Sakuya Sakuma/A Scoop of Joy

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My First First Bite

Backstage Stories
SakuyaI’m home!
KazunariWelcome back, Sakusaku~!
OmiI just baked some scones. Do you also want some, Sakuya?
SakuyaThank you very much. I’m super hungry from rehearsal!
TsumugiAh, that was the rehearsal for your next guest performance, right? What kind of play is it?
SakuyaIt’s a slapstick wedding comedy!
TsumugiHeh, sounds interesting. What’s your role, Sakuya-kun?
SakuyaI was picked to play the role of the groom!
OmiOoh, that’s the main role, isn’t it?
KazunariThat’s supes amazing, Sakusaku! What’s the slapstick part about it, by the way?
SakuyaIn the middle of the wedding ceremony, a mysterious angel who lost their memory interrupts the ceremony.
It’s a story with many ups and downs that focuses on the wedding guests rather than that angel.
OmiThat play sure sounds like something.
KazunariIt’s not just a comedy, but it’s got mystery vibes too?
TsumugiMust be. It seems like it’ll be a good experience for reference.
SakuyaYes! I’ll do my best as a guest appearance!
TsumugiWhat’s wrong?
SakuyaThere’s this scene where I do the first bite, but I don’t really get it.
I’ve never been to a wedding before, so I can’t imagine what it is…
OmiWell, that’s not odd for your age, Sakuya.
TsumugiThe first bite is a tradition where the bride and groom feed each other wedding cake. My senpai also did that.
KazunariThe first bite from the groom has a saying, “I’ll never let you worry about food for the rest of our lives.”
SakuyaThat’s such a nice tradition!
OmiIf you’re interested, do you want to try it out?
OmiWould you like me to make an authentic wedding cake for that purpose?
KazunariYou can seriously make a wedding cake, Omimi?!
OmiWell, it’s done.
KazunariUwah! It’s like legit! This would def get major likes on Inste!
SakuyaAs expected of Omi-san…!
IzumiI’m back.
--Huh, what’s with that cake!?
TsumugiWe had it made for Sakuya-kun’s role study.
IzumiI see. It surprised me…
OmiYeah. I think you and Sakuya should practice the first bite, Director.
IzumiF-First bite…?
...So that’s what it is. A role study for a guest performance. If that’s the case, I’ll do it.
SakuyaThank you so much, Director!
KazunariWell then, let’s do this…! I’ll be the MC!
KazunariWell then, it’s finally here! It’s time for the bride and groom’s first bite!
Let’s make sure they love each other by having them feed each other cake~! First up and ready is Sakusaku!
At the signal of my “Aah”, everyone else say “Aah”, and let Sakusaku and Director-chan eat cake!
SakuyaY-Yes! I’ll do my best!
Kazunari3, 2, 1, Aah!
SakuyaYes, here you go, Director!
IzumiM-Mhm. ...Aah.
Sakuya...How was that?
IzumiGood, the amount you took on the spoon and the timing of you feeding it to me were just right!
KazunariYep, next is Director-chan’s turn!
IzumiMhm. Here you go…
MasumiI’m back.
KazunariWahwah, that voice was Massu’s voice! If he sees this situation, we’re in big trouble!
TsumugiWe can’t hide the cake… What should we do?
OmiFor now, how about Sakuya and the Director go and hide in the kitchen?
TsumugiI don't think there’s time to think about it. Masumi-kun’s footsteps are coming towards us.
KazunariYou two, hurry to the kitchen!
SakuyaUnderstood! Director, let’s go!
MasumiI’m back.
TsumugiWelcome back, Masumi-kun.
OmiYou’re home early today. Do you have any homework? You should finish it before dinner.
SakuyaIs everything okay?
IzumiP-Probably…? --Ah.
What should we do? I was in such a hurry that I held onto the spoon. It still has the cake on it…
SakuyaAh, don’t move or you’ll spill it!
IzumiS-Sorry. We should still do something with the cake…
SakuyaWell then, Director. Please give me the cake now.
CHOICE 1: Alright. [+]
IzumiA-Alright. Are you ready, Sakuya-kun?
SakuyaYes! By the way, what does the first bite from the bride mean?
IzumiUmm… I think it means “I’ll cook delicious food for the rest of our lives.”
SakuyaI see…! I’m sure the bride would be very happy to feel that way!
CHOICE 2: Here!? [+]
SakuyaYes, since we’re here, I want you to feed it to me too, Director!
Izumi...Y-Yeah, alright.
SakuyaWell then, please!
IzumiUmm… A-Ahh.
(I’m more nervous feeding him than having to eat it myself…)
Sakuya...Mmh, it’s delicious. It felt completely different from just eating it myself.
IzumiYeah, I get that. It made me a little nervous.
It was a little embarrassing, but I hope this helped your role study, Sakuya-kun.
SakuyaYes, very much! Thank you very much, Director!
MasumiWhy’d you make a wedding cake?
OmiI didn’t, I just got too excited while baking it.
MasumiDoes it have anything to do with the Director?
TsumugiUmm… The Director seems to have been busy lately, so we put our feelings into our hard work.
KazunariI’ll call Director-chan then, so why not go change your clothes, Massu?
MasumiIf the Director and I eat this cake… Is that like our wedding rehearsal?
MasumiIt’s the groom’s job to get the bride… In other words, me. I’ll get the Director.
If you want, you can start this now. From the cake ceremony to the first bite, to the kiss, to the vows… I’ve already imagined it a million times.
KazunariAh, wait, Massu! Chill out!
IzumiThere’s so much going on, we can't leave…
SakuyaWhen should we leave…?
IzumiHmm. Not until Masumi-kun is out of sight, I guess…