Kiss&Cry in the Holy Night/Episode 1

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Kiss&Cry in the Holy Night
Episode 1
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Announcer“…It has come to light that the figure skater Yokomizo is making a comeback as a professional player.”
BanriHuh, so this guy is going pro now.
TsuzuruYou know him?
BanriWell, not really… I just thought that I had seen him show up in a tournament I happened to catch on TV a long time ago.
MukuWow… Figure skaters are like princes who dance on ice - they’re so cool!
Announcer“While Yokomizo was a star competitor with many expectations placed upon him, he had to distance himself from the front stage after suffering an injury and retiring.”
MukuI see, so he had to retire due to an injury…
KazunariBut hey, he just got better and came back! Things are just starting out!
BanriAfter watching these skating news I also wanna go out onto the ice.
KazunariAs expected, Settsaa! Actually, speaking of ice skating—
*a door opens*
OmiWe’re home.
MukuAh, Tasuku-san, Omi-san, welcome back.
KazunariHey! Those flyers Takusu’s holding…!
TasukuOh, these? These were forced on me in front of the station on my way home.
KazunariNice one, Takusu! I was just going to bring this up.
It’s about a limited time skating rink a town over that I always go to every year.
In the first half the rink is open to all skaters and in the second half there’s a special stage for all sorts of events.
It seems like they’re going to hold an ice show with figure skaters who compete on the regular~
MukuWow! How interesting!
KazunariTelevision stations might be in cahoots with the sponsors. If I remember correctly, there’s been some talk about a part of the show being broadcast too!
OmiWow. It’s quite the big deal then.
*a door opens*
IzumiI’m home~
TsuzuruWelcome back, director.
IzumiAh! Tasuku-san, those flyers…!
Tasuku…You too, huh.
BanriWhat’s so special about the flyers?
IzumiThe thing is, the skating rink’s planning team requested a performance by us.
KazunariEeh!? Talk about good timing!
TsuzuruWait, could it be that the request means…
MukuBeing part of the event on the special stage…?
IzumiThat’s right. It would act as good publicity for the troupe since it’s being broadcast on television, and Sakyo-san said that there’s no reason not to utilise this chance.
They’ll lend us some skates too.
BanriAs expected from Sakyo-san… Of course he wouldn’t let something like this escape from his sight.
TsuzuruActing in a skating rink… That actually sounds like a pretty fun theme.
IzumiHowever, we have one problem...
TasukuAnd that is?
IzumiSince our stage is going to be a skating rink this time, the ability to skate is a necessity to some extent.
OmiNow that you mention it, acting is going to be hard if you can’t skate…
IzumiIt’s probably going to be pretty difficult, but… I hope you guys will still join in!
Tsuzuru-kun, can I trust you with writing the script?
TsuzuruOf course. I’ll give it my all.
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