Magical Pink Diner/Epilogue

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Magical Pink Diner
Galaxy Valentine
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IzumiIt's such a relief this year's Actor's Cafe got really popular.
(But to think two of the alien headbands were left behind at the cafe…)
(Hmm, I'm sure we brought them all back, though.)
(But the owner sent me a pic of Sun and Moon's headbands. Let's just go get it now.)
Hello, it's me, Tachibana.
IzumiHm? Huh, why are you guys…!?
MercuryPlease have a seat here.
Izumi(Huh, huh? I took a seat for now but what's happening here…?)
MercurySince this place is reserved for Izumi Tachibana-sama today, please enjoy your time here.
SunWe want to do something for Director… I mean, Izumi-sama who worked hard with us even on Valentine's Day!
MoonWe've prepared special chocolates from the space for you. You probably don't want mine, though...
Izumi(Oh, I get it now! ...Hold on, did he just say "from the space"?)
SaturnI'll go first, then. Here, take this, a chocolate from Saturn.
IzumiWhoa…! It's a Saturn-shaped chocolate! So cute.
SaturnWe, the Saturn people, only give this chocolate to those whom we hope will come to our planet.
Saturn...You are someone whom I hope will come to my planet. Will you take my hand and come to my planet with me?
VenusStop it right thereee!
VenusI wish the same thing, you know! Izumi-chan, take this heartfelt chocolate I have for you!
IzumiWow, Venus' chocolate is so sparkling.
VenusYep, just like you…
My love for you is shining so b r i g h t l y☆
JupiterHey, you, don't try to hug her when the others are unaware.
VenusUghh! Ju-Juppie-kun! Don't grab me by the neck~!
JupiterIzumi, take my chocolate too. Jupiter's chocolate.
IzumiWhoa, this one looks really tasty too!
JupiterI know, right? I'm glad you're happy with it.
You're the cutest when you smile, Izumi!
Izumi…! Tha-Thank you.
MercuryNext is my turn, then. Take this, Izumi-sama.
IzumiMercury's chocolate is pretty. It has such a refreshing color.
MercuryThank you. I'd like you to enjoy this chocolate.
Hmm, since the others are still here… I'll spoil you lots when we're finally alone.
MercuryHey, Mars-san, it's your turn next.
MarsShuddup. I know.
Here. ...Mars' chocolate.
IzumiThanks! It looks cool.
MarsOf course it is. This great me went through all the trouble to prepare it for you, y'know.
Enjoy every single bite, okay, Izumi?
IzumiHehe, for sure!
MoonUmm… this is my chocolate for you. I don't think you'll be happy with it, though.
But I want to give it to you no matter what.
Izumi-san… Will you accept this Moon chocolate and my feelings?
IzumiAbsolutely. Thank you. I'm happy.
SunLast one is me, then!
Here you go, Izumi-sama!
IzumiWhoa…! It's so pretty…!
SunSun's chocolate is a sign of passion, you see.
This chocolate is filled with my passion and burning feelings for you! Happy Valentine!
IzumiAll of this made me shy, but I had so much fun…! Thanks, guys!
I never imagined I'd receive chocolates this way.
KazunariSo you see, when we talked about wanting to do something for you for Valentine's Day--.
The owner gave us permission to use this place on its off days!
GuyWe also had the owner tell you there are things you left behind so that you'd come here.
IzumiI see…! I was sure we brought them all back home, you know.
TaichiThe hidden camera's a big success!
TsuzuruI feel like we were deceiving you for some reason, sorry. I feel bad to have lied to you.
IzumiNo need to be sorry. It was fun, and I'm happy.
I know it's a bit late, but I've actually also prepared chocolates for you all. I'll hand them over once we're home.
KumonSeriously!? Yeaaay!
Hisoka...I can't wait.
IzumiHehe. I also can't wait to eat all the chocolates you gave me.
KazunariIt's such a miracle! We'll get chocolates on top of the successful Actor's Cafe! Happy Valentine, guys!
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