Kazunari | Well then, it’s finally here! It’s time for the bride and groom’s first bite! |
| Let’s make sure they love each other by having them feed each other cake~! First up and ready is Sakusaku! |
| At the signal of my “Aah”, everyone else say “Aah”, and let Sakusaku and Director-chan eat cake! |
Sakuya | Y-Yes! I’ll do my best! |
Kazunari | 3, 2, 1, Aah! |
Tsumugi | Ahh. |
Sakuya | Yes, here you go, Director! |
Izumi | M-Mhm. ...Aah. |
Sakuya | ...How was that? |
Izumi | Good, the amount you took on the spoon and the timing of you feeding it to me were just right! |
Kazunari | Yep, next is Director-chan’s turn! |
Izumi | Mhm. Here you go… |
Masumi | I’m back. |
Kazunari | Wahwah, that voice was Massu’s voice! If he sees this situation, we’re in big trouble! |
Tsumugi | We can’t hide the cake… What should we do? |
Omi | For now, how about Sakuya and the Director go and hide in the kitchen? |
Tsumugi | I don't think there’s time to think about it. Masumi-kun’s footsteps are coming towards us. |
Kazunari | You two, hurry to the kitchen! |
Sakuya | Understood! Director, let’s go! |
Izumi | Y-Yeah…! |
Masumi | I’m back. |
Tsumugi | Welcome back, Masumi-kun. |
Omi | You’re home early today. Do you have any homework? You should finish it before dinner. |
Masumi | ? |
| |
Sakuya | Is everything okay? |
Izumi | P-Probably…? --Ah. |
| What should we do? I was in such a hurry that I held onto the spoon. It still has the cake on it… |
Sakuya | Ah, don’t move or you’ll spill it! |
Izumi | S-Sorry. We should still do something with the cake… |
Sakuya | Well then, Director. Please give me the cake now. |
CHOICE 1: Alright. [+]
Izumi | A-Alright. Are you ready, Sakuya-kun? |
Sakuya | Yes! By the way, what does the first bite from the bride mean? |
Izumi | Umm… I think it means “I’ll cook delicious food for the rest of our lives.” |
Sakuya | I see…! I’m sure the bride would be very happy to feel that way! |
CHOICE 2: Here!? [+]
Izumi | Here!? |
Sakuya | Yes, since we’re here, I want you to feed it to me too, Director! |
Izumi | ...Y-Yeah, alright. |
Sakuya | Well then, please! |
Izumi | Umm… A-Ahh. |
| (I’m more nervous feeding him than having to eat it myself…) |
Sakuya | ...Mmh, it’s delicious. It felt completely different from just eating it myself. |
Izumi | Yeah, I get that. It made me a little nervous. |
| It was a little embarrassing, but I hope this helped your role study, Sakuya-kun. |
Sakuya | Yes, very much! Thank you very much, Director! |
| |
Masumi | Why’d you make a wedding cake? |
Omi | I didn’t, I just got too excited while baking it. |
Masumi | Does it have anything to do with the Director? |
Tsumugi | Umm… The Director seems to have been busy lately, so we put our feelings into our hard work. |
Kazunari | I’ll call Director-chan then, so why not go change your clothes, Massu? |
Masumi | If the Director and I eat this cake… Is that like our wedding rehearsal? |
Tsumugi | N-Not-- |
Masumi | It’s the groom’s job to get the bride… In other words, me. I’ll get the Director. |
| If you want, you can start this now. From the cake ceremony to the first bite, to the kiss, to the vows… I’ve already imagined it a million times. |
Kazunari | Ah, wait, Massu! Chill out! |
| |
Izumi | There’s so much going on, we can't leave… |
Sakuya | When should we leave…? |
Izumi | Hmm. Not until Masumi-kun is out of sight, I guess… |