Kazunari Miyoshi/Hyped Up ☆ LIVE!

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Lyrics Written by Geniuses

Backstage Stories
KazunariAin’t that story insanely funny!?
Kazunari’s FriendSo true! My tummy hurts from laughing!
KazunariAh, sorry for changing the subject, but… Didn’t you say you wanted to join a trend on TikTak about making songs and posting ‘em?
Kazunari’s FriendOh, yeah I did.
KazunariWell? What’s the sitch?
Kazunari’s FriendAbout that, the song’s done but I’m stumped on the lyrics, so I can’t really post it.
KazunariOh, I see~...
Ah! If it’s cool with you, I can give you some ideas! So like, what kind of genre are you aiming for?
Kazunari’s FriendDenpa-kei![1]
KazunariSounds super dope!
Kazunari’s FriendRight? I got it, Miyoshi! Instead of coming up with ideas, can you just write the lyrics for me?
KazunariWha, the lyrics!? I’d understand if you want me to design the cover, but…
Kazunari’s FriendAren’t you smart and stuff? Plus you look like someone who can definitely write trendy lyrics!
I beg of you. If it doesn’t work out, then it’s all good!
KazunariWell I do wanna help out if it’s something I can handle…
Okie! I’ll give it a shot! But, don’t expect too much from me.
Kazunari’s FriendThank you! I’ll send ya the song when I get home, so just think up those lyrics at your own pace!
KazunariHmm… A repeating… addiction…
Tsuzuru…Huh, is that Miyoshi-san?
KazunariOh, Tsuzurun!
TsuzuruIt’s rare to see you this troubled.
KazunariTsuzuruuun, help me out!
TsuzuruEh!? With what?
Kazunari…And that’s what happened~
TsuzuruOkay but asking you to write the lyrics for that kind of reason is rather rash…
KazunariPlease, help me with the lyrics, I beg!
TsuzuruEven if you ask me… lyrics are not my area of expertise.
KazunariYou’re right~...
TsuzuruI can’t help, but maybe you can ask Arisugawa-san to lend you some of his knowledge?
KazunariI see~! Thankies, Tsuzurun!
Alrighty, guess I’ll ask Aririn when I go back to the dorms!
HomareFumu, so you are having trouble with writing lyrics, yes?
KazunariYou listen to music a lot and stuff so maybe you can give me some kind of advice.
HomareIf that is the case, then you may count on me!
KazunariSo reliable! Well then, here’s the song…
HomareOh, this song is quite…!
Aha, ideas are coming forth! What do you make of these lyrics!?
A wonderful beeping sound is playing~♪ Is the size of my love a picometer? Or a nanometer?
KazunariWoah! Hold up, I need to record it!
KazunariI’m done with the transcription of the lyrics!
How ‘bout turning the “love” here into this “love”[2] and say it 10 times so we can up its denpa-ness?
HomareUmu, what a good proposal. Then let us change this “wonderful” to “tres bien,” what say you?
KazunariSounds gucci! It could be “tres bieeen” and we can add a heart after that!
And let’s add in a “hype” somewhere!
HomareWell, how about placing it around this part?
KazunariAround there… Ah, you could get addicted to listening to it!
HomareFumu, as expected it is most suitable to put it there.
KazunariLet’s keep at it with this pace on the other parts~!
KazunariAll done! It’s so touching that it’s good!
HomareA splendid job we did! To think I would create such a masterpiece together with Kazunari-kun!
KazunariAririn, big thanks~! I’ll send a LIME to my friend right away!
IzumiI’m back. I heard some really enthusiastic voices in here, what’s going on?
KazunariOh, right now me and Aririn were just done making lyrics ‘cause a friend asked me to!
IzumiThat’s amazing!
KazunariWe just completed the recording for the lyrics, why don’t you take a listen, Director-chan?
Homare“The beeping sounds are, tres bieeen♪ Is the size of my love a picometer? A nanometer? Non non!”
Kazunari“Love love love love… Raise the hype♪ To a megaton, a gigaton, LMAO~♪”
Izumi(J-Just what am I listening to…?)
KazunariSo, what’re your thoughts!?
IzumiErr, those are really um, unique, and wild lyrics…!
KazunariWell, we were aiming for denpa-kei after all!
Izumi(So this is what denpa-kei songs are like…?)
HomareJust as I thought, Director-kun would understand.
IzumiY-Yeah, that’s totally the case…
KazunariAh, my friend replied! Let’s see…
“It’s pretty chaotic but it totally captures denpa-kei! It’s catchy! I love it!” is what they said!
IzumiI’m glad they liked it.
HomareFufun, it is only natural as we were the ones who created such work.
Oh right, please tell that friend of yours that they absolutely have to add a gong sound after this lyric.
KazunariThat’s a good idea! I’ll LIME them RN!
IzumiYou’re going to add a gong sound, did I hear that right?
(This song’s turning more chaotic as we speak…)
HomareWell, of course! Without the gong sound, it is as if the dessert lacks the cherry on top for it to be perfect.
KazunariWe wanna up the overall chaos levels so you feel yourself getting crazy hyped too, that kinda thing!
IzumiS-So that’s how it is.
(It’s no use, these artists’ senses are too high level for me to keep up with…)
KazunariDirector-chan, take a looksie!
IzumiHm? Is this a TikTak?
KazunariYuppie! I’ll play it now~
Kazunari’s Friend“The beeping sounds are, tres bieeen♪”
IzumiOh, this is…! The song from the other day!
(Huh, was that the gong sound just now?
(It actually doesn’t feel out of place. Could I have ascended my understanding levels with those two that I can actually keep up?)
KazunariThe arrangement made it even better! Right now, this song is so on trend ‘cause it has that strange and catchy feeling to it that made it interesting!
CHOICE 1: It definitely sounds better. [+]
IzumiIt definitely sounded better than when I listened to it before!
KazunariI’m glad you get it~!
IzumiWell even if you say that, I’m not that confident in my understanding…
KazunariWha, really? Well, did you like the song?
IzumiYup, no matter how many times I listen to it, I like it.
KazunariThen it’s all good! When it comes to stuff like this, it’s not about understanding it, but rather if you liked it or not!
CHOICE 2: What kind of reactions did it get? [+]
IzumiWhat did the people think after listening to the song?
KazunariThere’s a bunch like “I entered a trance state when it was the ‘love’ part, it felt great,” that one was common~
I thought up of that one so I feel super good about it~!
IzumiIs that so? That part DID leave a huge impression on me!
KazunariFor reals!?
IzumiYeah, I also liked that part.
KazunariDamn, your compliments make me way happier than any others’.
So, thank you~!
KazunariOh right! Keep watching the vid! My friend put us in the credits at the end there, you see~
IzumiAh, you’re right. The credits… say… huh?
“Lyrics: The Art God’s Favorite☆Pop Genius Duo” …?
KazunariIt’s the unit name me and Aririn came up with. I absolutely love it if you ask me~!
IzumiI-I see… What a name that is.
(...I knew it was impossible to keep up with those two’s senses.)



  1. Denpa-kei refers to a type of Japanese music that is intentionally strange and catchy.
  2. The first love is the kanji “愛, ai” while the second love is written in katakana “ラブ, rabu.”