Tenma | Can I have a minute? |
Hisoka | What is it? |
Tenma | Sorry for suggesting this right before the performance but I want to talk about the gestures we'll use for this play--. |
| I realized that we can convey the story by making bigger gestures than we practiced even if they can't understand our language. |
Juza | I see. Certainly, yesterday's musical 's like that too. |
Banri | It'll be easier to understand the story that way. |
Citron | Let's do it! |
Tsuzuru | Yeah, let's try that during the performance. Tenma, take the lead. |
Tenma | Yeah, leave it to me. |
Tony | "Oof..." |
| " Phew, seriously... this bird's head is way too heavy" |
Ron | " Rabbits have long ears. It's heavy too." |
Bob | "Oh, you're here. Can everyone gather for a moment?" |
| "I'll introduce you to a new employee. Everyone, this is Randy." |
Randy | "I'm going to start working here today ! I'm looking forward to working with you all!" |
Tony | "Wait. You're wearing dog costume already?" |
Randy | "Just thinking about working here today makes me feel restless! I will do my best ! If there's anything I need to learn, please tell me. " |
Ron | "Are you the type who doesn't listen to what the other person is saying? " |
Jean | "Isn't it nice that he's full of motivation" He's a very passionate guy." |
Connor | "Even if a new comer join now, there isn't much work left for them." |
Randy | " Eh? What do you mean?" |
Ron | "I don't want to say this but there aren't many visitors coming to this amusement park anymore and it's only a matter of time before we completely go out of business. " |
Jean | "Of course we really don't want it to go bankrupt but..." |
Izumi | (It seems like their gestures are bigger and easier to understand than we originally practiced. Did they talk about something by any chance? ) |
Randy | "If that's the case, let's do our best to prevent this park from getting bankrupt! !" |
Tony | "Do you know what you’re talking about? No matter how much we try, it's absolutely impossible now." |
| "Let's go, Ron. " |
Ron | "Yeah. See yah around, newbie. " |
Bob | "Gotta go back to work too. Randy-kun, it's nice that you are enthusiastic about your work but try not get too passionate, okay~ " |
Randy | "Ah, everyone..." |
Connor | "They all left." |
Randy | "Um ! Why don't we all gather and think of new ideas to revive this amusement park? I'll think of different ideas too. Please lend me your strength! " |
Jean | "....I see. I kinda like this amusement park too. Let's try a little a harder" |
Connor | "... Well, it might be a good a idea to give it a last push.." |
Randy | "Thank you very much ! Let's do our best ! " |
Randy | "Want some animal-stamped burger? " |
Jean | "We have ice cream too ~ " |
Connor | "It's super delicious~ here you go~ " |
| |
Randy | "I wonder if idea about food is too average. " |
| "Then the next idea I have is---- " |
| "Animal dance ! Come on, everybody, one, two three !" |
Connor | "One two three !" |
Jean | "This costume is making it hard for me to dance ... ! Uwaaa !? " |
Randy | "Gyaaahhh !? " |
Connor | "W-wake up, you two !" |
Audience A | << Ahahahahaha! The dog is super cute~! >> |
Randy | "Dance is no good. Let's do magic then ! " |
| "I'll make bubbles come out of this box ! " |
Jean | "That's ! So fluffy~" |
Connor | "Next, I'll make a flag come out of this hat!" |
Randy | "! ? Connor-san ! ? The mechanism inside your hat is popping out!" |
Connor | "Ehh? Uwaaahh !! I-I'm sorry ! I didn't notice! " |
Audience B | << Pft.... hahaha ! >> |
Audience C | << Mr.Tiger, Mr. Cat, hang in there ! >> |
| |
Izumi | (Even if they don't understand the language, they're still able to convey the story and the slapstick skits seems very funny for the audience.) |
Jean | "Thanks to the various things we tried, the number of visitors increased a little but it's still not near enough than it used to be...." |
Connor | "We made quite a difference ! Well, actually not much... I wonder if there's any point to what we're doing..." |
Randy | "We're not done yet. There's still a lot of things we haven't tried. I'm not going to give up !" |
| "I'll think about what else we can do while handing out balloons. " |
Jean | "He's really insistent, isn't he?" |
Connor | "He's stubborn but...I think he's a good guy." |
| |
Randy | "What else we can do... " |
Tony | "Phew.... Geez..." |
Randy | "Wha---What the hell are you doing ! ? Visitors are passing by this place !" |
Tony | "It's so hot. I can't help it, 'kay." |
Randy | "Even so ! Don't take it off on a place like this ! You're destroying people's dreams..." |
| "No, wait....?" |
| "On the contrary....." |
| "That's right ! Why does taking off mascot's head is like destroying people's dream? " |
Ron | "Isn't it because it's scary? Well, I'm not in the position to say it when I took it off too. |
Tony | “Wait ! Why are you pulling my hand? Oi, newbie ! “ |
Randy | "There's no other amusement park where mascots take off their head ! We can sell it and it might become a big hit !" |
Tony | "No no no no! " |
Ron | " Wait, wait ! There's no way we can do that ! " |
Randy | "But wearing the costume's really hot, isn't it? If we can take off the mascot's head, things will become easier for us." |
Tony | "Well you have a point-- oi, don't tell me, you just want to take it off? " |
Tenma | "I'll propose it immediately. Ah, Perfect timing ! Bob-saaaaaaaaan ! " |
Tony | "Hey-- Wait up !.... You're running way too fast ! " |
Randy | “Bob-san ! I've got a proposal !” |
Bob | “Hm? What is it? “ |
Randy | “Please listen to my idea !” |
| “I'm planning to do this and this and then--- what do you think ?” |
Ron | .”..He really went off to suggest it... There's no way they'll allow it, right?” |
Bob | “Kinda interesting. Hmm.. taking off the the head huh. “ |
| “Isn't it a great idea? Approved! Let's give it a try. “ |
Tony | “He approved it? ! “ |
Randy | “Yay ! ! I'll let everyone know ! “ |
Connor | ” I didn't expect taking off mascot's head will be this popular. “ |
Jean | “Yesterday, the kids asked me to take my head off.” |
Bob | “A lot of visitors are coming to see it recently. The amusement park is starting to regain its popularity. “ |
Randy | “It's mission accomplished, right? It's all because Tony-san and the others gave me this opportunity! Thank you, everyone !” |
Tony | “Y, yeah....?” |
Ron | “What's with this soppy ending? ! Don't y'all think it's weird? !” |
Audience | Ahahahhahahaha! |