Sakuya Sakuma/Leader of the Procession

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New Version • The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Backstage Stories
Izumi(I wonder if this is enough for today's shopping?)
SakuyaDirector! Good work!
IzumiAh, Sakuya-kun. You, too.
SakuyaAre you out shopping?
IzumiYeah. Did you go out somewhere, Sakuya-kun?
SakuyaYes! I went to the library to borrow this picture book.
IzumiThe Pied Piper of Hamelin?
SakuyaYes, actually--
I'm back!
CitronWelcome back~! Is it a part-time job at the daycare today?
SakuyaYes! It was so much fun! We'll have a reading session this time, too!
CitronReading cession?
SakuyaReading session. It's where we read picture books to children!
CitronI see~! That sounds like fun!
SakuyaI have to choose the book I like and bring it with me, but I wondered what would be good.
CitronOoh! In that case, how about The Pied Piper of Hamelin?
SakuyaThe Pied Piper of Hamelin?
I've heard of it, but what is it about...?
CitronIt is a story about a flute player named Hamelin who raises the level of children in the city using the power of his flute!
All the children became muscular and helped those in need, one after another!
SakuyaIt's that kind of story?! ...But it does sound interesting!
I'm sure the children will be happy when they hear it! I'll go to the library and borrow the picture book!
CitronSakuya, don't you need to practice if you want to read it to the children? I will help you, too!
SakuyaIs that okay? Thank you very much!
--And that's why I borrowed it!
Izumi(Is that really how the story goes...?)
SakuyaI'm going to practice reading with Citron-san when I get home, so would you listen to it as well?
IzumiOf course.
SakuyaThank you!
I'm going to start right away!
IzumiHm? It's not only Citron-kun here.
CitronI called out to everyone from Spring Troupe for Sakuya's big moment!
MasumiI'll be here if you're here.
TsuzuruBut you were complaining about it earlier.
ItaruHe changes his gear so quickly as usual.
ChikageBut for what it's worth, he's always honest.
Masumi...Shut up.
SakuyaI'll start reading it now! Once upon a time--
--With that, the children who followed the sound of the Pied Piper did not return to the city.
IzumiI-it's quite a creepy story...
MasumiThat's not comforting at all.
ChikageThere seems to be a theory that the story is based on a true story.
TsuzuruStop making it even creepier!
ItaruI feel like this story isn't suitable for the reading session, will everything be okay?
SakuyaY-you're right. It might be hard to do...
CitronOh, this is my mistake! So very sorry~!
ItaruWhat kind of story did you tell Sakuya? How careless, lol.
TsuzuruCitron-san's the same as ever...
IzumiWill you change the picture book for the reading session? It seems difficult to read to the children as it is...
SakuyaThat's true...
ChikageWhy don't you ask Muku and Kazunari?
SakuyaGood idea! I'll ask if there is any other good picture book!
Citron-san recommended it to me, so I'll do a reading of The Pied Piper of Hamelin when I have another chance.
CitronHa! That's it! I thought of something good!
Tsuzuru should write a surprise story based on The Pied Piper of Hamelin!
SakuyaTsuzuru writing a surprise story?
MasumiI don't get it.
CitronWrite a new story and let the children read it~!
As an actor and screenwriter, Tsuzuru's skill to think of a story is also important!
TsuzuruYou're saying something careless again...
ItaruA new version of The Pied Piper of Hamelin? That kinda sounds interesting.
ChikageIt might be better to think about whether you really want to perform that story.
It's fine if you want to read something else at the reading.
SakuyaThat's true! But since we're all here, it's going to be fun to come up with new stories!
IzumiThen, I'll help you with that.
MasumiIf the director says so, I'll help too.
TsuzuruI've got no choice, do I... I'll help out, too.
CitronLet's all think of a new The Pied Piper of Hamelin that will make the children happy~!
SakuyaI'll read it again from the beginning, then.
Once upon a time, in the city of Hamelin, there was an outbreak of many rats--
CitronThe rats are already scary! We should change this part here!
IzumiUmm, how about we change it to another animal?
MasumiSomething like a cat?
ItaruRabbits or mosquitoes are fine too, right?
SakuyaHow cute! That sounds fine!
CitronIt is no longer scary!
Sakuya--With that, the children who followed the sound of the Pied Piper did not return to the city.
ItaruWe've changed a lot of things, but isn't it this line that makes it creepy in the first place?
IzumiYou're right. The impression of the ending is important.
CitronTrue! Let us think of a non-scary ending!
TsuzuruA happy end, huh.
ChikageHow about we make it so the children aren't taken away?
SakuyaRight, shouldn't it be better for everyone in the city to get along with the children and animals?
MasumiIt's safer that way.
CitronIt's boring to just get along! If it's The Pied Piper of Hamelin, the punch line should be unique!
SakuyaIf it's The Pied Piper of Hamelin...?
CHOICE 1: Should they hold a concert? [+]
IzumiWhat if the children and animals have a concert with flutes and other instruments?
SakuyaGood idea! A concert with everyone in the city sounds fun!
TsuzuruI see... It can go that way. It's like one big grand finale, I like it.
SakuyaI wonder what kind of music they'll play? I'm kind of curious!
CHOICE 2: They should run away! [+]
IzumiMaybe they should run away and have a happy end before they're taken far away?
SakuyaWhy don't we give the children earplugs so they can't hear the flute!
IzumiThen the animals too... But a cat and rabbit earplugs sound a bit tricky?
SakuyaI see... They can't plug their ears if they don't know how...
TsuzuruTHAT'S your problem?!
CitronHa, I came up with something!
The Pied Piper's flute actually has a special power that gives everyone who hears it a pleasant illusion!
The people and animals of the city, made happy by its power, all lived happily and happily dancing with each other together forever!
ItaruWho would've thought that the Pied Piper's flute was a magic item.
MasumiI have no idea what that means.
ChikageThat's the big twist. In short, it was all an illusion.
SakuyaIf it's all an illusion, then there's no problem!
CitronYes! Now, I am happy and satisfied, the new Pied Piper of Hamelin has a happy ending~!
TsuzuruNo, it's the opposite of a happy ending!
