Act 8/Episode 34

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Act 8
Episode 34: The Show Will Still Go On
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MasumiThe intermission is ending soon.
IzumiGuy-san should still be backstage...!
TangerineI’m berry sorbet for causing you trouble....
SakuyaYou can speak Japanese!?
TangerineCitronia-nii-sama taught me. Nii-sama has been studying about Japan for a long time.
TsuzuruBy the way, that’s probably “very sorry,” not “berry sorbet.”
MasumiCitron taught him, so I don’t blame him.
TangerineIf we lose nii-sama, we’re hopeless... This country will....
IzumiPlease do not worry. Chikage-san said he would definitely protect him.
TsuzuruPlus, Citron-san always smiled, no matter what happened—even when the troupe was in deep trouble.
Sometimes I’d think he was too carefree, but his smile also saved me. That’s Citron-san’s strength.
You’re Citron-san’s younger brother, right? Try to recall Citron-san’s strength.
TangerineNii-sama’s... strength....
Chikage...Must be here.
ItaruThat’s a lot of guards. Guess these guys won’t be fooled by some sake.
Chikage...Chigasaki. Can you turn a blind eye for a second?
ItaruAre you telling me to literally close my eyes? Or are you telling me to overlook the criminal act you’re about to proceed with?
ItaruRoger that.
Watchguard A<<Wh-who are you!?>>
Watchguard B<<Gah.>>
Watchguard C<<Ugh—.>>
ChikageYou can open them now.
Itaru...Did you kill them?
ChikageThey should just barely be breathing.
ItaruGlad to hear it.
Actually, what game am I playing?
ChikageNo tsukkomi allowed.
ChikageCitron! Are you here?
ItaruHey, Citron!
Itaru...? Chikage...?
ItaruPull yourself together.
ChikageIt’s dangerous to stay here. Let’s run!
Staff<<The intermission will be ending shortly. Please take your seats.>>
TasukuWe’re good to go, right?
TsumugiPredictably, things are messy when we don’t do a rehearsal.
HomareIs something wrong?
AzumaNo, the chandelier just looks like it’s shaking....
Hisoka...An earthquake?
GuyNo, I don’t think anything else is shaking—.
Tangerine<<Guy, there’s trouble!>>
GuyPrince Tangerine...?
Tangerine<<Citronia-nii-sama was kidnapped! Mika and the others are looking for him right now, but they haven’t found him yet....>>
Guy<<Citronia was...!?>>
AzumaWhat happened?
TsuzuruThe younger princes are after Citron-san. Mika-san, Chikage-san, and Itaru-san are looking for him right now, but—.
TsumugiNo way—.
HomareSo they made their move on the day of the coronation ceremony....
TsumugiGuy-san, you can leave this place to us and look for Citron-kun—.
ChikageEveryone, take cover!
AzumaThe chandelier—.
Act 8 Episode 34-01.PNG
Audience A<<Eeeek!>>
Audience B<<What’s going on!?>>
Audience C<<The flames from the chandelier candles caught onto the curtains...!>>
Audience D<<Run! It’s a fire!>>
Audience A<<Help me!>>
<<This is bad. At this rate, the people will panic and make the damage worse.>>
ChikageCitron, you can’t stand up yet!
CitronWe need to ewacuate everyone.
ItaruEvacuate. This is a pretty important scene, you know.
Izumi(What should we do? First things first, we need to evacuate the audience—.)
“Who is responsible for this!? Is this the doing of the Phantom who haunts this Opera!?”
Audience A<<Eh? What’s going on?>>
Audience B<<Is the play still going?>>
Richard“Find the Phantom! I won’t let him do as he pleases for any longer! We must capture him now!”
Chris“Erik wouldn’t do such a thing!”
Raoul“How long are you going to feign ignorance, Richard!”
Phantom“Remember your own crime....”
Carl“What! Who is this!?”
Phil“Whose voice was that...?’
Audience C<<Wait, is this part of the play?>>
Audience D<<Looks like it.>>
Tangerine<<Nii-sama’s... strength....>>
<<Everyone! Please stay calm and follow directions to the exit!>>
<<Guards, work to extinguish the fire! Use the water from the center garden!>>
King of Zahra<<....>>
Soldier A<<We will have them put the fire out as soon as possible. Please evacuate immediately, your majesty—.>>
King of Zahra<<...Yes.>>
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