Tsumugi Tsukioka/Dappled Sunlight Garden
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Overprotective People
Backstage StoriesTaichi | I’m home~! |
Izumi | Welcome home, everyone. You got home a little late today. |
Taichi | The three of us stopped by a crepe shop! |
Tsumugi | Ohh, how nice. That’s such a high schooler thing to do. |
Tasuku | Come to think of it, I haven’t eaten a crepe in years. |
Juza | I’m hungry... |
Tenma | Didn’t you eat three in the car... |
Taichi | What’s up with your stomach!? |
Juza | That wasn’t enough. |
Tsumugi | Haha. You’re still growing after all. |
And you’re built too. You might even grow taller than Tasuku. | |
Juza | Thanks. |
Tasuku | ...... |
Izumi | (Tasuku-san looks like he has mixed feelings...) |
Hisoka | Juza. Want a marshmallow...? |
Juza | !? |
Taichi | Whoa!? Since when did you get here, Hisoka-san!? |
Hisoka | ...Zzz |
Tenma | He fell asleep!? |
Juza | I didn’t sense his presence at all... |
But I’ll have some marshmallows. Thanks. | |
Izumi | Ah, Juza-kun! Make sure to wash your hands and rinse your mouth well before you eat. |
Juza | Yeah. |
Tasuku | It’s the season when you have to watch out for the flu after all. |
Tsumugi | Yeah. Apparently a lot of people have caught the flu in the schools my students go to. |
Taichi | And then Tsumugi-san will end up catching it too~ |
Tenma | Yeah, Tsumugi-san looks pretty weak after all. |
Juza | He does. And he’s thin too. |
Tsumugi | You think so? I think I’m pretty normal though. |
Tasuku | Well, it’s better to take precautions. Now off to the washroom you go. |
Taichi | Oka—y. |
Izumi | (I also have to be careful not to catch a cold.) |
Tsuzuru | This smell... Again? |
Izumi | Yup! Tonight’s dinner is curry. It’s almost done. |
Today I added lots of vegetables and ginger as flu prevention. | |
Tsuzuru | But the flavour is still curry as usual... |
Izumi | That’s what makes it good. It’s delicious, so eat lots. |
Misumi | Food, food~! Can I serve it on a triangle? |
Izumi | Yup, if you eat lots of vegetables. |
Misumi | Oka—y. Triangle, triangle~! |
Tsumugi | I’m home... |
Izumi | Oh, welcome back Tsumugi-san. |
Tsumugi | ...... |
Izumi | Tsumugi-san? |
Banri | Hey, he’s kind of staggering— |
Tsumugi | Ah. |
Izumi | (Wah! He’s about to fall over!?) |
Tasuku | Tsumu— |
Sakyo | ——Whoa. Be careful, Tsukioka. |
Tsumugi | Sakyo...san... |
Taichi | Wow, nice catch Sakyo-nii! |
Tasuku | ... |
Sakyo | What’s this? You look more out of it than usual. |
Tsumugi | I-I’m sorry... For some reason I just feel really dizzy... |
Izumi | Are you not feeling well? |
Tasuku | Tsumugi, I’m going to touch your forehead for a bit. |
Tsumugi | Mn... |
Tasuku | ...... |
Sakyo | How is it? |
Tasuku | ...It’s hot. |
Izumi | What!? |
Tsumugi | I’m sorry... I’m fine, so… |
Tsuzuru | You don’t look fine at all. |
Tsumugi | I can’t...let everyone else catch it, so… please isolate me from everyone and just leave me be… |
Sakyo | If we leave a frail guy like this by himself and he dies without us realizing, I’d never be able to sleep at night. |
Misumi | Tsumugi, don’t die... |
Tasuku | Sakyo-san, pass Tsumugi over here. |
Sakyo | He doesn’t have an ounce of strength in his body. |
Tasuku | That’s fine. |
Tsumugi | Wah...! |
Izumi | !? |
Kazunari | There it is——! The princess carry![1] |
Tsumugi | T-Tasuku, wait… |
Tasuku | I’ll be the one to look after him. |
Izumi | But it’ll be bad if you catch it too, Tasuku-san... I don’t have work tomorrow so you can leave it to me. |
Tasuku | When it comes to Tsumugi’s colds, it’s fine. I’m used to it. |
Izumi | (What does that mean??) |
Tasuku | For now I’ll carry him to our room. |
Izumi | I’ll go buy cooling patches, Pocari, and some medicine right away! |
Masumi | I’m going with you. |
