Magical Pink Diner/Episode 2

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Magical Pink Diner
Episode 2
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OwnerNo, no, I can't have myself saddled with debt over and over again.
IzumiT-Thank goodness…
What's your problem this time, then?
OwnerSince Valentine's Day is fast approaching, I'd like to completely change the cafe interior. But I can't come up with a good idea.
HisokaCafe interior…
In that case, why don't we ask Kazu-san for help!?
HisokaYep. I'm sure Kazunari can do it.
IzumiYou're right… I think he'll be more than happy to help as long as he's not busy with his uni tasks.
OwnerDo you know anyone who can help me…?
If so, I'd very much like to ask them a favor.
IzumiAlright. I'll discuss your request with the others once we get home.
Don't worry, we'll give it a positive consideration.
OwnerThank you! I'll be counting on you.
Sorry for making you chat while standing. I'll contact you for more details later.
IzumiOkay! I'll be waiting for your call.
Is everyone here?
IzumiWell then… We actually received a request. This one.
YukiHere we go again.
BanriWe're pretty much used to seeing that paper bag already.
ItaruBet there are aprons inside.
TenmaActor's Cafe, huh?
IzumiHahaha, I knew it. You can tell already.
This year as well, we received a request to help out at the Actor's Cafe for their Valentine's Day project.
CitronSounds great! I myself like Actor's Cafe! It's fun!
IzumiIncidentally, just like last year, the theme for your act will be told before the cafe opens.
We haven't discussed the details yet, but the owner said he'd contact me again to discuss the theme.
Though it looks like the owner intends to decide the theme in advance, given that we could prepare accessories and the likes when we did so last year.
ChikageI see.
TsumugiIf so, I think it's better to divide the group once we decide on the theme.
SakyoI agree.
IzumiTo tell you the truth, we received one more request.
The owner is actually thinking of changing the cafe interior to fit the project, and he asked us whether we can help him.
If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you, Kazunari-kun, to help out for that matter… What's your call?
KazunariHuh!? Me!?
IzumiYup. I won't force you if you're busy, of course…
KazunariHoly moly! That sounds so fun! I'll do it, I'll do it! Lemme do it!
IzumiGlad to hear that. Thanks, Kazunari-kun.
KumonWhoa, I'm so looking forward to it! I'm sure it'll look awesome if you're doing it, Kazu-san!
TaichiYup! The cafe will look extra fancy in your hands, Kazu-kun!
MukuWhoa, I'm getting nervous somehow. Do your best, Kazu-kun!
KazunariOf course I will! I'm gonna go super all out for this!
IzumiThen, let's have another meeting once the owner tells me about the theme.
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