Tsumugi Tsukioka/SUNNY WINTER

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Winter Troupe Fanservice Study Group ~Tsumugi Edition~

Backstage Stories
Tsumugi SUNNY WINTER 1-01.png
TasukuAh, Tsumugi. Finished with the storage cleaning?
TsumugiYep, all done.
GuySo you were out cleaning?
TsumugiManager requested that each of the troupe leaders would help out in cleaning and sorting out the storage room.
AzumaIs that so? Rest up from all the work, then.
TsumugiThank you.
Oh, speaking of, while in the storage room, I found an uchiwa[1] that the Autumn Troupe made for their fanservice research study.
IzumiOh, there were still leftovers, huh!
TsumugiFrom what I heard from Banri-kun, they thought they might end up needing them if ever we get another live event, so they put them away in the storage room for now.
TasukuThe more stuff that gets put away in the storage room, the more cluttered it’s just going to get.
HomareHowever, there’s still a possibility that it could be used for something else, no?
HisokaI remember seeing Omi use an uchiwa to fan the rice once.
AzumaYou must be referring to the time he was making vinegared rice[2], right?
TasukuThat’s not really a fan-service uchiwa though, is it?
TsumugiSo uhm, I brought that up because I wanted to ask you guys if Winter Troupe should do their own fan-service study group as well… What do you think?
TasukuA fan-service study group, huh… I did help out with Citron’s study before.
GuyIf the other troupes have also done it, then I think it’d be good for us to try it out as well.
IzumiYou’re right, who knows when we could get to do a live event again.
TsumugiThe other troupes seemed to have studied fan-service according to each member’s individuality.
AzumaIf that’s the case, why not focus on our own individualities for our case, as well?
HomareIndeed, I do believe fan-service is quite important. Well, let’s not waste any time doing it!
AzumaYou know, Tsumugi has always made sure to keep up his fan-service.
TsumugiYes. Since it seems to please the audience, I try my best to do it as much as I can.
HisokaBut in a live event, it might be too late to do the fan-service before you can make out the words on the uchiwa.
TsumugiThat’s true, it’d be difficult to do it on the spot…
TasukuAren’t you overthinking this?
TsumugiBut if I can understand what’s written down on their uchiwa, I would want to properly give it to them, you know?
AzumaThat’s Tsumugi for you.
TsumugiAlthough, if we’re talking about my specialties, then I wonder what would be good to make use of...
IzumiYeah, if we’re talking about Tsumugi, then…
GuyWould it not be theatre?
IzumiAh… If it’s theatre, it feels like Tasuku would also count for that, so I think it’d be better to find something a bit more unique.
GuyI see, that is a good point.
HisokaFlowers. If it’s Tsumugi.
HomareOhoh, a fanservice type that is only befitting for someone with the title of Garden Boss. That does sound decent.
TasukuWe could go for that.
AzumaIn that case, let’s think from there.
HomareHow does scattering flower petals sound to you, Tsumugi-kun?
CitronOh–! Tsumugi, are you going to become an old man who brings back dead trees to life[3]?!
IzumiWoah, Citron-kun!?
HomareHave you been here for a while!?
CitronI only just came by! It is you guys that just haven’t noticed me.
TsumugiYou were talking about Hanasaka Jii-san, right? That does sound like a nice idea.
TasukuThat kind of fanservice is showy and all, but wouldn’t you have to pick up all the petals again every time you scatter them?
TsumugiAh, now that you mention it… It might be too tedious, so maybe not, then.
CitronOh, that’s a shame…
CitronYou are having your fanservice study group, yes?
AzumaWe are. Right now, we’re trying to think of something that’s flower-related for Tsumugi.
CitronTsumugi, how about you try magic that makes flowers appear!? You can have Chikage teach you.
TsumugiThat does sound like it would entertain the audience. Maybe we can try that.
IzumiThe element of surprise is really great, too!
CitronThen it is decided! I will call Chikage right away!
CitronThank you for waiting~! I have brought out Chikage.
ChikageCitron laid the details out for me. I got the necessary tools with me as well, but…
Tell me what you think. I think a beginner should be able to pull off something like this.
It looks like a normal top hat without anything in it, but… 1, 2, 3…
IzumiWow! Flowers popped out from the hat!
HomareOoh, how wonderful! It is such a classic yet beautiful and exciting magic trick!
HisokaLooks simple enough. The gimmick itself is easy to get.
TsumugiI understood how it’s done, too.
IzumiYou two are amazing!
ChikageI figured Hisoka would be able to get it, but seems like even Tsumugi figured it out, huh. I wouldn’t have expected that.
GuyIf it’s like this, then perhaps Tsukioka has some promise in magic, as well.
TasukuHm, I wonder about that…
CitronI want to try it out, too! You should teach both of us, Chikage.
ChikageSure, no qualms here.
TsumugiLooking forward to your lessons, Chikage-san.
ChikageThe trick to this top hat is actually that it has two layers at the bottom. You hide the flowers under this, then you need to be able to smoothly take them out.
First and foremost, you show your audience that there’s nothing in this hat, then say some magic words, and…
1, 2, 3… There. Just like that.
TsumugiSo the sleight of hand is very important. As expected.
ChikageThat’s right. Why not try it out yourself?
TsumugiFirstly, show off the magic hat to everyone… 1, 2, 3… There…!
H-Huh? The flowers got caught in between, I can’t seem to get them out properly.
ChikageTake your time, it just takes practice.
TsumugiAlright, one more time… 1, 2, 3!
Oops… I really can’t take them out that smoothly.
HomareThere could be an extra step to it.
GuyIt really must not be as easy as it looks, then.
CitronIt’s my turn to try it! I take this magic hat, then say the magic words:
RONRON-CITRON, CITRON-RON! And flowers have appeared~!
TsumugiYou’re amazing at this, Citron-kun! Alright, I’ll do it too!
Say the magic words and, 1, 2, 3…! Here—!
H-Huh? The flowers won’t come out.
That’s so strange. Maybe I should try pulling it out a little harder?
And here… Ugh… They’re not coming out at all… Ah, there it go— UWAH, PWHF—!?!?
HisokaThe flowers popped out and hit bullseye right onto Tsumugi’s face.
IzumiAre you alright?
Tsumugi…I’m good, thanks.
Tasuku(sighs) I had a feeling this is how it’d turn out.
ChikageTsumugi’s quite a genius in his own regard.
TsumugiAhaha… Sorry about that. Even though you went out of your way to teach me even a simple trick like this.
CitronIt’s a-okay, Tsumugi. It gets easier once you get the hang of it!
IzumiPractice makes perfect, after all! You’ll be able to do it soon enough!
Tsumugi…You’re right. Thank you guys, I’ll keep trying!


  1. traditional Japanese handheld fan
  2. 酢飯 (sumeshi,vinegared rice) is rice prepared in advance to use in sushi dishes
  3. Citron references 花咲か爺さん (Hanasaka Jii-san), which is a Japanese folklore story about a kind and honest old man who could make dead trees blossom by spreading certain ashes around them.