Soak to Your Shoulders ♪ Velu~do Baths/Episode 10

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Soak to Your Shoulders ♪ Velu~do Baths
Episode 10
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Mitsuo"So this is the bathhouse…"
Fujio"That's right. It’s your first time here right Mitsuo"
Mitsuo"I mean, we have a bath in our home, there's no need for me to come here"
Mitsuo"Looks like you come here after jogging or the gym, big brother, but… I just don't get it"
Fujio"There there, don't say that. Just get in, you'll understand once you do"
Touya"Oh, Fujio-san, how're you"
Takahiro"That guy over there, can it be… Your little brother?"
Fujio"Yeah, it's my little brother Mitsuo"
Touya"Good evening. I heard about you from Fujio-san"
Takahiro"We train together with Fujio-san, we're training buddies"
Fujio"We always talk about training methods and muscles. We also often come here together"
Mitsuo"Which means you come here together after training?"
Takahiro"Right. It just doesn't feel like we really trained, if we don’t come here to the bathhouse after"
Touya"I feel that. Weighing ourselves on the scale in the dressing room and confirming our muscles in front of that huge mirror is just part of the deal!"
Touya"Relaxing in the hot water after training is like a reward too"
Fujio"Exactly. Stretching your limbs in a wide bath makes you feel all better, you feel like working hard again tomorrow"
Takahiro"Exactly that! Thanks to this I can focus on my training the next day, and grow my muscles just like this"
Mitsuo"Is that really it…?"
Mitsuo"No, it can't be…!"
Mitsuo"These guys and big bro have crazy muscles, does this bath have a secret effect that grows muscles…!?"
Fujio"No no no, that's not the case okay?"
Spectator AAhahaha!
Spectator BBut these three really are well built right…!?
Izumi(These three are the Company's pride when it comes to a good body build, when they stand next to each other it's incredible. It looks extremely nice…!)
Fujio"Did you wash your body? Let's get in then"
Mitsuo"Hm…? This bath has a strange color. And there's also some smell…"
???"Young man, you dropped something in the bathtub, was it a new meeting? Or your love for bathhouses?"
Mitsuo"I didn’t drop anything though!?"
???"Splendid! Since you are so honest, you will surely get both!"
???"You also get this duck toy, on the house"
Mitsuo"T-Thank you… wait, who the hell are you guys!?"
Fujio"Hey, Ron-san, Ii-san. They're also regular customers in this bathhouse"
Ron"We love Japanese bathhouses! The green tea bath smells nice~"
Ii"In this bathhouse the type of bath changes every day. It washes your fatigue away, and it's healing"
Mitsuo"You have a point… It's the first time I took a green tea bath. Didn't know such a thing existed…"
Spectator AIt does smell great. The scent is filling the room.
Spectator BI've never taken a green tea bath either.
Izumi(Seems like the greatness of bathhouse is getting across, the audience's interest is piqued. As expected from a performance in a bathhouse)
Ron"On top of it the bathhouse is a place for communication! You can meet new people here!"
Ii"Everyone who comes here exposes even their hearts"
Mitsuo"Hmmm. You might be right, it really might be easier to talk to people here…"
Ron"Feels like hell!"
Mitsuo"You mean feels like heaven don’t you!? Your good story is all ruined now!"
Fujio"Haha, seems like you're all cheered up now Mitsuo"
Fujio"You've been feeling down since yesterday haven't you."
Mitsuo"…So you noticed. So that's why you invited me here to the bathhouse"
Fujio"If it was uncalled for, I apologize. But I thought it would make a good change of mood"
Mitsuo"…it really was a change of mood. And I was able to relax, I feel calmer now"
Mitsuo"…The truth is, I had a fight with a friend at school. I've been feeling kinda gloomy ever since…"
Fujio"Is that so…"
???"Phew, it's been a while since I came to the bathhouse"
Mitsuo"Hm? This voice…"
Kyosuke's father"Here, I'll wash your back"
Kyosuke"I-It’s fine dad! I'm not a kid!"
Kyosuke's father"It's alright, turn your back here"
Kyosuke"…since forever, you've always listened to me talking whenever we came here"
Kyosuke's father"…something happened right"
Kyosuke"I had a fight with a friend. At first I was mad, but now I want to apologize. But it's just not going well…"
Kyosuke's father"I see"
Kyosuke"It's so strange. When you wash my back like this in the bathhouse, I feel like I'm able to speak honestly…"
Kyosuke"…Wait, M-Mitsuo!?"
Kyosuke's father"What, is that the kid you fought with—"
Kyosuke's father"Hmpg"
Kyosuke"Aaah, dad, shh!"
Mitsuo"I want to apologize too, I'm sorry…"
Kyosuke"M-Me too! I'm sorry!"
Kyosuke"Um… L-Listen! Once we're done with the bath, let's drink strawberry milk together"
Mitsuo"…right, let's do that"
Mitsuo"…thanks, big bro. The bathhouse is really nice. I might get hooked too"
Fujio"Told you. Let's come again together"
KumonYay~! The first performance was a great success!
IzumiYou were great, guys! The audience enjoyed it too.
TasukuThe staging really was refreshing.
GuyWe might try the ad-lib with the bubbles Ikaruga suggested.
JuzaSeems like Omi-san's exhibition is also popular.
MisumiEveryone is looking at the pictures all smiley~!
CitronA expected from Omi~!
OmiThat’s great. That's the most important thing.
CitronScrubs scrubs~ I am good at making bubbles! Look at the fluffy bubbles!
TasukuStop playing around.
Hm? We can use this shape for our performance though.
GuyI see. Citronia, tell me how to make it later.
SakyoAs thanks for letting us use the bath, we're helping with cleaning. Do it properly.
JuzaKumon, watch your feet, don't slip.
KumonOkay! I'll be careful!
IzumiLet's see, next is over there…
SakyoHey, put more power into it.
IzumiEeeh? I'm already working pretty hard you know!
OmiMisumi, I'm leaving that spot to you.
Scrub scrub, it's cleaning time~
The bath felt great today too~!
OmiRight. Even though it's part of the acting, being able to enjoy the bathhouse is definitely a side benefit.
MisumiI wanna come again with Omi~.
OmiOf course, let's come again.
For now, we must first make all our performances here a success.
MisumiYup! Tomorrow is gonna be fun too~.
OmiHm? What's wrong?
MisumiThere was a second triangle in such a place~! Amaaazing! The bathhouse's triangle~!
OmiH-Hey Misumi--.
SakyoOi Ikaruga, don't ditch your cleaning!
MisumiWoah, sorry~!
Omi…well, I'm happy it's so lively.
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