| |
Izumi | Banri-kun, I’m so glad you came here! |
Banri | S’only because that old geezer kept hounding me for so long…. |
Juza | Can’t say I feel bad for you even if you are the leader. |
Banri | Ah? What the hell did you just say? |
Juza | I was saying that I can’t feel bad for you due to your attitude, even though you’re Autumn Land’s leader. |
Banri | You little… |
Kazunari | Woah now, stop it! Hey, at least Autumn’s leader came over! |
Tsumugi | Good morning. …Ah, Tenma-kun and Banri-kun are here. |
Sakuya | Tsumugi-san, good morning! |
Tenma | … |
Banri | … |
Juza | … |
Tsumugi | Erm… The atmosphere’s feeling odd today, but could someone tell me if something happened here? |
Izumi | You see, Spring Land and Summer Land were both on the receiving end of mischief, and Summer Land brought up the idea of Autumn Land being behind it… |
Tenma | Summer Land didn’t do it! |
Banri | Same goes for us. |
Izumi | …Yeah, like that. |
Kazunari | Actually, has nothing changed in Autumn or Winter Land then? |
Banri | Nope, there was something. |
Juza | ! |
Izumi | Really!? |
Banri | I was meaning to talk about that today. |
| |
Sakyo | Oi, what’s with all of our collected water disappearing? |
Taichi | Eeh!? It’s all gone!? |
Omi | Could you be referring to the drinking water everyone collected? |
Sakyo | Yeah, that. |
Banri | Even though it was all there when I last checked. |
Azami | Old man, you sure you didn’t accidentally throw it away? |
Sakyo | As if I would do that! |
Taichi | Could it be that this is someone trying to mess with us…? |
Omi | Hmm… |
Azami | Ah, now that you mention it, I think I might have seen a dropped marshmallow on the ground nearby. |
Banri | Marshmallows, you say… |
| |
| But y’know, I thought that there would be no merit to draining water from our place, so I just wanted to mention it now that it came up. |
| But Sakyo-san’s pretty pissed about it still. That’s why I came by for this just in case. |
Tsumugi | Banri-kun. While it’s true that our Hisoka-kun is usually the first one associated with marshmallows… I would just like to say one thing. |
Banri | Hm? |
Tsumugi | I believe that it’s highly unlikely that Hisoka-kun would ever drop marshmallows. |
Banri | Uh, now that you mention it… |
Izumi | I don’t think it would be too farfetched to say that Hisoka-san would catch marshmallows even when asleep… |
Tsumugi | Well… unfortunately, it seems like I’ll be the last one to talk about my bad experiences. |
| Actually, there was an incident in Winter Land too… |
| |
Guy | Tsukioka, do you have a moment? |
Tsumugi | Guy-san, what’s wrong? |
Guy | There’s something I would like for you to see. This way. |
| |
Tsumugi | The flower beds we always take care of… |
Guy | I would like for you to take a look at this. |
Tsumugi | ! The inside of the flower bed has been destroyed…! |
| Oh, but none of the flowers have been hurt… Thank goodness. |
Tasuku | Seriously? |
Homare | Fortunately no one managed to tread on them, but the flowers were very close to getting crushed. |
Tsumugi | True… Who in the world would do this… |
Azuma | Hisoka’s tracking the perp’s footsteps as we speak. |
| Can’t help but feel like it would have been better for me to go though. |
Tasuku | He’s a slow walker, after all. |
Hisoka | Nope. |
Homare | Oh, welcome back Hisoka-kun. |
Guy | Any luck? |
Hisoka | The footprints got cut off on the way so not really. |
Tasuku | That so… |
Hisoka | But I did find this. |
Tsumugi | A walnut… |
| |
Tenma | They say that squirrels like walnuts, right? |
Sakuya | Huh!? I-it wasn’t me though! |
| But I do have to admit that I love walnuts… |
Tenma | Well, it’s not like Sakuya to do things like that. |
Tsumugi | Yes. I also believe that it couldn’t have been Sakuya-kun. |
| Everyone thought that it would be better to report this during the leader meeting though. |
Izumi | Spring and Summer, Summer and Autumn, Autumn and Winter, Winter and Spring… Feels like the acts of mischief come full circle… |
The leaders | … |
Izumi | …Lets cancel today’s leader meeting. |
| Of course I believe that no one here has done anything bad, but discussions with an atmosphere like this won’t work out. |
Tsumugi | Very true. I agree. |
Kazunari | Okie! Let’s get together again later! |
Banri | Uh-huh. So we’ll quit for today. |
| |