Citron/Waiting is Perfect

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Teach me! Teacher Citron

Backstage Stories
CitronSakyo finished first again!
KazunariFrooch-san’s on fire ☆
AzumaFufu. It looks like Sakyo-kun is on a roll tonight.
IzumiIt’s amazing how he can arrange them so quickly!
TsuzuruThe troupe mahjong club has been active lately, huh?
SakuyaYou see them gathered regularly in the evenings.
KazunariThere’s a reason for that!
They’re gonna work as clerks at a café you can play mahjong in for a few days.
TsuzuruOh, really?
KazunariMy schedule doesn’t work out, so I can’t make it. But I’m playing along with them since mahjong’s fun.
Sakyo…Alright, that’ll be it for me today.
AzumaI will take my leave here as well.
SakyoRemember, we had a rule that the loser cleans up.
CitronOh!? Quitting while you’re ahead isn’t fair!
SakyoRules are rules. Quit complainin’.
CitronEugh… you have a rock heart![2]
AzumaStone heart?
KazunariChill, chill. I’ll help tidy up too!
CitronKazu’s my only kindred spirit!
SakuyaI’ll help as well.
Huh? What is this white one…?
CitronThat’s a spare for when you lose a tile!
There’s 4 in all, so it’s OK if you lose up to 4 of them!
SakuyaI see.
TsuzuruWait, that’s not right!
SakuyaEh? …Ah, right.
You shouldn’t lose them in the first place…
TsuzuruErr, that’s true.
But I meant about those being spares.
KazunariAhaha. You’d believe it if you had no idea.
TsuzuruThat’s called a paipan, and you do actually use it.
CitronGood for you for remembering~.
KazunariTsuzurun just happened to ask the same question as Sakusaku yesterday, and we had the exact same convo.
If Miyoshi-san didn’t tell me, then I almost would’ve believed it.
Izumi(That sounds like Citron-kun, alright…)
SakuyaI see, so all the tiles are necessary. It’s interesting how there’s so many different tiles!
CitronDo you want to play mahjong together, Sakuya?
SakuyaEHH!? But I don’t know the rules…
KazunariIf you start from something simple like arranging the tiles somehow or other, then it’s no prob!
Tsuzurun, Director-chan, join us too ☆
Or rather, do you play too, Director?
IzumiSakyo-san just taught me the other day. So, yeah, to some degree.
CitronDon’t worry, I will look at your tiles and assist you!
Equivalence is key in everything![3]
TsuzuruExperience. Will we really be okay…
SakuyaPlease go easy on me, everyone…!
CitronOk, we’ve finished dealing out the tiles!
First, let’s begin with everyone’s hands visible.
SakuyaI have one red one. This one is…?
KazunariSakusaku’s got one~!
Waiting is Perfect 2-1.png
CitronOh! That’s a special tile called the akadora tile!
That’s a bonus tile that gives you additional points if you have it at the end!
There’s 2 more of them, but their designs are different!
SakuyaI see. There are 3 of these in total.
What should I do now…?
CitronThis is “five”, so you can try gathering 3 tiles with a black “five” next to it, or line up “three, four, five” with the same design in a row!
You arrange the other tiles this way too.
SakuyaI got it!
Tsuzuru…So for now, we just have to get 3 of the same design, or line up 3 consecutive digits in a row?
KazunariYep, you got it, Tsuzurun! You make 4 sets of those.
And to finish, you need to get 2 tiles with the same design, totaling 14 tiles.
SakuyaAlright, you need 4 sets of 3 and 1 set of 2… is that right?
CitronThat’s it!
Izumi(Both Kazunari-kun and Citron-kun are great at explaining.)
KazunariAre you doing alright over there, Director-chan?
IzumiYep, it’s easy to understand. I’m following along!
CitronLet’s start our practise right away! Just like cards, you draw the tiles from the pile, match the patterns, and discard the ones you don’t need as you go along!
Tsuzuru, it doesn’t look like you’ll get a pair for that, so it’s better to discard it.
TsuzuruI see! There’s no more left in the pile since everyone’s discarding.
Thank you.
IzumiI think I can make 3 in a row here, so…
CitronYou got it, Director-chan!
IzumiThanks. I think I managed to get a set.
(Sakuya has gathered 2 akadoras in his hand.)
Izumi(After a couple of rounds, everyone is now able to arrange the patterns on their own without having to show their hands.)
KazunariI don’t need this… so there.
CitronDirector, this is ron!
IzumiEhh!? R-ron!
CitronAll the designs are lined up with “two, three, four”!
The two remaining tiles with the same design are completed by ron and you’re done!
IzumiYou’re right…!
CHOICE 1: Thanks for telling me! [+]
IzumiThanks for telling me!
CitronNo hurries![4]
IzumiFufu, no worries, I think.
If you didn’t tell me, then I wouldn’t have noticed.
CitronYou’ll be able to catch onto these things as you play more and more.
CHOICE 2: This is fun, like bingo [+]
IzumiThis is kind of fun, like bingo!
CitronThat’s a good comparison.
It feels good when you’re able to arrange them by yourself!
IzumiEven if you can’t draw the tile you need, you still might have a chance with the discarded ones, just like you taught me.
CitronThat’s right!
You’re good at arranging the tiles, Director. You will get the hang of it soon.
TsuzuruAh, another one with a kanji pattern!
CitronTsuzuru, that’s tsumo!
All the tiles aligned have kanji on them.
SakuyaThat’s amazing, Tsuzuru-kun!
TsuzuruIt feels nice when you line them up like this.
CitronYou’ve improved tremendously!
I’m tearful to you all![5]
I was worried in the beginning, but I was surprised how easy it is to pick up.
SakuyaMe too. Thanks to Citron-san, now I know how fun mahjong is!
KazunariWe’ve been talking about wanting to play mahjong with everyone. It might actually come true at this rate.
IzumiFufu, yeah.
TsuzuruHuh… why’d you raise your voice all of a sudden?
CitronSakuya’s hand is super lucky!
KazunariHoly moly!! He’s got all 3 akadoras!
IzumiYou’re right! That’s amazing!
TsuzuruOh yeah, akadoras are bonus tiles that give you additional points, right?
CitronYes! From the time I was assisting, he’s gotten more akadoras, one by one.
SakuyaPointing it out now, I might’ve had the akadoras the whole time.
CitronAs expected from the one who acts as Itaru’s gacha substitute!
KazunariFor realsies! Sakusaku’s got unbelievable luck!
CitronBeing free from desires reigns victorious in the end…!



  1. I’m using the Japanese mahjong terms (i.e. tsumo, machi, etc.). You can read more about Japanese mahjong here.
  2. Citron misspeaks the saying “血も涙もない” (chi mo namida mo nai: ~heartless/ cold-blooded), which Azuma corrects him.
  3. Citron originally says “ケンケン” (kenken), which Tsuzuru corrects as “経験” (keiken: experience)
  4. The correct phrase is “お安い御用” (o yasui goyou: ~piece of cake/no problem), which Citron misspeaks the last part as “ゴボウ” (gobou).
  5. The correct phrase is “感謝感激雨あられ” (kansha kangeki amearare: ~be terribly grateful), which Citron misspeaks the last part as “コメスルメ” (komesurume).