Izumi | I wonder if Tenma-kun and Banri-kun will make it to today’s leader meeting… |
| |
| Ah, good morning Juza-kun. You’re here early. |
Juza | Yeah, I came here ahead of time. |
Izumi | Are you finding the land of four seasons comfortable? |
Juza | The breeze feels good and the snugness of the trees is top tier. As expected, this is a great country. |
Izumi | Fufu, I’m happy to hear that you have taken a liking to it. |
Sakuya | Good morning… |
Izumi | Good morning, Sakuya-kun. |
| ? You don’t seem to be feeling too cheery today… What happened? |
Sakuya | Well, you see… |
| Would you mind listening to me for a bit? |
Izumi | Of course. Juza-kun’s fine with it too, right? |
Juza | Yeah. |
Sakuya | Thank you very much. Thing is, when I got back to Spring Land after the last leader meeting… |
| |
| I’m back! |
Tsuzuru | Welcome back, Sakuya. |
| Sorry for doing this right when you got back, but do you have second? Come here. |
Sakuya | ? Okay. |
Masumi | … |
Itaru | … |
Sakuya | Everyone, what’s the matter…? |
Masumi | We don’t know when it happened, but… Our food stash was broken into. |
Citron | It is totally empty! There’s no thing left! |
Sakuya | Eeh! |
Chikage | I was out when it happened, so I didn’t even notice. My apologies. |
Itaru | Welp, I took a photo from around the area that was broken into, and, well… here. |
Sakuya | T-this is…! |
| |
| There were gazelle’s footprints in the photo Itaru-san showed me… |
Izumi | A gazelle, as in… Misumi-kun? |
Tenma | Are you trying to say that our Misumi has been up to no good? |
Sakuya | ! |
Juza | You guys… |
Izumi | Tenma-kun, you came! |
Tenma | I only came here because Kazunari kept pestering me about it. |
| …Anyway, Sakuya, what is the meaning of this? |
Sakuya | Of course I don’t want to believe that it’s true, but…! |
Kazunari | I mean, Sumi won't eat his food unless his plants are made triangular! |
Tenma | I want to talk about something related to that, actually. |
Izumi | You too? |
Kazunari | Uh, to put it simply, we were also victimised by some prank. We were thinking that it might have been the folks from Autumn Land… |
Izumi | Eh!? |
| |
Kazunari | Tenten, let’s go to the next leader meeting together~! |
Tenma | No way! |
Kazunari | What, are you okay with troubling manager-chan then? She’s a lion, the king of beasts, y’know? |
Tenma | Ugh… |
Kumon | Te-te-t-te-te-te-TENMA-SAAAAAAN!! |
Misumi | Trouble, we’re in trouble~! |
Kazunari | Huh, Kumopi and Sumi? They seem to be in a hurry for some reason… |
Tenma | Something happened. |
Kumon | All of our coconuts have been stolen! |
Tenma | Haah? |
Misumi | And I was so looking forward to drinking coconut juice with everyone… Boo. |
Muku | Also, there was only one coconut left at the scene of the crime, with scratch marks.. |
Yuki | …They looked like marks left behind by bird claws. |
The animals | Bird claws, so… |
| |
Tenma | We narrowed down the culprits as the only birds around us, AKA Azami the parrot and Arisu-san the owl. |
| …And then Banri-san snidely commented that there’s no chance he would have sent out Azami to do something like that. |
Izumi | I can’t imagine Banri-kun doing something like that… |
| (But I can’t really do anything about this situation since I don’t know what really happened between them…) |
| *door opening sound effect* |
Banri | Psh. Yeah, as if. |
Sakuya | Banri-kun! |