Itaru Chigasaki/A Desire That Still Can't Be Shaken

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A Full Course on Eradicating Worldly Desires

Backstage Stories
ItaruMmn… Ahh...It’s morning…
Today’s a day off. *sighs* It’d be heaven if I didn’t have to wake up at 5 A.M… I’m gonna get just a little more sleep…
Ah, but the limited gacha banner starts at noon today.
I gotta make some paid purchases in-game before that. I also wanna drink some cola so maybe I’ll head to the conbini in the afternoon…
SakyoSo you’re awake, Chigasaki.
ItaruSakyo-san? Can I help you?
SakyoYou’re getting rid of your worldly desires today.
IzumiGood morning, everyone.
SakuyaGood morning, Director!
AzamiHungry… So, we’re having Buddhist cuisine[1] for breakfast again, huh…
BanriLooks like it.
TaichiI’m getting used to vegetarian meals, but I miss Omi-kun’s french toast~!
OmiHaha, I’ll make some when we get back home.
IzumiNow then, let’s all start eating breakfastーー
...Huh? Where’s Itaru-san?
SakyoAhh, if you’re asking about Chigasaki…
Izumi(Wow, he’s really here just like Sakyo-san said he’d be…)
IzumiCopying sutras by hand?
I made him do morning ascetic practices by copying sutras by hand.
He’s always lazy in life, and breaks curfew in the middle of training camp to go to the conbiniーー
Not only has he not adhered to lights out, he doesn’t get up easily in the morning either.
BanriYou were doing bedtime checks…
AzamiWell, Itaru-san isn’t the only one doing that.
ChikageThere are people doing that. I’m doing the same thing too, but the difference is between someone who won’t get caught versus someone who somehow ends up getting caught.
SakyoーーIn any case, today is a good opportunity.
I've prepared a “Course for Eradicating Worldly Desires” just for him and I’ll discipline him starting from the mind.
IzumiA-A course in eradicating worldly desires…
Izumi(I thought it might have been too strict since it’s an off-day, but…it might be a good experience since we’ve come all the way here to lodge at a temple.)
ーーGood morning, Itaru-san.
ItaruAh, Director-san. Morning.
IzumiGood work with doing ascetic practices. Will you be having breakfast soon?
ItaruWow, it’s already this hour, huh?
IzumiHow’s writing the sutras by hand going?
ItaruAhh, it’s surprisingly refreshing. I half-doubted it at first, though.
IzumiThat’s great! Now then, let’s go eat breakfast.
Ahh, I’m going to go wash my hands for a second. You go on ahead, Director-san.
(Itaru-san looks more refreshed than I thought he’d be. Maybe forcing him to get rid of his worldly desires from the mind really workedーー)
I-It looks like he still has a long way to go…
TaichiーーThanks for the meal! Whew. What are you guys doing today?
TsuzuruSince we’ve got today off, I want to head out somewhere.
CitronI want to go sightseeing! I heard there are a lot of parks around here, and there are many different things to see!
SakuyaWow, that sounds fun!
BanriI’m going shopping. You, Azami?
AzamiI heard there’s some cosmetics limited to this area, so I’m gonna go look for ‘em.
ItaruLimited, huh… I’m going to go buy souvenirs for work. Want to come with, Senpai?
ChikageRight. If that’s how it is, we should get a rental car nearby…
SakyoーーHold on, Chigasaki.
You’ve still got two things to do for the Worldly Desires Eradication Course. You’re gonna stay here and do ‘em all.
OmiWell, just writing sutras by hand isn’t exactly a course, after all…
ItaruNo, no, writing the sutras earlier was enough to clear my mind. As proof of that, I’m feeling very calm and refreshedーー
SakyoYou talking about this?
TaichiIs this Itaru-san’s handwritten sutra?
JuzaIt has “SSR SSR SSR...” written on it.
TsuzuruThat’s pretty bad.
ChikageThat’s literally worldly desire.
AzamiI don’t think you can say you dispelled anything at all. That’s nothing but worldly desire…
MasumiHe’s diseased...
