MAnkai AnimAls!/Episode 1

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MAnkai AnimAls!
Episode 1
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— A land without humans, a nation only inhabited by animals.
Spring Land, Summer Land, Autumn Land, Winter Land.[1] In these four countries, theatre performances thrived and each country’s respective plays were loved.
In the centre of the four countries lied the land of four seasons. A huge, gorgeous region, its theatre was often lended out for various activities.
Additionally, a traditional event dubbed the Animal Show was held in the land of four seasons every four years.
The Animal Show was something put together by the nations’ leaders, a wish to keep the animal country prosperous through plays conducted by the representatives of those four lands —
Izumi(This year is when the Animal Show is being held.)
(As the manager of the theatre in the land of four seasons, I meant to meet the leaders of each land intending on participating, but…)
I would like to thank you for gathering here today, but…
Izumi(The only ones in the conference room besides me are Spring Land’s leader Sakuya-kun and Winter Land’s leader Tsumugi-san.)
SakuyaSeems like Tenma-kun and Banri-kun haven’t arrived yet.
TsumugiI don’t think that they have ever been late to meeting like this before…
IzumiHmm… I don’t think Tenma would be getting lost at this point either…
*Lime message notification sound*
Huh? Someone just sent me a message… It’s from Summer Land’s Yuki-kun.
The useless camel is having a tantrum over not wanting to come over, so Kazunari’s going in his place. Peace.
IzumiEh? Tenma-kun, why…
SakuyaI wonder if something happened.
*Lime message notification sound*
IzumiWeird, another message. This time it’s from Autumn Land’s Sakyo-san?
Sakyo Furuichi
Regrettably, I sent someone else besides our leader to the conference this time.
Sakyo Furuichi
It will take him approximately ten days to get there… Patience is a virtue.
IzumiTen days!? That being said, I wonder if Juza-kun is nearby…
TsumugiNot only Tenma-kun, but Banri-kun too…
SakuyaWhat’s going on? I’m a little worried now.
IzumiWe can’t keep this conversation going with only three people…
I’m really sorry to you two who came all the way here, but we’ll have to end this meeting for today. I apologize.
SakuyaManager, you don’t have to apologize!
TsumugiExactly, please don’t worry about it.
SakuyaYes, I’ll be looking forward to it!
TsumugiNow then, we’ll meet again once Juza-kun arrives.
*Door click sound effect*
IzumiAlright, time to contact Kazunari-kun.
The meeting concerning the Animal Show has been postponed by ten days.
Sorry for informing you so suddenly. Regards.
Manager-chan, gw!
Okie! I’ll also be taking bout 10 days, so it’s all good!
IzumiHuh? Kazunari-kun is also taking ten days to arrive… I wonder why?
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  1. Just in case someone was curious: the original names of these countries would more literally be translated as Land/Country of Spring, Land/Country of Summer, and so on so forth. I was originally intending to go with these more literal translations, but felt like they sounded strange when they were repeated so many times over the course of the story. That's why I ended up taking the creative liberty to make the country names a lot simpler and model them after real-life country names such as Iceland and Ireland.
