Itaru Chigasaki/A Watchful Hymn

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Request to Appear at a Music Festival

Backstage Stories
RentoI have a favor to ask, Isuke-san…!
Itaru(Hm? That voice just now…)
ManagerWhat is it?
RentoThere’s a music festival coming up in Veludo… If you’d like to, would you be interested in performing!?
ManagerOh, so it’s a performance request.
Manager…Hm? Ah, Chigasaki-kun. Are you heading back to your room?
ItaruI am, but…?
ManagerDid you happen to hear what we were talking about?
ItaruA music festival, right.
ManagerRight! A winter music festival, how wonderful~!
I’ll talk to the Director then.
Director~! A music festival’s requested MANKAI Company to perform!
RentoEh, that’s not what I…!
ManagerAh, Chigasaki-kun, please join too if you’re available.
Director, where are you~!?
RentoT-That’s not how this was supposed to go…
Itaru(Manager’s obliviousness sure is something.)
ItaruI’m home.
IzumiItaru-san, welcome back.
Right. Manager told me that Itaru-san can partipcate in the music festival…
(I don’t remember giving him an answer for that.)
IzumiI’ve talked with everyone, but we still need a few more members…
So if you don’t mind, could you join?
Itaru(Ughh… There’s no instrument I can play well enough to perform publicly, so that’ll be a problem..)
It’s fine, but I don’t think I’ll have much time to practice, so just handbells or something easy like that.
(Well, I doubt there’d be handbells.)
ManagerWe’ve got handbells! They’re really music bells, though.
ItaruSeriously… Where did you even come from.
ManagerI’ve been right here~!
IzumiI’m glad we have handbells! So, it’s okay for Itaru-san to join, too?
Itaru(Since I said that earlier, there’s no way out…)
Okay, I’ll join.
IzumiThank you so much!
ManagerChigasaki-kun, we’ve got lots of different handbells colors, so which one would you like?
ItaruJust the normal one…
*ring* *ring*
…Is that right?
(At any rate, as long as play the right notes, I should be fine.)
HomareOh, Itaru-kun. Are you practicing the handbell?
ItaruSomething like that.
HomareI have some experience with handbells, I could mentor you if you’d like?
ItaruI looked it up on the internet, and since I’m only using three of them, I think I can manage.
HomareHmm, it looks like you’re using music bells. If that’s the case, perhaps you don’t need my teaching…
ItaruAre there other types of handbells?
HomareYes. There’s English handbells, which much harder to play than music bells.
They’re one octave, and can cost as much as hundreds of thousands of yen.
ItaruNo wonder we don’t have one in the dorm.
HomareIt’s expensive, yes, but its sound is so magnificent that it’s been dubbed an angelic harmony.
ItaruHeh, it’s that beautiful, huh.
HomareI’ve heard it’s sound, and it was so beautiful I can only describe it as truly heavenly music.
Itaru(…I lucked out not getting that bell.)
HomareNow then. Could you show me the score you’ll be using?
ItaruAh, yeah. This is it.
Itaru-kun, here, at this part of the song…
You’ll need to ring all three handbells in a row, so it might prove difficult to change hands.
Itaru….Huh, you’re right. I hadn’t gotten that far yet, so I didn’t notice.
HomareI’d recommend carefully practicing this part so that you don’t ring the wrong bell or mistime it.
ItaruGot it.
(I thought this would be a piece of cake, but guess I’m wrong…)
Alright, let’s try this again today.
(Homare-san said I still can’t do it right, I’ve gotta do something about this before the performance…)
ChikageWhat’s wrong?
ItaruEh? No…. it’s nothing. Oh, speaking of, I’ve got a game to play.
I’ll practice more tomorrow.
Chikage….Okay then.
*door closes*
Itaru…Sigh. Senpai, you left at a good time.
(My controller is…. found it.)
(…My wrist hurt when I moved my finger, guess I hurt it from practicing the handbell…)
Well, this blows. I can’t play games or practice.
*door opens*
Chikage…Here, a compress. Put it on.
Chikage….Your wrist hurts. You aren’t allowed to game today, either.
Itaru…How did you know?
ChikageAnyone would understand seeing that reaction.
Itaru…In exchange for taking this, I’m not gonna be like, indebted to you, right?
ChikageJust what do you think of me?
A certain someone was trying to hide it, and he didn’t seem like he was going to put one on himself anytime soon, so I brought it to him.
ItaruYou see everything, huh.
ChikageWho knows.
ItaruI thought I could make it this time…..But, well, I’m grateful to use it.
HomareGood morning, Itaru-kun.
ItaruGood morning.
HomareOh? What happened to your wrist?
ItaruAh, this… I think I hurt myself practicing the handbells.
My hand can’t hold anything heavier than a controller…
HomareIt’s not the weight that’s the issue, it’s the way it sounds!
HomareIt’s probably the result of your hard practice… The bell is not something you should shake so blindly about.
ItaruI thought it was fine as long as it made a sound.
HomareI knew it, I should have taught you from the beginning.
ItaruReally wish you did…
When my injury’s healed, please help me start from square one.