Izumi | Tenma-kun's group's ad hoc is also done for today. |
Juza | 'yeah. |
Hisoka | Good work. |
Tsuzuru | Glad we made it here, in the nick of time. |
Banri | Five more minutes 'n we'll sure get a taste of Sakyo-san's lightning strike. |
Citron | Chikage’s team is going to perform next, right? It seems interesting ! |
Taichi | I'm looking forward to Ten-chan's team's performance the most ! |
Itaru | Ditto. |
Tenma | You're just looking forward to the costume, aren't you ? ! |
Kazunari | Betcha it's gonna be lit for inste ! I'm gonna snap tons o' pics ! |
Tenma | Don't you dare.... ! |
Kumon | I'm looking forward to nii-chan's tiger costume ! It's gonna be super cool regardless if he'll wear or just carry the head ! |
Muku | Juza-chan, let's take pictures together. |
Juza | 'kay. |
Izumi | All group's ad hoc is finished. Good work, everyone. |
Sakyo | After this, we are going to watch a musical arranged by Mizuno Enterprise. |
| Everyone's going to the theater. |
Sakuya | Yes ! |
Omi | Today's musical is very famous in Japan. |
Azami | The story is about animals? By any chance, is it 'cuz the amusement park's character are animals? |
Izumi | I'm looking forward to it ! It's a great luxury to be able to watch Broadway musicals. |
| I've only been to amusement park since I came here so I almost forgot I'm in America. |
Sakuya | The staffs in charge are also Japanese. |
Tsuzuru | Director, you stayed at the amusement park all day? |
Izumi | Yup, I helped preparing the stage and doing decorative work. I really want to go and see how the other team is doing but I had to work on the stage till the end. |
| I'm sorry for leaving everything to you. Did you have any trouble? |
Citron | No problem at all ! Citrun had manzai and we handed out all the flyers. |
Hisoka | Banri and Juza had a fight. |
Sakyo | Fight? |
Banri | We attracted shit-ton of visitors as a result. No need to get angryーー |
Sakyo | ..... Settsu, Hyodo, I'll have a word with you later. |
Izumi | Ahahaha.... |
| How about Tenma-kun, did you---- |
Tenma | It's about to start. |
Izumi | ( Ah... He didn't hear me. Well, I can still ask him later.) |
Misumi | The musical's super fun ~! |
Homare | Ahh, absolutely artistic. A flash of inspiration just hit me! |
Tsumugi | Masumi-kun, was there any particular scene you liked? |
Masumi | ..... I think the music they used isn't half bad. |
Guy | They are selling the soundtrack CD on the shop. It might be a good idea to buy it as a souvenir. |
Tenma | ...... |
Izumi | ....? Tenma-kun? |
Tenma | Even if you don't understand the language, there are things that can be conveyed through gestures alone. |
| Actually, I couldn't attract much visitors today because I don't understand their language. It was frustrating. |
| But today's musical gave me good hint for the amusement park's performance. |
Izumi | I'm glad. We should thank Mizuno-san. |
Tenma | Yeah. |