Kumon Hyodo/Jet-Black Sweet Temptation

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Hyodo Brothers’ Exchange Diary

Backstage Stories
KumonI had so much fun shopping with you, nii-chan!
JuzaYeah. I’m glad you were able to buy what you had your eye on too.
KumonYeah! I was dying to get this new Tiger’s uniform~.
It’s too bad they were sold out of the sweets you wanted to eat. But let’s go buy them together next time!
*engine rumbles*
IzumiAh, I knew it. It’s Juza-kun and Kumon-kun.
TasukuGeez… I thought something was wrong since you told me to pull over all of a sudden.
KumonThat was a shock! You had your helmets on, so I didn’t realize it was you two at all.
IzumiSorry for surprising you.
KumonAnyways, Director’s helmet really stands out!
IzumiThis is more Tasuku-san’s taste than mine…
TasukuDon’t say it in such a misleading way.
IzumiIs it not true though~?
KumonA helmet for Director, huh… that’s nice~.
MukuGood morning.
OmiI’m going to prepare breakfast now.
By the way, when are you free next, nii-chan?
Let’s go buy the sweets you couldn’t get your hands on last time!
JuzaSorry, I’m busy with my part-time job these days.
I’m goin’ to work for today too.
KumonAw, okay~… that’s too bad.
JuzaI’ll let you know when I have time again.
MukuSee you, Ju-chan.
OmiTake care.
*door closes*
MukuIt seems Ju-chan has been working more lately.
KumonYeah… he sounds busy.
MukuI wonder if he has his own reasons for that.
*bell rings*
(…*Sigh*. I haven’t been able to see nii-chan at all lately~.)
Girl AI don’t have any club activities today, so let’s go home together~.
Girl BAh, that reminds me, I brought the exchange notebook!
Have a look inside after you get home!
Girl AWow, thanks! I can’t wait to read it~.
Hey, hey. What’s that?
Girl AAn exchange notebook.
It was all the rage in the past.
Girl BIt’s fun since it feels like you’re creating a diary.
You give updates and stuff to your close friends.
KumonCan’t you use LIME for that?
Girl BYou don’t get it, huh~?
Girl ARather than use LIME or SNS, it’s better to purposely write your message by hand!
Girl BYou make new discoveries, like this person’s handwriting is neat, and so forth~.
KumonI see… you have a point!
What kinda stuff do you write? Tell me more!
KumonAh, nii-chan!
IzumiDo you have work today, Juza-kun?
Kumon, sorry it’s late.
I wrote this.
KumonWoah! Thanks, nii-chan!
JuzaAight, I’m off.
IzumiSee you!
KumonHehe, I got the exchange notebook back!
IzumiExchange notebook?
KumonI heard about it from some girls in my class and I asked nii-chan to do it with me!
It looks like nii-chan’s busy these days, so I thought we could try communicating through an exchange notebook.
IzumiI see.
That sounds so nostalgic~.
KumonHave you done one before too, Director?
IzumiOf course!
I wrote lots of segments myself, and I used stickers and decorated it…
Everyone’s really motivated in the beginning, but before you know it, someone stops and it falls off the wayside.
But there’s no way I’ll stop, so it’s fine!
CHOICE 1: I hope you continue for a long time! [+]
IzumiI hope you continue for a long time.
KumonYeah! Maybe nii-chan and I will still be going ‘til we’re both old men!?
IzumiAhaha, maybe you’ll be exchanging haikus by that age.
KumonHaikus, huh… I gotta study ‘til then.
I’ll be happy with anything as long as I can do it with nii-chan!
Izumi(I’m sure Kumon-kun and Juza-kun will always be close brothers.)
CHOICE 2: What sort of stuff are you writing? [+]
IzumiWhat sort of stuff are you writing?
KumonWell… it’s mine and nii-chan’s secret!
IzumiAhaha, I see how it is.
KumonI really haven’t written that much though!
It’s just—kinda embarrassing explaining…
IzumiI was the same way, so I understand.
That’s you and Juza-kun’s precious exchange notebook, right?
IzumiI’m sure you can’t wait to read it.
I wonder what nii-chan wrote~.
Izumi(I’m glad Kumon-kun looks like he’s having fun.)
KumonWhat should I write for my reply in the exchange notebook~?
YukiYou’re still going strong with that notebook?
MukuKyu-chan, you give it back the next day after Ju-chan returns it, right?
KumonI can’t make nii-chan wait, after all!
TenmaBut Juza-san doesn’t give the impression he’d reply that fast.
KumonNii-chan’s busy, y’know!
That’s why the fact he’s exchanging notes with me is important!
TenmaThat’s true. Juza-san’s that sort of type, huh?
YukiWell, it’s fine as long as he’s satisfied.
MukuYeah. I’m glad Kyu-chan looks happy.
TeacherAlright, that’s all for today’s class~.
(I have some time before the next class…
I’ll keep writing in the exchange notebook for a bit!)
(Umm, what should I write…)
Girl ASorry, I brought the notebook!
It’s late though~.
Girl BNo worries at all!
Actually, isn’t this pace just right?
Girl AI know what you mean. If it gets returned right away, it puts pressure on you to write quickly too~.
Girl BExactly.
Sometimes it’s a pain to reply!
Girl AI feel you~!
(Wait, does nii-chan feel the same way…?)
(…Work dragged on a bit.)
(As I thought. There ain’t nobody up at this hour, huh?)
JuzaKumon? You’re still awake?
KumonYeah… I was waiting for you.
JuzaIs somethin’ wrong?
Kumon…Nii-chan, I’m sorry!
KumonThe exchange notebook… I give it back the next day, so it became a burden, didn’t it?
I knew you were busy and all. But I asked you to do it and caused you trouble.
I’m really, really sorry!
Juza—I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about. But if it’s the notebook, I don’t think it’s a burden.
KumonEh? Really?
JuzaI was aware that I was takin’ a while to write back.
But I… never thought that writing itself was any sorta burden or annoyance.
KumonOh, really… that’s a relief~!
JuzaMore like, I’m sorry for makin’ you wait.
KumonDon’t even worry about that!
You’re busy with your part-time job…
Juza…I started workin’ cause I plan to buy you your very own helmet.
KumonMy very own helmet…!?
JuzaYou were jealous when you saw the conversation between Tasuku-san and Director the other day, weren’t you?
As your big bro, I figured I should also buy you your own exclusive helmet.
KumonI see… I had no idea.
Juza…I couldn’t meet you and tell you face-to-face.
I’m still sortin’ out the budget ‘n everything…
But when the time comes, wanna go choose one together?
KumonSure… thanks, nii-chan. I love you!
KazunariOoh, Kumopi’s very own helmet~!
KumonI can’t just rely on nii-chan, so I’m thinking of getting myself a job too!
I gotta get my motorcycle license soon!
YukiSo, what happened to the exchange notebook in the end?
KumonErr… exchanging notes was fun, but getting to talk with nii-chan directly can’t be beat!
Yuki…I called it.
KazunariWell, it be like that sometimes ☆