ItaruYou’re the last person I want to hear that from.
No, but really, I feel refreshed and I think my worldly desires have disappeared quite a bit.
ChikageLet’s test it then. How about you try pulling the gacha once?
CitronYES! If his worldly desires have disappeared, then he should rake in the SSRs!
Juza….Is that how that works?
ItaruI understand. I’ll try pulling, then.
SakuyaY-You can do it, Itaru-san!
ItaruMy mind is clear…
CitronOhh! T-This is…!!
TsuzuruN-No way, for real!?
CitronIt is utterly garbage!!
BanriDef a shit pull.
TaichiIt’s a garbage pull!
Sakyo...You got something you wanna say?
Itaru...I’ll be going to the Worldly Desires Eradication Courses.
ItaruDoing ascetic practices in the forest… I’ve only got a bad feeling about this.
IzumiThere, there.
ItaruAt least you’re the chaperone and guide instead of Sakyo-san. You’re a lifesaver, Director-san…
...Hey, do you hear something?
IzumiIt’s...the sound of water?
ItaruDon’t tell me, what’s up ahead is…
ItaruMy hunch was right on target…
Seriously, this is... Impossible, no way… I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die…
IzumiI-It might be better than you think! The waterfall isn’t that big, and the weather’s great!
I heard Juza-kun was also interested in morning ascetic practices where you meditate under the waterfall!
ItaruYeah, but I don’t have such a strong body. Seriously, I can’t, Director-san, could you please turn a blind eye here or somethingーー
AttendantSo you’re the person who’s come to meditate under the waterfall. Now then, please change into this attire used for the waterfall.
ItaruN-No, I’m…
AttendantGo ahead, this way. There’s another person who has a reservation after you.
ItaruW-Wait a second… Seriously, I can’t, I’ll die, I’ll die!
IzumiG-Good luck, Itaru-san!
ItaruーーHey, Director-san… Am I still alive?
IzumiYou’re alive, you’re alive.
It’s cold, it hurts, and I never want to do this again. I didn’t even think about gacha whatsoever the entire time I was being pounded by the waterfall.
I’m certain, this might be effective in eradicating worldly desires…
IzumiThat’s the most important thing of all. Keep up that spirit, let’s move on to the third part in the Eradicating Worldly Desires Course!
Itaru...Right. Okay, let’s go.
IzumiYes, let’s gーー
!? Woah…!
IzumiI-I’m sorry! Are you all right!?
ItaruI’m fine, I just fell into a puddle for a moment, that’s all. What about you, Director-san, are you okay?
IzumiI’m quite alright. But Itaru-san, your jersey’s dripping wet…
ItaruIt’s fine, I’ll accumulate good karma.
CHOICE 1: "I was saved thanks to you, Itaru-san." [+]
CHOICE 2: "You have to get changed quickly." [+]
Izumi(Last up is basic Zen meditation. Since this is a rare opportunity, I wonder if they’d let me meditate together with him.)
ItaruThis posture is pretty demanding…
AttendantBreathe slowly…
Itaru(Clear the mind… Clear the mind…)
Izumi(Clear the mind…)
Itaru(Clear the mind… No thoughts… Head empty…)[2]
Hell yeah!
ItaruI get the feeling I’ll get something good if I pull right now! SSR SSR….!
IzumiItaru-san! Turn off your phoneーー Ah.
B-Behind you, Itaru-san…
Ow…! You don’t normally hit people this hard, I hope?
AttendantSakyo-san requested me to be merciless.
ItaruSakyo-san did, huh…
But what were the gacha results, Itaru-san?
This is…
Itaru...A garbage pull.
ItaruAn utterly shit pull, case closedー[3]
Izumi...Let’s go back to meditating.



  1. 精進料理 is Buddhist cuisine which is mainly vegetarian based. Consult your friendly google for more details.
  2. Itaru just repeats 無心 which means to clear the mind. I went with this because this sounded more fun LOL
  3. 解散 means to dismiss a meeting, dissolve a crowd, dissolve or disband. I went with “case closed” because that conveys a similar feeling of finality in English. I briefly considered “game over” but “case closed” is a great reference to a game too so i’m. here we are