Tsumugi Tsukioka/MANKAI Playback

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The Winter Troupe’s Visit to the Tsukioka Household

Backstage Stories
Winter TroupeHappy birthday!
IzumiHappy birthday!
TsumugiThank you very much. There’s so many bouquets... I’m so happy.
AzumaWe didn’t even pick gifts together but we ended up getting the same thing.
GuyWe all thought the same.
HisokaThat’s why I added marshmallows as a bonus to mine.
HomareFlowers suit Tsumugi-kun after all. The deep red of the roses I picked is a beautiful colour, is it not?
TasukuLooks like our dorm room will be a little more lively.
TsumugiAhaha, you’re right. Each flower brings out everyone’s own personalities; they’re really beautiful.
It feels strange having everyone celebrate my birthday here in my room though...
IzumiWe prepared a cake too!
TsumugiThank you so much! Is this——
AzumaFufu. Isn’t this chocolate cute?
GuyIt’s modelled after Zabi.[1]
TsumugiUu.... It’s cute, but that conflict of whether to eat it or not is starting again...
TasukuWhen we made Zabi nerikiri, it took you a while to eat that too.[2]
ZabiWoof woof!
HisokaHe’s telling you to eat it.
TasukuHe sure is, from that expression.
(I thought it would be a bother to his family, but just like last year, Tsumugi-san’s grandmother welcomed us kindly...)
TasukuThat reminds me, it’s almost Tsumugi’s birthday.
AzumaIt is. Tsumugi, is there anything you want?
TsumugiNot particularly. It’s the thought that counts.
HomareGood grief, you are modest as always.
Hisoka...If it’s not about acting.
IzumiThat reminds me, last year I visited Tsumugi-san’s family home on his birthday.
GuyIs that so?
TsumugiMy grandmother just happened to call me when the Director and I were out together——
She told me come visit, so I invited Director to come with me.
IzumiHis grandmother was kind and wonderful. Ah, I met Zabi too; he was so friendly and cute.
TsumugiIt’s the name of my family’s pet dog.
TasukuI haven’t seen Zabi in a while...
Homare*gasp* I’ve got it!
We recently visited Tasuku-kun’s family home, so why don’t we go visit Tsumugi-kun’s family home on his birthday next!
GuyWon’t we bother them if we go with such a big group?
HisokaArisu is loud, so it’ll definitely be a nuisance.
HomareHisoka-kun, why did you single me out, I wonder?
IzumiBut it’s true that we’re a pretty big group.
TsumugiI think my grandmother and Zabi would be happy, so it’ll be fine. Please come visit.
HomareSince Tsumugi-kun said so, why don’t we go!
TasukuI can see Zabi again after a long time.
Hisoka...First time meeting Zabi.
AzumaFufu, I’m looking forward to it.
Izumi(And so we ended up visiting Tsumugi-san’s house...)
AzumaSay, are these old scripts?
TsumugiYes. I just can’t bring myself to throw them away...
Back in high school, we’d call the drama club members and we’d read lines here in my place and in Tasuku’s house.
HomareIt’s filled with written notes. Very like Tsumugi-kun.
GuyAll these scripts have Takato’s name in the cast.
Hisoka...You’re right.
AzumaYou can tell how long you two have been together when you look at these.
TsumugiThat reminds me, it was apparently unusual whenever we’re not together——
Tsumugi(I’ve got to read the script thoroughly once I get home——)
Friend from the Drama ClubOh, Tsukioka. You’re not with Takato today?
TsumugiNo, Tasuku is on day duty today, and apparently he forgot to write in the class journal.[3]
Friend from the Drama ClubOh I see. I just thought it was rare that the two of you aren’t together.
TsumugiAhaha. There are times when we’re not together too.
Tsumugi——There was a time when I was told that.
AzumaHuh. You were really close. I would’ve wanted to see what you two were like back then.
TsumugiI have albums.
TasukuOi, you don’t have to show them——
TsumugiLet’s see, it should be deep in this shelf here...
TsumugiThese are the pictures of the class.
HisokaAh, there’s Tsumugi.
AzumaYou’re right. Fufu, how cute.
TsumugiReally? It’s a little embarrassing after all...
Ah, that’s right. Tasuku’s picture is...
TasukuOi, wait a sec.
TasukuDon’t just show them. They’ll obviously make fun of it.
TsumugiIt’s fine, you don’t look much different now compared to back then.
HomareIt’s nothing to be embarrassed about.
HisokaI’m curious now.
AzumaI’m sure you were cute too, Tasuku.
TsumugiAnd so they say. Come on.
GuyHe doesn’t want to, so why don’t we give up this time?
TasukuThis time, you say... I’d be troubled if it’s only this time...
HisokaGuy, that didn’t help very much.
