Masumi | The intermission is ending soon. |
Izumi | Guy-san should still be backstage...! |
Tangerine | I’m berry sorbet for causing you trouble.... |
Tsuzuru | !? |
Sakuya | You can speak Japanese!? |
Tangerine | Citronia-nii-sama taught me. Nii-sama has been studying about Japan for a long time. |
Tsuzuru | By the way, that’s probably “very sorry,” not “berry sorbet.” |
Masumi | Citron taught him, so I don’t blame him. |
Tangerine | If we lose nii-sama, we’re hopeless... This country will.... |
Izumi | Please do not worry. Chikage-san said he would definitely protect him. |
Tsuzuru | Plus, Citron-san always smiled, no matter what happened—even when the troupe was in deep trouble. |
| Sometimes I’d think he was too carefree, but his smile also saved me. That’s Citron-san’s strength. |
| You’re Citron-san’s younger brother, right? Try to recall Citron-san’s strength. |
Tangerine | Nii-sama’s... strength.... |
| |
Chikage | ...Must be here. |
Itaru | That’s a lot of guards. Guess these guys won’t be fooled by some sake. |
Chikage | ...Chigasaki. Can you turn a blind eye for a second? |
Itaru | Are you telling me to literally close my eyes? Or are you telling me to overlook the criminal act you’re about to proceed with? |
Chikage | Both. |
Itaru | Roger that. |
Watchguard A | <<Wh-who are you!?>> |
| *Whack* |
Watchguard B | <<Gah.>> |
| *Whack* |
Watchguard C | <<Ugh—.>> |
Chikage | You can open them now. |
Itaru | ...Did you kill them? |
Chikage | They should just barely be breathing. |
Itaru | Glad to hear it. |
| Actually, what game am I playing? |
Chikage | No tsukkomi allowed. |
| |
Chikage | Citron! Are you here? |
Citron | .... |
Itaru | Hey, Citron! |
Citron | ...Uugh? |
| Itaru...? Chikage...? |
Itaru | Pull yourself together. |
Chikage | It’s dangerous to stay here. Let’s run! |
| |
Staff | <<The intermission will be ending shortly. Please take your seats.>> |
Tasuku | We’re good to go, right? |
Tsumugi | Predictably, things are messy when we don’t do a rehearsal. |
Azuma | ...Huh? |
Homare | Is something wrong? |
Azuma | No, the chandelier just looks like it’s shaking.... |
Hisoka | ...An earthquake? |
Guy | No, I don’t think anything else is shaking—. |
Izumi | Guy-san! |
Tangerine | <<Guy, there’s trouble!>> |
Guy | Prince Tangerine...? |
Tangerine | <<Citronia-nii-sama was kidnapped! Mika and the others are looking for him right now, but they haven’t found him yet....>> |
Guy | <<Citronia was...!?>> |
Azuma | What happened? |
Tsuzuru | The younger princes are after Citron-san. Mika-san, Chikage-san, and Itaru-san are looking for him right now, but—. |
Tasuku | What!? |
Tsumugi | No way—. |
Homare | So they made their move on the day of the coronation ceremony.... |
Guy | ——. |
Tsumugi | Guy-san, you can leave this place to us and look for Citron-kun—. |
Guy | —kuh. |
Chikage | Everyone, take cover! |
Izumi | !? |
Azuma | The chandelier—. |
| *Crash* |
| |
Audience A | <<Eeeek!>> |
Audience B | <<What’s going on!?>> |
Audience C | <<The flames from the chandelier candles caught onto the curtains...!>> |
Audience D | <<Run! It’s a fire!>> |
Audience A | <<Help me!>> |
| |
Citron | ——. |
| <<This is bad. At this rate, the people will panic and make the damage worse.>> |
Chikage | Citron, you can’t stand up yet! |
Citron | We need to ewacuate everyone. |
Itaru | Evacuate. This is a pretty important scene, you know. |
Izumi | (What should we do? First things first, we need to evacuate the audience—.) |
Sakuya | .... |
| |
Sakuya | ——. |
| “Who is responsible for this!? Is this the doing of the Phantom who haunts this Opera!?” |
Izumi | Sakuya-kun.... |
Audience A | <<Eh? What’s going on?>> |
Audience B | <<Is the play still going?>> |
Richard | “Find the Phantom! I won’t let him do as he pleases for any longer! We must capture him now!” |
Chris | “Erik wouldn’t do such a thing!” |
Raoul | “How long are you going to feign ignorance, Richard!” |
Phantom | “Remember your own crime....” |
Carl | “What! Who is this!?” |
Phil | “Whose voice was that...?’ |
Audience C | <<Wait, is this part of the play?>> |
Audience D | <<Looks like it.>> |
Tangerine | <<Nii-sama’s... strength....>> |
| <<——.>> |
| <<Everyone! Please stay calm and follow directions to the exit!>> |
| <<Guards, work to extinguish the fire! Use the water from the center garden!>> |
King of Zahra | <<....>> |
Soldier A | <<We will have them put the fire out as soon as possible. Please evacuate immediately, your majesty—.>> |
King of Zahra | <<...Yes.>> |