Kazunari | Now then, I better start going back to Summer Land too~! |
Tenma | Kazunari! |
Kazunari | Oh, you guys! You came to pick me up! |
Misumi | Kazu, good work~! |
Yuki | You sure gave it your all. Your acting wasn’t that bad either. |
Muku | Yeah! You and Tenma-kun’s acting was superb! |
Kazunari | Everyone… Much thanks~! I’m über happy! |
Kumon | Kazu-san… Isn’t Juza-san the coolest…!? |
| The back of a man among men… It’s the best, most refined thing…! |
Kazunari | Ahaha, Kumopi, you have been totally drawn in by Hyodoru’s appeal I see! |
| I promised to go out for parfaits with Hyodoru next time, do you wanna come along? |
Kumon | Eeeh!? Is that okay? I do! |
Kazunari | Of to the course! Let’s go together! |
Tenma | Oi, Kazunari. |
Kazunari | Hm? Tenten, what’s up? |
Tenma | I was a… huge nuisance to you, this time around, wasn’t I. Thanks to you, I even made up with Banri-san. |
Kazunari | Te…Tenten~!! |
Tenma | W-what’s with you! Shut up! |
Kazunari | This sorta stuff isn’t that much of a problem, right~! We’re friends, after all! |
Misumi | Friends~! |
Kazunari | Well then, let’s go and merrily return to Summer Land! |
The animals | Let’s~! |
| |
Kazunari | Urghhh… |
| Whuh, where am I…? |
| Oh, those are some tasty leaves… |
Sakuya | Kazunari-san, you’ll catch a cold sleeping out here. |
Kazunari | Ah, ya wanna eat some leaves with me Sakusaku? C’mon, they’re tasty. |
Sakuya | Eeh!? Kazunari-san, what in the world happened to you!? |
Kazunari | Juza the sloth and Sumi the giraffe also eat leaves, right. Let’s round up everyone and have a leaf party~ |
Sakuya | Kazunari-san, are you still dreaming!? |
Taichi | Huh? What are you two up to? |
Kazunari | Ah, since Taicchan’s a capybara, surely you wanna join da LP? |
Taichi | Whuh!? LP!? Wazzat!? |
Sakuya | You see, Kazunari-san was sleeping here, but ever since he woke up he’s been like this… |
Taichi | I-I see… |
| Guess Kazu-kun has been so swamped with school assignments that he hasn’t been sleeping properly, and he still hasn’t fully recovered… |
Sakuya | I see… |
Taichi | Hmmm, we can’t really leave him like this though, we should keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t eat any leaves— |
Kazunari | Time to dig iiiiiin… |
Sakuya | K-Kazunari-san! |
Taichi | Aaagh! Don’t eat that~! |
Itaru | …What are you three up to? |
Kazunari | Ah, ain’t that Itaru the red panda~ |
Itaru | …Sure? [1] |
Taichi | Kazu-kun’s still half-asleep. |
Sakuya | It seems like Kazunari-san sees himself as a herbivorous animal now… |
Itaru | Oh, that’s def LOL worthy.[2] |
Taichi | Even though he’s just a herbivore? |
Itaru | Yeah. |
| Let’s just take a video for now and show it to this guy later. |
Kazunari | Mnn, *mumble mumble*… Leaves are the best~ |