Sakyo | I’ll drive you then. Let’s go. |
Izumi | Thank you very much! |
Izumi | I’m coming in. |
Tsumugi | Ah... Director. |
Izumi | I’m sorry, did I wake you? |
Tsumugi | No, it’s all right. |
Izumi | (He still looks sleepy, and his cheeks are a little red. I guess his fever hasn’t gone down.) |
Where is Tasuku-san? | |
Tsumugi | He’s in the bath right now. |
Izumi | I see. Were you able to eat the rice porridge?[2] |
Tsumugi | Yes, thank you very much. Tasuku brought me some earlier. |
I heard that you went out of your way to buy me medicine, Director. I’m sorry for the trouble I caused... | |
Izumi | I didn’t think of it like that at all. At times like this, we should help each other. |
Tsumugi | Thank you very much. |
Izumi | You’re sweating. Should I wipe it for you? Or would you like to have a drink? |
Tsumugi | It’s fine. I can do it myself. |
Izumi | But... |
Tsumugi | Even though I’m already an adult, everyone is caring for me too excessively, including the Director.[3] |
Izumi | When people are sick, excessive care is just the right amount of care. |
Tsumugi | Then Director, when you get sick, I’ll nurse you to the point of being excessive as well. |
Izumi | I’m in good health as you can see, so there’s nothing to worry about! At the very least, I have a healthy body. |
For now just focus on getting better from your cold, and get lots of rest. | |
Tsumugi | You’re...right. |
Izumi | Tsumugi-san? |
Tsumugi | For some reason, having you right beside me…has made me sleepy... Haha. |
Izumi | (It’s kind of like... He seems a little more defenseless than usual that it feels dangerous.) |
(I’ll let him sleep as much as possible so he can recover soon.) | |
I’ll stay here until Tasuku-san returns, so please relax and get some sleep. | |
Tsumugi | Thank you...very much… |
…... | |
Izumi | (I hope his fever gets better tomorrow.) |
Izumi | *cough*... |
(*sigh*... I’ve been bedridden since this morning. To think that I’d be the one to catch a cold next after Tsumugi-san.) | |
(I don’t need to worry about the meals since Omi-kun is here, but I wonder if practice is going all right for everyone...) | |
*knock* | |
Tsumugi | Director, I’m coming in. |
Izumi | Tsumugi-san... You shouldn’t be here. You’ll catch my cold. |
Tsumugi | You probably got it from me, so it should be fine. |
That’s why I’ll be in charge of nursing you. | |
Izumi | I’m sorry... for causing you trouble and all. I was supposed to have a healthy body. |
Tsumugi | Please don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure to nurse you well. |
Izumi | You’ve just recovered from your cold, too... You don’t have to go to work today? |
Tsumugi | All of my students have also caught the cold. |
Izumi | ...We shouldn’t underestimate the common cold. |
Tsumugi | Yes, we really shouldn’t. |
I brought some of Omi-kun’s special rice gruel. Do you think you can eat?[4] | |
Izumi | Thank you very much. It smells good... |
Up we go. | |
Tsumugi | It’s fine, you can keep lying down. |
Izumi | But then, I won’t be able to... |
Tsumugi | Here, please say ahh. |
Izumi | !? |
(‘Say ahh,’ he says! And so naturally!) | |
CHOICE 1: I can eat it by myself. [+]
CHOICE 2: This is embarrassing. [+]
Izumi | (This is embarrassing after all...!) |
(But I can’t let Tsumugi-san’s kindness go to waste...) | |
(Eei! Time to eat!) | |
*chomp*! | |
Tsumugi | ...How is it? |
Izumi | It’s very delicious. |
Tsumugi | That’s good to hear. Please eat as much as you’d like. |
Izumi | Yes. But I think I’ll feed myself after all. |
Tsumugi | Haha, understood. Please be careful, the bowl is a little hot. |
Izumi | Thank you very much. |
Tsumugi | My job is to watch over you until you’ve finished eating and have taken the medicine, so is it okay if I stay here with you? |