GuyIs that so? Sorry about that...
IzumiHm? Some kind of photo fell out...
T-this is...!?
IzumiUmm... Tsumugi-san——
This is probably something you don’t want to show us, so I’m returning it...! It’s extremely cute though...
TsumugiHuh? What are you...
——T-this picture is...!
HomareWhat was that photo just now...?
TasukuIt was a picture of the crossdressing contest.
TsumugiYou looked!?
TasukuI just saw it.
HisokaCrossdressing contest...?
TasukuWe didn’t have enough people for the cultural festival in high school, so Tsumugi ended up crossdressing to participate; it was probably a picture of that.
AzumaReally? I want to see a picture of Tsumugi crossdressing.
HomareTsumugi-kun crossdressing, how interesting.
TsumugiThat’s the only thing I absolutely can’t show you...
Winter TroupeThank you for having us.
IzumiThank you so much. It ended up being pretty noisy——
Tsumugi’s GrandmotherNot at all; it’s been a while since it was this lively, so it was fun. Please do come again.
HisokaIn the end, Tsumugi didn’t eat the Zabi chocolate.
AzumaHe stored it safely in the fridge, but I wonder when he’s going to eat it.
HomareA chocolate of loneliness... A tornado of misery... Only lonely Zabi!
Guy...It’s a good poem that evokes grief.
TasukuGuy-san, you don’t have to force yourself.
Tsumugi...I’m glad the one who picked up that photo was the Director.
IzumiAhaha. But I was lucky to have been able to see such a cute Tsumugi-san.
TsumugiAs a guy, being told that kind of gives me mixed feelings...
CHOICE 1: I want to see Tsumugi-san play a female role. [+]
IzumiI want to see Tsumugi-san play a female role someday.
TsumugiA female role... I’ve actually been told that by the other kids in the troupe too.
IzumiFufu, everyone has thought about it once. Do you want to give it a try yourself?
TsumugiTaking on new roles will broaden the range of my acting, so I’m interested in trying it. When I do receive a female role, I’ll do my very best.
IzumiI’m looking forward to it!
CHOICE 2: Do you prefer manly roles? [+]
IzumiWhen it comes to acting out roles, do you prefer manly roles?
TsumugiThat’s not it. I love all the roles given to me.
...But I want the Director to think of me as manly.
TsumugiAh, umm... Like, I rely on you, but I also want you to rely on me just as much...
...Er, saying things like this without getting embarrassed would be the manliest though...
Izumi...I rely on you enough, Tsumugi-san.
You help me so much by always looking after the Winter Troupe and the other troupe members.
Tsumugi...Thank you.
GuyThis is quite an old building... What kind of shop is it?
HisokaA snack shop.
IzumiLast year we got everyone some souvenirs from that snack shop.
TsumugiWe did. Want to stop by?
AzumaSounds good.
TasukuThis takes me back.
HomareThis is truly an atmosphere that gives me poetic inspiration.
HisokaI’ll look for marshmallows...
HomareOhh! We had this last year!
IzumiThe instant noodle snack?
TasukuI ate this a lot when I was a kid.
TsumugiTasuku loves hiyashi chuka, so he did his best to make it like that.[4]
TasukuYou’re telling them something unnecessary again...
IzumiHuh, is that so!
AzumaTsumugi, are you doing this again?
TsumugiAh, the Lucky Choco Bar...
Guy...That brings back memories.
IzumiYou’ve had it before, Guy-san?
Guy...Yeah, I think I’ve had it when I was a child. It’s the one with draws, right?
TsumugiWhy don’t we buy one for each of us, and then open them at the same time?
HomareMhm, sounds interesting. My charisma shall earn me a win.
AzumaI wonder who has the best luck among us.
HisokaI’ll try it.
TsumugiLet’s open them then. One, two...
AzumaThat’s too bad. I didn’t win.
IzumiI didn’t get it either...
TasukuI didn’t win either.
GuyI didn’t win.
HisokaI didn’t win...
HomareHm... To think that I would not win... How about you, Tsumugi-kun?
Tsumugi...I won.
IzumiWhat!? Amazing...!
HisokaA winning streak.
TasukuIt’s always a win whenever you’re the one pulling after all.
AzumaYou improved your record again.
Tsumugi...Fufu, I have a feeling the new year will be a good one again.



  1. Like in previous backstages, until there’s an official romanization of his name, I’ll be romanizing the name of Tsumugi’s dog (ザビー) as “Zabi”
  2. See this backstage for context
  3. Nicchoku (日直), literally day duty, is the class helper/leader of the day and is in charge of tasks such as roll call and keeping the class journal
  4. Hiyashi chuka is a chilled ramen noodle dish, Tasuku’s favourite