Knights of Round IV THE STAGE/Episode 8

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Knights of Round IV THE STAGE
Episode 8
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Chikage......About here, huh.
ItaruSeeenpai? You're not trying to make some sort of game-like plot development happen, are you?
ChikageWhat are you on about.
ItaruUsing your cheat skills to make something happen. You're trying to do something a normal businessman wouldn't be able to do again, right?
ChikageNo reality checks allowed......Say, I said that back then, too.[1]
ItaruSo, what were you actually trying to do?
ChikageI was looking up information on Director Hoshii.
ItaruThere's no way you're talking about stuff on the level of what you could read on summary sites.
ChikageWell, if I had to say whether I got a hold of any information that could be a weakness of his, I did.
But even if I used that information to resolve things by blackmailing him, none of you would be happy, right?
The Director and you guys in the Spring Troupe are all good-hearted, after all.
ItaruOf course. I wouldn't let harm come to my god.
ChikageWell, I'll store it away as a trump card for some time or other.
ItaruAlso, if "KniRoun X" wasn't released because of you, I'd begrudge you all my life.
ChikageYeah, yeah.
ItaruSay, if we're talking about good-hearted people, I think the person who's secretly searching for ways to resolve the matter by themselves is good-hearted too.
Chikage......I am technically the co-lead, after all.
The thing is, everyone was looking worried. If this carries over to the main performance, it'll have an effect on the play as well, won't it.
ItaruThat's true......
Chikage......So what on earth do you plan to do? Let it slip that you're 《taruchi》?
Itaru......No, when I think more carefully about it, just knowing it's a point he came up with seriously pisses me off.
I'll make Hoshii-san acknowledge me through means other than his suggestion.
ChikageNo, I just thought that it was rather optimistic, in spite of the dark motive.
ItaruI'm dark at heart, see.
But I can't think of a concrete way to express the charm of "KniRoun" in our own style. There's no more time until the performance.
Honestly, commoners can't understand what a god is thinking......
ChikageBoth you and that person don't seem that different, though.
ChikageI mean that from my perspective, you're both giving your lives to "KniRoun" and getting passionate about it.
ItaruEven if you put me together with God......
ChikageThe only real difference is that you're doing a play.
In the first place, when the offer for the stage adaption came, why did you say immediately that you wanted to accept?
You're a gamer from the heart, so if you say it's a title you have a strong attachment to it's not like I don't understand, but it was unexpected of you to volunteer as lead.
You seem the type to say it's impossible for you to reproduce a god-tier game.
ItaruI do think that even now, though......
Of course, there's also my fanboy heart, but "KniRoun" is important to me, so as you'd expect I do want to connect with it after all, or like.......
It might be that I wanted to repay it.
I guess I wanted to share the excitement and entertainment of the "KniRoun" adventure with the people who still don't know.
That's why I preach about it to everyone in the Spring Troupe too.
ChikageYou even tried to push it on me, huh.
ItaruThat's it. Maybe.
ItaruWell, it's thanks to talking to everyone about my time in high school that I remembered my feelings from back then, and I finally understood it, just then.
......Yoichi Hoshii, 58. From his time in primary school he was a computer game nerd; when he was in university he developed a game with his friend and started a business.
The following year, "KniRoun" was released, which leads us to the present.
ItaruWhat is it all of a sudden?
ChikageHe's been opposed to mixed media expansions for a long time; around V's era he fought with the company about it and there was a big fuss over whether or not he was going to leave the company.
ItaruEh? That's the first I've heard of it.
ChikageIt's not widely-known in society.
ItaruCheat skills again......
ChikageIncidentally, the issue that time was apparently an anime......
It seems they finally gained his assent showing him the actual scene of the voice actors' after-recording at the anime recording studio.
It was the result of lining up voice actors and veterans and spending an unprecedented amount of time on the production and supervision.
Director Hoshii said he understood what was good about anime and has willingly supported anime adaptions of the series since then.
ItaruThat's the first I've heard of that, too.
ChikageIt's not widely-etcetera etcetera.
Anyway, that's how stubborn the person we're trying to deal with is.
ChikageBut to put it differently, it means he has the flexibility to pay his respects to people involved in other media types.
If we can make him understand the goodness of "KniRoun", the play that's not "KniRoun" the game, we have a chance of winning.
ItaruThat's quite the impossible game.
Chikage......I first stood on stage for Oz.
By becoming a different person on stage, I was able to confront the feelings of mine that I'd always averted my eyes from for the first time.
It was a strange sensation, like being connected to your hearts as you stood together on stage with me.
In the blink of an eye, I'm about to stand on stage again like this; that's how rare and precious I think that moment was for me.
Aren't you the same? There's something about theatre that sets you aflame more than games do.
ChikageIf so, then you can just tell that directly to Director Hoshii.
It's something only you, both actor and masochistic nerd who plays the same game countless times over and over again, can do, isn't it?
Itaru......That's it; a rerun with conditionals.
Itaru......Even though I should have known the best, I overlooked something important. Senpai, you saved me.
ItaruI'm making a point of being grateful and that's what you say?
ChikageWell, it's good if you've cleared your thoughts.
IzumiThen we're carry on our conversation from yesterday in today's meeting ―.
ItaruCould I have a moment?
ItaruAbout Day One the day after tomorrow......I wonder if you'd let me speak to the audience for just five minutes before the start of the play.
IzumiEh, to the audience?
TsuzuruSurely you don't plan on coming out on the first day ― ?
CitronItaru, don't rush.
ItaruNo, it's not that.
I'm not going to reveal 《taruchi》's identity. It'd be tough to delete all the videos I took the time to create, and I have tens of thousands of followers.
ItaruThere's something I want to say in advance to Hoshii-san and the audience members who come to watch on the first day.
......Will you believe in me and trust me with it?
Izumi(I suppose he has something in mind.)
You're the leader. We'll leave it to you.
Sakuya― Yes!
CitronYou can do what you like!
MasumiIt's not like we have any other plans.
TsuzuruWe're in your hands.
ChikageWell, we'll just have to try it.
ItaruThen that's that.
IzumiI'll tell Tonooka-san next time that we're rejecting the proposal related to 《taruchi》, too.
ItaruAhh, incidentally, when's Tonooka coming to watch?
IzumiHe said he's busy so he wasn't sure, but he'd come just for the final performance.
Itaru― I see.
Then let's work hard at practice until the day itself.
If we believe and express that we want to do this play in our own way, I'm sure it'll be okay.
After all, we know well what's good about plays. We can just think about communicating that, same as we've always done.
MasumiAnd the actual plan?
ItaruLeave that to me on the day as well. Practice is fine as is.
Izumi(I don't know what Itaru-san is thinking, but it seems like his hesitation has cleared somehow.)
(He feels reliable as a leader. Let's believe in him here!)
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  1. In reference to Episode 34 of Act 8.