Tasuku Takato/Escort Card Invitation

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Object of Unrequited Love

Backstage Stories
IzumiAlright, I’m done helping out, so I guess I’ll hop on the train and head home.
*notification sound*
It’s a LIME from Tasuku-san.
Tasuku Takato
You said you went to help out a different theatre troupe, right? Are you done now?
I just finished up, so I’m on my way home
Tasuku Takato
I’m passing nearby with the car, so I’ll pick you up if you’d like
Are you sure? That helps! I’ll be in front of the station
Izumi(It’s a bit troublesome going by train from here, so I’m honestly grateful.)
???Oh, could that be Director-san?
Izumi…Ah, Fuyuki-san!
FuyukiIt’s dangerous for a lady to be all alone at this hour.
IzumiDon’t worry. Besides, I was actually thinking of taking the train home, but Tasuku-san’s going to come pick me up by car.
Haha, he’s awfully kind to you, huh?
Say, I’ll stay with you until Tasuku gets here.
IzumiBut aren’t you in the middle of work, Fuyuki-san…
FuyukiIt’s also a policeman’s job to protect our good citizens.
Plus, I’ll be scolded if anything happens to you.
IzumiAhaha, I doubt you’d be scolded…
TasukuSorry for the wait, Director.
IzumiTasuku-san! Thanks for going out of your way.
TasukuNo… more importantly, I was wondering who you were talking to, and it turns out it really was my brother?
FuyukiOh, Tasuku. You’re already here?
You recognized me?
TasukuI saw your uniform and basically figured.
Alright, hop in, Director.
IzumiYou really saved me.
Thank you so much too, Fuyuki-san!
FuyukiNot at all.
Ah, come to think of it. Tasuku and Tsumu’s classmate Ishikawa-kun is getting married.
He even sent me an invitation. Are you two also going?
TasukuUh, I don’t think ours arrived…
When did yours come?
FuyukiThis morning, I think.
IzumiIt might have arrived at the dorm sometime today then.
Let’s go head home and check first.
TsumugiWelcome back, Tasuku.
Hey, Ishikawa-kun’s getting married.
Invitations to his wedding arrived.
TasukuSo they really did, huh?
TsumugiThey really did?
TasukuI happened to bump into my brother earlier and heard about it from him.
Apparently, Ishikawa also invited him.
TsumugiOh, you don’t say.
Fuyuki-kun got along well with our classmates when we went over to your house to play, huh?
TasukuWell, that’s the type of guy he is.
TsumugiYou’re also acquainted with some of Fuyuki-kun’s classmates. The two of you have close interactions with each other’s friends, don’t you?
TasukuI don’t think it’s that deep or anything.
TsumugiReally? I’m pretty sure Fuyuki-kun told me his friends are quite fond of you.
TsumugiFufu. I can’t wait for the three of us to attend the wedding together.
IzumiYou two look as sharp as ever~!
TsumugiThank you very much.
TasukuAren’t you just saying that…?
IzumiHey, I’m complimenting you from my heart!
Alright, see you then, you two!
Have fun, alright?
Tasuku & TsumugiWe’ll be off.
TasukuMy brother’s not here yet.
TsumugiIt’s fine since there’s still time before it starts, right?
It looks like there’s escort cards, so let’s go ahead and grab ours first.
TasukuI guess so.
TsumugiAh, there’s two Takatos here today, so don’t get them mixed up.
TasukuThere’s no way I would, alright?
Tsumugi…Hm? Isn’t that woman looking over here?
TasukuIs she?
TsumugiIt seems like she’s looking at you, Tasuku…
I’m kind of curious, so let’s call out to her.
TasukuOi, Tsumugi…
TsumugiExcuse me, is something the matter…?
WomanAh! I’m sorry for staring. You’re Takato-kun, right?
I saw the name on your escort card.
TasukuYeah, that’s me…
WomanOh, you really are!
WomanAh, the truth is… my friend had a crush on you back when we were students.
WomanIt brought back memories, so I couldn’t help myself.
Even now, my friend still mentions you from time to time, Takato-kun.
TsumugiReally now?
Fufu. You can’t underestimate Tasuku either, huh?
TasukuEven if you say that, I don’t recall this at all…
WomanHer feelings were totally one-sided, so it’s understandable you didn’t notice.
She only saw you once in a while, and I don’t think you two ever talked.
TasukuShe only saw me once in a while?
TsumugiWhat do you mean?
I think we were at the same school though…
WomanShe told me so many times how she could never forget the sight of Takato-kun running up to a child who had fallen down near the school and helping them up.
Hold on, could that actually be…
FuyukiSorry, sorry. Were you two waiting?
I’m late since I was helping out a troubled old lady on the way here.
TasukuIt’s him for sure…
What’s up? What’re you guys talking about?
TasukuIt’s nothing.
TsumugiAhaha… it would probably better if you went and fetched your escort card first, Fuyuki-kun.
Tsumugi…And that’s what happened.
IzumiAhaha. “Takato-kun”, her one-sided crush, wasn’t Tasuku-san but Fuyuki-san.
AzumaFufu. They mistook Tasuku.
HomareI am certain that there were other ladies who were crushing on you, so turn that frown upside-down.
TasukuI’m not feeling down to begin with.
Hisoka…How did that girl know Fuyuki?
IzumiGood point! She never talked to Tasuku-san, her classmate. So it’s strange that she knew his brother and even went as far as falling in love him.
TsumugiAhh, that’s…
TasukuMy brother came to our school from time to time.
IzumiFuyuki-san did?
TsumugiHe waited in front of our school occasionally to go home with us.
GuyHe went all the way to the school to pick up his little brother and his friend…
Hisoka…I feel like I can almost imagine it.
HomareCertainly. That sounds very like him, indeed.
AzumaFufu. So then that girl became aware of his existence and formed a crush.
TasukuAre you washing up, Director?
I’ll lend a hand.
IzumiAre you sure?
Tasuku…If I’m over there, I’ll be pestered about that previous story.
IzumiAhaha, so you came to seek refuge, huh?
TasukuYou can say that…
Should I wipe this?
IzumiYep, thanks for the help!
Anyways, they’re all totally buzzing about Fuyuki-san.
TasukuWell, aniki’s no stranger to them, after all.
IzumiThat’s true.
He’s taken care of you guys in a lot of ways already.
CHOICE 1: You two are alike [+]
CHOICE 2: He hasn’t changed from his school days, has he? [+]
Even so…
Hearing stories about Fuyuki-san helping others in the past made me think how kind both of you really are all over again.
TasukuI understand my brother. But even me?
IzumiYeah, that’s right.
You’re a kind person, aren’t you, Tasuku-san?
Like just a few days ago. You went out of your way to pick me up with the car just because you were passing close by.
TasukuAhh, that time…
But I—.
I wouldn’t be kind to just anyone like my brother though.
TasukuNo, it’s nothing.
