Izumi | Tasuku-san, are you okay? |
Tasuku | I just twisted it a little. I’ll just have to rest for a bit and it’ll be all better. |
Fuyuki | Director, please leave this to me. |
Izumi | …I understand. Well then, I’ll do just that. |
Fuyuki | …Show me your leg. |
Tasuku | I told you that I’m fine. I just need to rest for a bit— |
Fuyuki | That’s enough, show me. |
Tasuku | … |
Fuyuki | …Taping should be enough to keep this much under control. |
| I prepared this just in case someone got hurt, you see. Didn’t think that you would be the very first to do so, though. |
| Stay still for a second. |
Tasuku | … |
Fuyuki | …Now that I think about, something like this happened back in the day too. |
|  |
Tasuku | Waah! |
Fuyuki | Tasuku, are you okay!? |
Tasuku | Ugh… |
Fuyuki | Does it hurt so bad that you need to cry!? What do I do… I’ll call the person in charge of this place… |
Tasuku | No! |
Fuyuki | Tasuku…? |
Tasuku | I don’t wanna go home yet… I wanna skate with you still…! |
Fuyuki | …Were you crying because you didn’t want to go home yet? |
Tasuku | … |
Fuyuki | …Welp, I can’t say no to you. Alright, nii-chan will tape that up so stay still for a second. |
Tasuku | …’kay. |
Fuyuki | Alright, this should do it. Thank goodness I learned this through my lessons before. |
| Can you stand? |
Tasuku | Yeah. It doesn’t hurt anymore. |
Fuyuki | Be sure to tell mom if it starts hurting again once we get home. |
Tasuku | ‘kay! Hey, let’s hurry up and skate already. |
Fuyuki | Of course. |
|  |
Tasuku | ...I think I remember that. |
Fuyuki | You do? It was the skating rink’s last day open to the public. That’s why you didn’t want to go home, right? |
Tasuku | Shut it. |
Fuyuki | Well, even when you become bigger you’re still my little brother. |
Tasuku | What’s that supposed to mean? |
Fuyuki | Taping: done. Hey, can you stand? |
Tasuku | Yeah. …Thanks, aniki. |
Fuyuki | You’re welcome. |
|  |
Azuma | Welcome back, Tasuku. |
Izumi | Is it okay for you to move already? |
Tasuku | Yeah, I’m fine. |
Izumi | Please don’t push yourself. |
Azuma | Fufu, seems like you’re feeling that fighting spirit now, Tasuku. |
Tasuku | … |
Tsuzuru | I’ll be giving this performance my all too. You know that, right? Takato-san. |
Tasuku | …Yeah. |
Azuma | That’s quite the unusual mistake for you to make, isn’t it? |
Tasuku | Stop it. I just got too into it, that’s all. |
Misumi | Tasuku~! |
Tasuku | Uwa, watch it! Don’t charge at me so fast. |
Banri | Almost had another accident here. |
Misumi | Here, have this. I’ll lend you this Snow Sankaku-kun! You can hold onto it till you get better! |
Tasuku | What is this…? |
Omi | We also got poultice from over there. Or, well, Masumi was the one who suggested getting some in the first place. |
Masumi | No big deal. I did it because if someone got a fracture I wouldn’t get to show director the triple axel I have been practising. |
Tasuku | …Thanks. |
Fuyuki | Haha. You have made some good friends, Tasuku. |
Tasuku | …Yeah. Maybe I have. |