Kazunari Miyoshi/MANKAI Playback

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The Many Memories You Met

Backstage Stories
KazunariI’m back—.
*Party crackers*
Summer TroupeHappy Birthday—!!
Eh, wait, you’re celebrating in my room!? I expected you guys to do this in the lounge, you totally caught me off guard!
TenmaSo you knew we’d be celebrating.
KazunariWell, anyone would get their hopes up after such a super-hyper happy birthday last year~!
But I didn’t expect a surprise in my own room!
YukiWell, we thought you’d predict that much, Kazunari. That’s why we chose to do it here.
IzumiIt was a huge success!
MukuOkay then, Kazu-kun, please take a seat over here.
KazunariWoah~, I’m like, the star of the day!? I’m getting hyper vibes! Thanks, everyone!
KumonTa-da! The cake we prepared for Kazu-san!!
MisumiKazu~, happy birthday~!!
KazunariThe chocolate in the middle looks like a Japanese painting! A hyper-miracle-Inste-worthy choice!
I have to take tons of pics!!
CHOICE 1: You’re always so good at taking pictures [+]
IzumiYou’re always so good at taking Inste-grammable pictures.
YukiIf he takes this many pictures of course he’s going to get good.
TenmaYou’re always pretty particular about the angle and the light in the shot.
KazunariOfc! I’m studying up every day!
MukuKazu-kun’s Inste photos are all really adorable, and the food always looks delicious.
MisumiSometimes he sends me pictures of cats and triangles he found~.
KumonAnd he teaches me how to take pretty selfies and stuff! I feel like I look more handsome that usual when Kazu-san is the cameraman!
IzumiAll right then, I’ll take pictures of Kazunari-kun while he’s focused on taking pictures of the cake.
KazunariI’m giving that a like! Send them to me over LINE later!
CHOICE 2: There’s an assortment of candies, too [+]
KazunariWoah~! These are also so colorful and kyute!
MukuWe went to the store together to choose all sorts of candies.
MisumiThere are triangles too~! And lots of flavors~! They’re fun to look at and fun to eat~.
YukiBut there’s no guarantee that all the candies are familiar flavors.
KazunariHuh? What do you mean?
KumonWe mixed in some weird candies too! Like mustard flavor! Or super sour umeboshi flavor!
TenmaHave fun finding out the flavors when you eat them.
KazunariRly!? Oh man! That’s really fun~!
KazunariSigh~, this is seriously the best! I got lots of super-hyper presents and the party is tons of fun, I’m so happy~.
...I wish I could tell my past self about it~.
MisumiPast Kazu~?
YukiWhat’s this, out of the blue?
KazunariBecause if I told him that the future me would be celebrating his birthday with everyone in Summer Troupe and Director-chan—.
He’d have so much more to look forward to!
KumonUu, Kazu-sa~n!!
IzumiThe past Kazunari-kun... You said you were completely different, right?
KazunariI was super serious! I looked different, too. I had black hair and glasses!
TenmaI can’t imagine....
YukiAre you talking about a different person?
KazunariIt’s really me. I was a nerd who did nothing but study all day every day~.
But even that serious version of me felt like cutting class once in a while.
KazunariYup. This kinda brings back memories~. I got bogged down with my studies, and I cut class for the first time in my life....
Kazunari(Looks like nobody’s here.)
(This is my first time cutting class... It feels kind of weird.)
I guess there are no art classes right now. ...Huh?
A blank white canvas... Paint, too.
...Can just I paint something?
(A painting of a blue sky....)
(I usually don’t have trouble coming up with something to paint, but I guess it’s because I’m bogged down with studies.)
(The only thing I could draw was the view of the sky from this window. What an empty painting....)
I really have nothing, huh....
(Someone’s coming this way? I should get out of here before they notice....)
KazunariSensei. Can I use this room today too?
Art TeacherHm? Oh, Miyoshi.
Go ahead. But once you get focused, you’re glued to the canvas, so don’t stay around for too long.
You’re going to graduate soon. I recommend hanging out with your classmates once in a while.
Art Teacher...I’ll be headed to the faculty office, so bring the key to me later.
I’m going to graduate soon, huh....
(For now I need to finish my last art class assignment.)
(Make “the memories from your three years in middle school” into a piece of art... I can’t think of anything at all.)
(Oh, didn’t I sneak into the art room and paint a picture the first time I cut class?)
Now then....
Kazunari(In the end, I couldn’t think of anything, so I painted another bright blue sky.)
(This is no different from before....)
(...Oh. I’ll—.)
(A big rainbow across the open sky.)
(Right now, I can’t come up with a single memory. I have nothing. But....)
(One day I hope I can meet something that makes me think, this is my important memory.)
KazunariSo yeah~. That sort of thing happened to me too~.
Hehe, it was a little embarrassing telling you guys, but you gave me such an awesome celebration that I kinda felt like spilling.
YukiThis is the first time I’ve heard you talk about this, Kazunari.
MukuMe too.... But I’m happy I got to learn about the old Kazu-kun.
KumonMe too! I want to learn more and more about Kazu-san and everyone else here.
TenmaIf you meet your past self, be sure to tell him that you have some amazing teammates.
YukiEw, you’re saying that yourself? Embarrassing.
TenmaShut up!
KazunariAhaha! Thanks, everyone.
...You know, in middle school, I couldn’t think of anything I wanted to draw when someone told me “make your memories into art.”
But the current me is different.
Thanks to you guys, I have tons of memories I want to make into paintings!
MukuEhehe, just as I thought, I like the current Kazu-kun more.
KumonMe too, me too! Positive Kazu-san is so cool~!
KazunariHehehe, thanks~!!
KazunariNow then, all that’s left is to submit this report, and....
Art teacher...Miyoshi?
KazunariEh? Ah!? Sensei!?
Art teacherSo you are Miyoshi. It’s been a while.
KazunariWoah, it’s seriously been a while! The last time I saw you was middle school graduation, right!?
Art teacherYes. Haha, you’ve changed quite a bit; I thought I got the wrong person.
KazunariI get that a lot~! Sensei, you’re amazing, recognizing me like that!
Ahh, this brings back so many memories~! Did you have something to do at Amabi[1] today?
Art teacherYes. So you’re attending Amabi, Miyoshi.
KazunariYup! I’m in the Japanese painting program!
Art teacherAh, you were always good at art.
You know, your painting from back then is still on display at school.
KazunariBack then... Eh!? You mean my very last art assignment!?
Art teacherYes. That’s not all. The painting by a certain someone who used a canvas left in the art room without permission is also on display.
Kazunari...!? Sensei, you knew I was the one who made that...!?
And it’s on display....
Art teacherHaha, you know, Miyoshi, I actually saw you sneaking out of the art room.
Kazunari(So those footsteps were sensei’s...!)
Art teacherYou should visit and take a look at your paintings. You’re welcome any time.
KazunariWoah! Yeah, I’ll go, I’ll go! I wanna see, it’s been a while!
Ah, that’s right, sensei. Can I take some friends along when I visit?
Art teacherOf course. I’m relieved to hear you talk about “friends.”
(I wonder what everyone in Summer Troupe will say when they see my old paintings~.)
They’re my suuuper special teammates, so look forward to it!



  1. Kazunari's school is called "Veludo Arts University"; the kanji are read "Amabi"