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Episode 9
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Masumi…What are you doing?
MasumiIt’s not like you have to do your best, all that matters is if I win.
…But if you’re gonna do this, you’re gonna have to keep at it until the very end.
HostU-Usui-san, we’re in the middle of a match!
Yuki(That guy…)
…You didn’t have to bother telling me, I know that.
HostPardon the interruption! We will now resume both matches!
Reader“On a summer night…”[1]
Yuki…Thank you very much.
HostThat’s game! And so, our winner for the Ohina-sama Contest is—
Yuki Rurikawa-san, who belongs to Mankai Company!
And our winner for the Odairi-sama Contest is… Masumi Usui-san, who also belongs to Mankai Company!
KumonThey did it!
IzumiCongratulations, you guys!
HomareThat was truly a spectacular match.
Hisoka…Good job.
SakuyaI lost… Masumi-kun really was amazing.
KumonBut Sakuya-san, you fought really hard too! You were so cool!
SakuyaKumon-kun… Thank you!
HostNow if we may have both of our winners climb to the top of the grand staircase.
MasumiIsn’t it hard to walk with your foot?
Yuki…So you actually noticed.
MasumiYou were acting weird, but you wanted to hide it, right?
You don’t seem to be the type who gives up halfway. I thought in that case, you’d win as promised.
YukiSo that was your way of cheering me on.
Masumi…It can’t be helped, I’ll give you a hand..
YukiAlright, I’ll take you up on your offer. …Thanks.
MasumiIt’s nothing. I just want to make the Director happy.
YukiI see you’re still the same guy as always.
IzumiYuki-kun, how’s your foot?
YukiIt’s fine. They put a compress on it and taped it, so it feels much better.
IzumiI’m sorry, I didn’t realize…
YukiI tried hiding it thinking it’d go away, too.
HisokaCan you perform?
YukiI’ll be fine.
SakuyaWe’ve got you covered!
HomareYes, we’ll follow your lead.
HostAnd now, a performance from our winners from Mankai Company! Take it away!
Sakuya“Everyone’s beloved princess will be at today’s festival… The hina-sama will personally be choosing a companion to sit beside her.”
Masumi“There really are a lot of candidates who came.”
Homare“It’s a great honor to be selected to sit beside the hina-sama. Not to mention, she’s a beauty. ”
“Whoever gets selected here will also become her prospective husband. Everyone is eager to sit next to her.”
Kumon“Heheh, it’s only natural that she’ll pick me!”
Hisoka“It has to be me.”
Sakuya“Oh, the hina-sama has arrived.”
Yuki*sighs* "…I wonder what sorts of people have arrived? I’m feeling nervous.”
Hisoka“I’ll begin. In fact, you won’t need to look at other guys.”
“As you can see, there’s nothing to object to about my social status and appearance. I have a brilliant mind and exceptional reflexes as well.”
“There’s no one else as magnificent as I.”
“So choose me.”
Yuki“…You certainly have a lot to offer.”
“However… I’ll be frank, I’m not into egotistical types like you… My apologies.”
Sakuya“Oh my.”
Homare“Everyone thought that he was a rather strong contender. It’s surprising he got outright rejected.”
Hisoka“To reject someone like myself… She’s insolent, but quite an interesting character.”[2]
Kumon“Then I’m up next! There’s no one as beautiful as me!”
“If you pick me, then you can gaze at me long and hard right next to you!”
“Look at this beautiful figure! Now, feel free to pick me! My beautiful and dazzling self! Now, go on!”
Yuki“Wha- Erm, you’re too close! You’re a little too drunk and you’re very pushy! S-somebody! Anybody—!”
Kumon“There’s no need to be so modest!”
“Wait… Who are you people?! What are you doing?! Where are you taking me?! Waah!”
Masumi“…All five court musicians took him away.”[3]
Sakuya“Well, you could say his appeal was rather unique…”
Homare“Now then, it’s time for me to go next.”
“My dear, it is an honor to meet someone as esteemed as you. My, you really are lovely.”
Homare“Your rosy cheeks, your glimmering eyes, your lovely smile. Will you call my name with those lips?”
Yuki“Fufu, you are good. I see this is how you woo other women.”
Yuki“I was told that you hit on three court ladies a moment ago. It’s obvious that you’re used to saying these sorts of words.”
“You’ve underestimated me. Why don’t you try someone else?”
Homare“I-I concede…”
Masumi“She’s amazing…!”
Hisoka“It appears that no one is a match for her judgment.”
Sakuya“Well, it’s now my turn. …Hina-sama, would you do me the honor of choosing me?”
“I can grant you whatever you desire. No matter how selfish it is, I am at your disposal.”
Yuki“No matter how selfish it is…”
“Hmm… You seem like a kind, honest, and fine gentleman…”
Hisoka“She’s making it sound like none of the candidates so far have been honest.”
Homare“Well, someone did get dragged away.”
Kumon“Who we talkin’ about?”
Hisoka“You. Rather, how did you get back here?”
Yuki“However… I’m not sure why, but I don’t feel the same for some reason. My apologies.”
*sighs* "…It appears that I’ve been rejected. It’s unfortunate, but I cannot do anything about it.”
Yuki“Even I’m unsure… Who am I looking for, exactly?”
Homare“The hina-sama has already met a considerable amount of people… Yet she still hasn’t made a decision.”
Kumon“Are there no other candidates left?”
Masumi“Er… Excuse me! Would you… be fine with me?”
Yuki“You are…”
Masumi“Hina-sama, you’re a kind, sunny, and hard-working person. I… have always admired you.”
“You’re someone beyond my reach. I know that this is presumptuous for someone like me to say this…”[4]
“But… I also want to be the one who sits next to you.”
“I want to know more about you. And… it would make me happy if you could get to know me as well.”
“I will also do my best to become a man worthy of you!”
Masumi“Having fun talking about various things, laughing together about various things…”
“I think it would be wonderful if I could be like that with you.”
Yuki“Yes, you’re the one.”
Yuki“I was always looking for someone like you.”
“It’s not about social status or physical appearance. I don’t want to be placed above others nor do I want to be pampered…”
“I wanted someone who wanted to get to know me and was willing to face me. I wanted someone who wanted to be my friend as well.”
“Also, your presence and your bashful expression… I like them very much.”
“I want to get to know you as well. Would you do me the honor of sitting by my side?”
Masumi“…Of course!”
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  1. Poem 36 from Ogura Hyakunin Isshu
  2. Hisoka’s character uses “ore-sama” for this line and the "There's no one else as magnificent as I" line, which is a pronoun with very arrogant connotations (he uses “ore” for the rest of the skit). Yuki’s character also literally says she isn’t into ore-sama types.
  3. Hinamatsuri displays have five court musician dolls typically placed on the third platform
  4. Masumi says “高嶺の花” (takane no hana) here, which is an idiom for something or someone you want but is out of reach.