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| — A land without humans, a nation only inhabited by animals. |
| Spring Land, Summer Land, Autumn Land, Winter Land.[1] In these four countries, theatre performances thrived and each country’s respective plays were loved. |
| In the centre of the four countries lied the land of four seasons. A huge, gorgeous region, its theatre was often lended out for various activities. |
| Additionally, a traditional event dubbed the Animal Show was held in the land of four seasons every four years. |
| The Animal Show was something put together by the nations’ leaders, a wish to keep the animal country prosperous through plays conducted by the representatives of those four lands — |
| |
Izumi | (This year is when the Animal Show is being held.) |
| (As the manager of the theatre in the land of four seasons, I meant to meet the leaders of each land intending on participating, but…) |
| I would like to thank you for gathering here today, but… |
Sakuya | … |
Tsumugi | … |
Izumi | (The only ones in the conference room besides me are Spring Land’s leader Sakuya-kun and Winter Land’s leader Tsumugi-san.) |
Sakuya | Seems like Tenma-kun and Banri-kun haven’t arrived yet. |
Tsumugi | I don’t think that they have ever been late to meeting like this before… |
Izumi | Hmm… I don’t think Tenma would be getting lost at this point either… |
| *Lime message notification sound* |
| Huh? Someone just sent me a message… It’s from Summer Land’s Yuki-kun. |
Yuki The useless camel is having a tantrum over not wanting to come over, so Kazunari’s going in his place. Peace. |
Izumi | Eh? Tenma-kun, why… |
Sakuya | I wonder if something happened. |
| *Lime message notification sound* |
Izumi | Weird, another message. This time it’s from Autumn Land’s Sakyo-san? |
Sakyo Furuichi Regrettably, I sent someone else besides our leader to the conference this time. |
Sakyo Furuichi It will take him approximately ten days to get there… Patience is a virtue. |
Izumi | Ten days!? That being said, I wonder if Juza-kun is nearby… |
Tsumugi | Not only Tenma-kun, but Banri-kun too… |
Sakuya | What’s going on? I’m a little worried now. |
Izumi | We can’t keep this conversation going with only three people… |
| I’m really sorry to you two who came all the way here, but we’ll have to end this meeting for today. I apologize. |
Sakuya | Manager, you don’t have to apologize! |
Tsumugi | Exactly, please don’t worry about it. |
Sakuya | Yes, I’ll be looking forward to it! |
Tsumugi | Now then, we’ll meet again once Juza-kun arrives. |
| *Door click sound effect* |
Izumi | Alright, time to contact Kazunari-kun. |
Izumi The meeting concerning the Animal Show has been postponed by ten days. |
Izumi Sorry for informing you so suddenly. Regards. |
KAZUNARI MIYOSHI☆ Manager-chan, gw! |
KAZUNARI MIYOSHI☆ Okie! I’ll also be taking bout 10 days, so it’s all good! |
Izumi | Huh? Kazunari-kun is also taking ten days to arrive… I wonder why? |