image.
TsuzuruTrue, he might get into the botanical fairy more, instead.
KumonThen I’ll take the botanical fairy role!
KazunariThat leaves us with the floral fairy, huh~
IzumiIf it’s flowers, then Tsumugi-san would be just right for it, wouldn’t he?
TsumugiHmm… I’ve been getting busier with my tutoring part-time these days, so the schedule might be too tight for me.
KumonWhat about Muku? Since you were the Floral Prince and all, it might suit you good!
MukuSorry… I really want to join in, but I’ve got a load of school work to take care of…
KumonAw man.
TsuzuruIf there’s anyone else… He’s not here right now, but what about Yukishiro-san?
IzumiAzuma-san could definitely fit the image.
KumonOkay! Let’s ask him them!
TsumugiI hope he gives you the OK.
KazunariTsuzuroon, I’ll lend you a hand with making the picture book ♪
YukiIf you’ll be doing this with a play, you’ll need some outfits, right? Leave those to me.
MukuIf there’s anything I can help with, please let me know too!
TsuzuruThanks, guys! I'll do my best!
TsuzuruUgh… This isn’t coming out right at all.
(Writing with a fairy theme is more difficult than I would’ve thought…)
Haaah… Maybe I need some change of pace…
ItaruHey Tsuzuru. Working hard? Your eyebags sure look like it.
IzumiAre you alright, Tsuzuru-kun? You should really rest a little.
I could make you a hot drink so wait a bit, okay?
ItaruSo then? What brought those eyebags out?
TsuzuruThe script that I’m supposed to write for the job offer isn’t working out well.
ItaruAh, you're writing a book about fairies, right?
TsuzuruYup. It’s required that I put three fairies into the story: A wildlife one, a botanical one, and a floral one…
But the more I think about what makes up a fairy, the more I end up being careful about the littlest of details.
I’ve got the gist of the story’s summary that I want to have, but it’s not coming out as coherent as I want it to be…
I’m not too sure if this will be of any good use, but how about we try this out together? Director-san, too.
IzumiBy this, you mean this mobile game?
ItaruYep. It’s a downloadable action RPG where you can become friends with fairies.
You can play just fine as a solo, but you can also play it together with a team of three.
TsuzuruWhat is it about?
ItaruLong story short, you have to save the world of fairies from the forces of evil.
The player, who lived in the present world, was summoned by the fairies to become their hero. That’s the premise.
Since it’s also about fairies, you could probably use it as reference, who knows? Just try it out for now.
TsuzuruUwa, we’re under attack!
IzumiWhat should we do, Itaru-san!?
ItaruCalm down, you two. I’ll take the offense, so you guys just back me up.
ItaruHa, you’re dust!
TsuzuruWe get some advice from the fairies even here, right?
ItaruYep yep. If you wanna get good progress in this game, you have to make the best out of the fairies’ advice.
Keep at it and we can advance thru the quest.
Izumi(I feel like we're smoothly getting dragged along to Itaru-san's pace…)
ItaruAlright! Got the mega-rare drop~♪ You really can’t get this item without playing as a party of three.
IzumiWHAT?! Was that your goal all along?
ItaruAh……. No, no. Of course not.
I thought that if Tsuzuru played a game about fairies, he’d be able to get some inspiration from it. I wasn't lying about that. No cap.
TsuzuruI mean, I was already suspecting there’d be some underlying motive the moment you invited us to play the game with you.
But hey, I feel like I actually did get a struck of inspiration there.
ItaruFairies are more fantasy than they are non-fiction, so I think you can give yourself some freedom of imagination when writing it, don’t you think?
Tsuzuru… You have a point.
CHOICE 1: I’m excited to see your world-building, Tsuzuru-kun. [+]
IzumiI’m excited to see the kind of world you’ll make, Tsuzuru-kun
TsuzuruI can’t say I have a good overall image for the kind of world that would have fairies in it, but…
After trying out the game, it’s somehow become much clearer for me.
ItaruSee? Told you games can be useful too.
TsuzuruSure. But you can’t just go and force people to keep playing until you clear it, y’know.
IzumiAhaha, you said it.
ItaruYou two still have much to learn about the profoundness of video games.
CHOICE 2: Fantasy must be difficult, huh. [+]
IzumiWriting fantasy must be unexpectedly difficult, huh.
TsuzuruWith so much freedom, rather than saying it’s harder to paint a picture of the world’s layout…
Maybe it’s more of me thinking about it too much, instead.
ItaruNot a bad thing to trust your gut a lil' bit, right?
IzumiIf it’s you, Tsuzuru-kun, I’m sure that you’ll come up with a really wonderful story!
TsuzuruThanks so much for the help, Director, Itaru-san. I’ll keep working hard on the writing!
IzumiMake sure you don’t overexert yourself, okay!
TsuzuruThis outfit is giving me flashbacks to the Alice play………
They’re no animal ears, but just wearing these antlers is giving me that same reluctant feeling.
AzumaBut it suits you so much, Tsuzuru.
KumonHe’s right! Man, Yuki’s so amazing! He really was able to make outfits that perfectly fit the script that Tsuzuru-san wrote.
Chief LibrarianEveryone, it’s almost time for us to open. Good luck with today.
TsuzuruYes, thank you!
Tsuzuru“... And bit by bit, the forest where all the fairies lived in was slowly being burned away by the fire fairy.”
Kumon“Aah, the plants have all caught on fire…!”
Azuma“Even the flowerbeds have been swallowed by the flames too—”
Tsuzuru“Everyone! We should all work together to protect the forest!”
Kumon“He’s right! We can’t let the forest be reduced to ashes!”
Azuma“Even the insects can help us out too!”
Tsuzuru“... It was then that all of the fairies came together to face off with the fire fairy.”
“All of the trees of the forest, the insects, the wind, and the sky— They all gave their support to the fairies.”
“The insects stabbed away, the wind blew with its might, and the rain came pouring down. Until finally, the fire fairy couldn’t fight back anymore, and ran away.”
“Thus, peace was restored in the fairy forest.”
All's well that ends well.
Child AThat was really good!
Child BOne more! One more!
KumonLooks like your story is a big hit with the kids, Tsuzuru-san! That’s great!
TsuzuruI wasn’t sure how the script would turn out since I had a hard time writing it, but it’s good to hear you guys enjoyed it.
AzumaFufu, I’d call this a huge success.
Chief LibrarianThank you so very much. Even the script itself was so wonderful, I’m so glad that I reached out my request to you.
I’ll make sure to watch MANKAI Company’s next performance.
TsuzuruThank you! Please do!
Chief LibrarianOh, that’s right. To commemorate this, would it be alright if we take a picture of all of you together with the kids?
TsuzuruOf course!
Chief LibrarianEveryone, we’re taking pictures, so gather up~!
Child CMister, this flowy thing on your sheep outfit is so cute!
TsuzuruO-Oh, you think so?
Child DAre your horns real? I want to touch them! Let me touch them!
Child EI wanna touch them tooooo!
TsuzuruH-Hey, hold on—!
Child DWaah, so smoooooth!
Child CThat's so cool~!!
KumonUh oh uh oh, they’re swarming all over Tsuzuru-san…!
AzumaFufu, the wildlife fairy is really popular, isn’t he?
TsuzuruH-Hellooo? Can you two please not just stand there and save me from this…!