Event Story

From A3! Wiki

Event Stories correspond to certain Events in the game. These mostly contain 10 episodes and an epilogue, and they occur in chronological order.


The first event story is Boy Alice in Wonderland, which takes place after Act 4 - Once More, From Here On in the Main Story.


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Boy Alice in Wonderland

Boy Alice in Wonderland — 不思議の国の青年アリス

The Adventure for Sardines

The Adventure for Sardines — にぼしを巡る冒険

The Great Camp Bonding Strategy

The Great Camp Bonding Strategy — 絆のキャンプ大作戦


Enjoy! Adult School Trip

Enjoy! Adult School Trip — Enjoy!大人の修学旅行

The Master Likes a Mystery

The Master Likes a Mystery — 主人はミステリにご執心

Midsummer SparkleMemory

The Clockwork Heartbeat

The Clockwork Heartbeat — ぜんまい仕掛けのココロ

Dazzling☆Beachside PASSION

Dazzling☆Beachside PASSION — ギラギラ☆渚のPASSION

Captain Sky Pirates

Walk with me, talk with me!

Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer

Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer — 任侠伝・流れ者銀二

Tag Match: Halloween '17

Tag Match: Halloween '17 — タッグマッチ・ハロウィン'17


hAve A greAt trip!

TRY! Shining Collab Stage

TRY! Shining Collab Stage — TRY!輝きのコラボステージ

Merry,Xmas! Mr.Blooming.

Everyone's Old Year, New Year

Everyone's Old Year, New Year — みんなのゆく年くる年


The second year of event stories continue directly from the end of 2017. The first three events take place before Part 2 of the Main Story.


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Let's Bloom! Cheer MANKAI ☆

Let's Bloom! Cheer MANKAI ☆ — 咲かせよう!エールでMANKAI☆

Valentine's Magic

Valentine's Magic — キミを魔法にかけようか?

One Day Princess!

Note: Takes place before Act 5 - Awakening Moon

Petals Flutter, You Slumber

Note: Takes place after Act 6 - Re:Overcome.

Petals Flutter, You Slumber — 花びらひらり、君すやり

Exciting! Misoshiosa Island

Note: Takes place after Act 7 - Boyhood Collage.

Exciting! Misoshiosa Island — わくわく!ミソシオサ島

All of Their 'Marry me!'s

Note: Takes place after Act 8 - The Greatest Journey.

All of Their 'Marry me!'s — それぞれのMarry me!

Knights of Round IV THE STAGE

Let's Meet by the Milky Way

Let's Meet by the Milky Way — 天の川で逢いましょう

SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring

SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring — SHI★NO★BI珍道中

Queen Camellia

Queen Camellia — 出航!クイーンカメリア号

Fire up, Mantou Fist!

the moon and the rabbit

the moon and the rabbit — おつきさまとうさぎさま

Die by the Sword

Tag Match: Halloween '18

Tag Match: Halloween '18 — タッグマッチ・ハロウィン'18

I Come with the Night.

mAnkai ApArtment!

Ahh, Beautiful Gaia

Ahh, Beautiful Gaia — 嗚呼、麗しのガイア様


The Third MANMAN Grand Prix

The Third MANMAN Grand Prix — 第三回MANMANグランプリ



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Run! Lucky God Seven

On the Trajectory to Full Bloom.


Harugaoka Quartet

Sing Big Thanks!

Sing Big Thanks! — この声に感謝をのせて。

The Floral Prince

Dazzling Rose Mansion

Fallen Blood

Let's go Samurai Cinema Romance

Let's go Samurai Cinema Romance — いざゆかんチャンバラロマン

Risky Game

Bridegroom Battle Royale

Bridegroom Battle Royale — 花婿バトルロイヤル

Run around the field.

Aquarium ShowTime

The Luminous Circus


The Last Runway

Soak to Your Shoulders ♪ Velu~do Baths

Soak to Your Shoulders ♪ Velu~do Baths — 肩までつかって♪びろ~ど湯

Yin Yang Midnight

Day of the Marigold

Scarlet Mirror


Royal Blue Loved by the Royal Family

Royal Blue Loved by the Royal Family — 王家が愛したロイヤルブルー

Kiss&Cry in the Holy Night

This is the Inner Palace, the Flower Garden

This is the Inner Palace, the Flower Garden — ここは大奥 花の園



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Starring Party!

The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Spring-Summer Edition

The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Spring-Summer Edition — あの頃のMANKAI寮・春夏編

Magical Pink Diner

Magical Pink Diner — マジカルピンクダイナー

PSYCHO-PASS 3 × A3! Special Collab


Best wishes for your future.

Best wishes for your future. — 巣立ちの日のキミへ

MAnkai AnimAls!

EGGciting♪Zahra Travelogue

EGGciting♪Zahra Travelogue — ワキワキ♪ザフラ紀行

Bride Concerto


Magicians' Pure Love

Blooming Squadron Mankai Rangers

Blooming Squadron Mankai Rangers — 開花戦隊マンカイレンジャー


The Amazing Museum

Welcome to Akebono-so!

Welcome to Akebono-so! — 異世界歓迎!元ヤン食堂

Re:Tag Match Halloween

Re:Tag Match Halloween — Re:タッグマッチハロウィン


The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Autumn-Winter Edition

The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Autumn-Winter Edition — あの頃のMANKAI寮・秋冬編

Fantastic Fairy Tail

Fantastic Fairy Tail — ファンタジックフェアリーテイル

Frohe Weihnachten!

New Year! Red and White Kakushigei Tournament

New Year! Red and White Kakushigei Tournament — 歳末!紅白かくし芸大会