Tsuzuru | It's finally time for the real thing... |
Izumi | The seated tickets are all sold out, and it looks like several media outlets have come to cover the event. |
Tsuzuru | Uuu...I'm even more nervous than usual because of the skating... |
Omi | Calm down, Tsuzuru. Just do what you've been practicing and you'll be fine. |
Masumi | I'm going to land a quintuple jump and win the gold medal for you. |
Izumi | Haha...Masumi-kun, don't do anything rash. |
| You guys too, you'll be acting while skating this time, so be careful not to get hurt. |
| Please confirm your positions and do some stretches. |
Banri | Roger that. |
Misumi | I can't wait to skate in front of everyone~ I'll show them my triangle spin~, spinnie spinnnn! |
Azuma | Fufu, Misumi sure seems relaxed. |
Izumi | So is Fuyuyuki-san here, too? |
Tasuku | Yeah, I just saw him earlier. |
| ...... |
| ...That guy also came. |
Tsuzuru | Yeah. Let's have him take a good look at it. |
Staff | There's 5 minutes left before the performance! |
| |
Minamizawa | "Ha...!" |
| "Haa, haa, haa..." |
Kitayama | "...You're really into this, Minamizawa." |
Minamizawa | "Of course. I'll definitely stand on the highest podium in the next tournament." |
Kitayama | "Too bad for you. I will be the one taking the gold medal next time." |
Natsume | "Kitayama, Minamizawa. Do you guys have a minute?" |
Kitayama | "What is it, Coach?" |
Natsume | "I'm going to ask you two to enter the men's pair in the next tournament." |
Minamizawa | "Men's pair...?" |
Natsume | "It's a new competition in which male athletes perform in pairs." |
Kitayama | "But, Coach! I'm aiming for the gold medal in the next singles..." |
Natsume | "There are some things that can only be learned in pairs. Don't worry, you guys will make a splendid pair." |
| "You've been rivals since you were children, so I know you guys will be able to do this performance." |
Minamizawa | "......" |
| |
| "Ha...!" |
Kitayama | "Guh...!" |
Minamizawa | "...This isn't working. I just can't get the jump right." |
Natsume | "The timing of your steps are all over the place. You need to read your partner's breathing and then jump." |
Kitayama | "I didn't know competing in pairs would be this difficult..." |
Minamizawa | "Let's start from the beginning again. Let's go, Kitayama!" |
Kitayama | "Yeah!" |
Izumi | (So far, the play and the skating are both going well...) |
| (The problem is the scene of the actual tournament after this... The more they move around, the more likely they are to have an accident.) |
| (...But everything will be okay. They've been practicing so hard for this day...) |
| |
Minamizawa | "...It's finally time for the real thing." |
Kitayama | "...Yeah." |
Natsume | "The Kamihara-Kawashima pair are the main contenders in this tournament. They're a strong pair of junior champions." |
Kamihara | "Ugh...!" |
Omi | "..., dammit!" |
Izumi | (Banri-kun and Omi-kun are doing a good job acting out their stalling because they can't get along...) |
Kitayama | "They failed...?!" |
Minamizawa | "Even those two make mistakes..." |
Natsume | "This can happen if you're acting alone and don't get along with each other. That's the scary thing about pairs competition." |
| "The next pair is Minato and Yanagase, we don't know what they're capable of so we can't let our guard down..." |
Minato | "Ha!" |
Yanagase | "Spinnie spin!" |
Audience A | Wow! That's amazing!! |
Audience B | They look like real skaters! |
Izumi | (Masumi-kun and Misumi-kun are definitely impressive. They're getting the audience excited with their skating.) |
Natsume | "Each of their moves is amazing, but the two of them are moving in different ways. That's not going to get them any points in a pairs competition." |
| "...Minamizawa, Kitayama. You guys are up next." |
Minamizawa | "...Kitayama. You've always been my rival. You're the one person I don't want to lose to. I've been training with that in mind." |
Kitayama | "It's the same for me, Minamizawa. It was frustrating having to look up at you standing at the highest podium." |
| "I want to win against you. I want to perform in a way that you can approve of." |
| "...It's because of that feeling that I've been able to keep skating." |
Minamizawa | "...We're more alike than I thought." |
| "I know better now that I'm paired up with you. I need you so I can always perform at my best." |
Kitayama | "...Don't say it first. That should be my line." |
| "Coach, you paired us up to make us aware of it, didn't you?" |
Natsume | "Well, you can say that." |
| "Come on now, the audience are waiting for you. Go show them your best performance on the skating rink!" |
Minamizawa & Kitayama | "Yes!" |
Kitayama | "...!" |
Minamizawa | "--" |
Izumi | (Tasuku-san is doing a good job of covering for Tsuzuru-kun's small mistakes.) |
Audience A | Both of them look like real figure skaters, even though they're not doing any tricks... |
Audience B | Their breathings are perfectly in sync... |
Izumi | (The audience are being drawn in by these two's performance...) |
| |
Kitayama | "...Sorry, Minamizawa. I made a mistake halfway..." |
Minamizawa | "It's only one part. And you recovered quickly." |
Kitayama | "That's only because you followed up my mistake." |
Minamizawa | "...That goes without saying, since we're a pair." |
Kitayama | "--" |
Announcer | "The current score of the Minazawa-Kitayama pair is--" |
| "They are in first place with a total of 150.12 points!" |
Minamizawa | "First place..." |
Kitayama | "We did it...we actually did it, Minamizawa! We won!" |
Minamizawa | "Yeah...it's the gold medal. We both won the gold medal...!" |
| |
Audience A | Both the play and the skating were so good! |
Audience B | I can't believe they used that photo spot, too~! |
Audience C | That was so fun~! |
Izumi | (We're getting a good response from the audience...!) |
Tsuzuru | Haa...I'm glad it went well... |
Tasuku | It was worth the practice. |
Tsuzuru | Everything went well because you followed up after me, Takato-san. Thank you for that. |
Azuma | Fufu, you guys were so passionate. |
Banri | It was harder to make a mistake on purpose though. |
Omi | Yeah, you're right. It's a good thing Banri was skilled enough to get around. |
Masumi | I didn't win the gold medal in the play, but the gold medal in your heart is mine. |
Misumi | Next time I want to swooosh swooosh even faster. |
Izumi | Anyway, I'm glad it went off without any injuries. The audience's reaction was great, it was a huge success! |
Tsuzuru | ...I wonder if that guy was watching, too. |
Tasuku | ...I'm sure he was. |