Izumi | That’s fine with me, but you really might catch it again, you know? |
Tsumugi | As I’ve said earlier, it will be fine. |
Besides, people have too many negative thoughts when they’re sick. | |
I thought you might be able to relax if you have someone to talk to while you’re awake. | |
Izumi | That’s true. It’s probably because my head feels fuzzy from the fever, but I end up thinking of stuff I shouldn’t be worrying about. |
Tsumugi | Yes. I was able to get lots of rest the other day because you and Tasuku were by my side. |
Izumi | I didn’t do much. Tasuku-san worked hard to nurse you back to health. |
Tsumugi | Haha, Tasuku has always been like that. |
Izumi | Come to think of it, you two are childhood friends. |
Tsumugi | Yes. Since we were young, whenever one of us got sick, we’d visit each other even though our mothers tried to stop us. |
We’d talk about the stuff we missed at school, and we’d eat ice cream together. | |
Tasuku becomes honest when he’s sick, so I had a little fun with that too. | |
Izumi | Honest, you say... You mean that Tasuku-san starts acting spoiled? |
Tsumugi | Well, something like that. |
Izumi | Really... I can’t imagine it. |
Tsumugi | Well, that was only up until middle school. |
Izumi | You two are really close. |
Tsumugi | Yes. It feels like we’re siblings. |
Izumi | In that case, who’s the older brother? |
Tsumugi | Hmm... I wonder. What do you think, Director? |
Izumi | In my opinion... |
There are times when Tsumugi-san seems like the older brother, but there are also times when Tasuku-san seems like the older brother. | |
Tsumugi | I guess it’s hard to tell. |
Izumi | That’s not it; it’s more like you two have really great chemistry. |
It shows when you’re acting too, but it feels like the two of you instantly understand your own roles even in different situations. | |
Tsumugi | ...... |
Izumi | I guess it’s what you’d call being perfectly in sync with each other. |
Tsumugi | ...You really do watch us very closely, Director. |
Izumi | No, I’m sorry. I kind of sounded like a know-it-all. |
I’m feverish, so if I say anything strange please forget about it. | |
Tsumugi | No, I’m happy. |
Tasuku is such a familiar existence to me... Sometimes I feel like I can’t look at it objectively. | |
That’s why, with you being here at our side, the present feels so precious, and it’s comfortable to be here. | |
Izumi | (So Tsumugi-san has been thinking of it that way...) |
Tsumugi | You’ve eaten everything. I’ll bring you the medicine. |
Izumi | Thank you very much. |
Tsumugi | It’s nothing. Also, the powder medication is bitter, so I’ll bring ice cream as well. |
Even in the past, whenever we caught a cold and had to take medication, Taa-chan— | |
Izumi | Taa-chan? |
Tsumugi | Ah... |
Izumi | Do you mean... Tasuku-san? |
Tsumugi | I-I’m sorry, please pretend you didn’t hear anything! I just, my old habit… |
Tasuku | Hey, is the Director all right? |
Tsumugi | Whoa! T-Taa-cha... I mean Tasuku! |
Izumi | (What incredible timing...) |
Tasuku | Tsumugi, your face is red. Did your cold come back? |
Tsumugi | I-I’m fine! That’s not it! |
Tasuku | But... |
Tsumugi | I’ll bring the medicine and ice cream!! See you! |
Izumi | (Ah, he escaped.) |
Tasuku | ...Is that guy okay? |
Director, what were you two talking about? | |
Izumi | ...It’s a secret. |
(For the sake of preserving Tsumugi-san’s honour.) | |
Tasuku | ??? |
- ↑ Literally princess carry in Japanese, but it’s more commonly known in English as ‘bridal carry’
- ↑ Okayu = type of rice porridge
- ↑ This line and the next couple lines actually use the term from the title of this backstage, 過保護 (kahogo), which means overprotectiveness or excessive care
- ↑ Ojiya is another type of rice gruel typically made for people who are sick