Guest A | To think that the family would get into an accident... |
Guest B | Didn’t the older brother just get into college...? |
Guest C | The two were just talking about being able to take it a little bit easier from now on too... |
Azuma | ... |
Guest A | So, who’s going to be the caretaker? |
Guest B | The uncle’s place would be the best—— |
Guest C | No can do. We have three kids. You live alone, don’t you? |
Guest B | I live in a small apartment. There are no extra rooms. |
Azuma | ... |
Guest A | The poor thing... |
Guest B | To think that he would be left alone... |
Azuma | I see... I’m—— all alone now. |
| |
| *ding dong* |
Izumi | Coming! |
Courier Driver | I have a delivery for Yukishiro-san. Please stamp or sign here. |
Izumi | Thank you very much. |
Courier Driver | Thank you very much. |
Izumi | (The sender is... Oh, it’s the Long-legged Witch who always sends colouring books to Azuma-san.)[1] |
| (I wonder what kind of colouring book it is this time.) |
Azuma | I’m home. |
Izumi | Welcome back, Azuma-san! Perfect timing. There’s a package for you. |
Azuma | Oh. I was just thinking that it’s about time for another one to come in. |
Izumi | Is it a colouring book? |
Azuma | Yup. Why don’t we colour it together for a change? |
Izumi | I’d love to! |
| *door opens* |
Hisoka | ...I’m home. |
Tsumugi | What are you two up to? |
Izumi | Oh, welcome back, Hisoka-san and Tsumugi-san! |
Azuma | Back home from work? |
Hisoka | ...Yeah. I’m tired. |
Izumi | Good work. Oh, once you’ve settled, would you two like to colour with us? |
Tsumugi | Colour? |
Azuma | I just received a new colouring book. |
Tsumugi | Oh, that’s what you meant. That sounds nice. |
Hisoka | ...I’ll join. |
Azuma | Will you be okay? Aren’t you tired? |
Hisoka | ...My brain is tired, so it’s just as well. |
Tsumugi | We were making tests today. |
Azuma | I see. |
| *door opens* |
Tasuku | I’m home. |
Homare | I’ve returned. |
Izumi | Welcome back. |
Azuma | Welcome back. Did you two go somewhere together? |
Tasuku | No, I was at a workshop. |
Homare | I was in a meeting. I ran into Tasuku-kun on my way home. |
Tasuku | What are you guys all gathered here for? |
Izumi | Perfect timing. Let’s all do it together! |
Tasuku | Do what...? |
Homare | Mhm, why not? I’ve no idea what’s going on, but we shall participate. |
| Perhaps it’s fate that we’re all present here after all. |
Tasuku | What fate? Don’t just agree to something without knowing what it is. |
| |
Tasuku | So you meant colouring... |
Homare | How truly exciting to have a new book. |
Izumi | Colouring together like this somehow feels like we’re in kindergarten. |
Tsumugi | Fufu. We’re all gigantic kindergarteners. |
Azuma | ...Hm? That’s strange. |
Izumi | Is something wrong? |
Azuma | My colour pencils aren’t here. I always keep them here though... |
Tsumugi | How about in this drawer? |
Azuma | Hmm. Can you check it for me? |
Tasuku | We’ll look around too. |
Azuma | Sorry. |
Hisoka | ...Found it. |
Azuma | Really? |
Hisoka | ...A whip. |
Izumi | T-that doesn’t have anything to do with the current situation, right!? |
| (Just what does he use it for...) |
Azuma | Fufu. You just imagined something suspicious, didn’t you? |
| It’s a riding crop. In the past one of my regular clients occasionally invited me to horse riding, so they gave me a complete set of equipment. |
Tasuku | That’s so misleading. |
Azuma | You have a surprisingly rich imagination too, Tasuku. |
Tasuku | Anyone would be suspicious. |
Izumi | (What do we do if more strange things pop up...) |
| —— |
Izumi | (...A pair of keys?) |
| Excuse me Azuma-san, these seemed to have dropped from somewhere—— |
Azuma | Oh, can you put those in that drawer? They’re the keys to the apartment I used to live in. |
Tasuku | You haven’t moved out yet, huh. |
Azuma | It’s a hassle. |
Izumi | (I wonder if they’re both keys to his apartment. They look different though...) |
Homare | However, the colour pencils are nowhere to be found. |
Tsumugi | Hmm. Where else have we not looked... |
| *knock* |
Kazunari | Azuu, you here~? |
Azuma | Hm? |
Muku | Azu-neesan, thank you for these.[2] |
Azuma | Ah... |
Tsumugi | The colour pencils... |
Azuma | Come to think of it, I lent the whole set to the two of them. |
Tasuku | No wonder we couldn’t find them. |
Azuma | Sorry, sorry. |
| |
Azuma | Now we can start colouring. Thank goodness. |
Tasuku | Already starting to forget things? |
Azuma | How rude. I’m not at that age yet. |
Tsumugi | This new colouring book is detailed and beautiful as always. |
Homare | I shall go with this one. |
Hisoka | ...I pick this one. |
Izumi | I’ll go with this one! |
Tsumugi | ...Colouring like this without a care in the world feels strangely calming, somehow. |
Azuma | I wonder why. |
Homare | Being able to heal minds is the beauty of art. |
Hisoka | ...Arisu’s colour scheme hurts my eyes. |
Homare | Good grief. To think that you can’t comprehend this magnificent sense of colour... |
Azuma | Tsumugi’s has gentle hues. Your personality is showing. |
Tsumugi | Yours looks delicate, Azuma-san. But it somehow has a sensual feel to it too... |
Izumi | Tasuku-san seems to like bold colours. |
Tasuku | I just naturally end up choosing them. |
Tsumugi | Director, yours has bright and cheerful colours. It feels uplifting. |
Izumi | When you look at them, everyone’s personalities really show. |
| Hisoka-san’s is... |
Hisoka | ... |
Homare | ...Not enough colour! This is not grayscale! Use more colours! |
Hisoka | ...Arisu, shut up. |
Azuma | Now, now. It’s best to colour as you please. |